More soviet aircraft with 250kg bombs

i followed the theory of each faction being good at either tanks or planes or infantry weapons
But my god there are pretty much no good bomber aircraft for 250kg bombs
The P40 E1 has just 1 and isnt all that manouverable and the IL10 is very late game
So why not give us a Pe 2 or 3 aircraft with 2 250kg bombs
at BR 3 ofcourse since the germans have the bf110 c7
im not asking for a bomb/rocket select system and i believe it would make researching some planes rather useless
So i ask for new soviet airplanes with bigger bombs


There the a20 boston if you want

Same can be said about any othere nation and 100 kg bombs.
Germany only gets 50 kg or 250kg but ussr get plenty of 100kg loadouts.

And with the less armor on everything axis I dont think the 250 kg bombs are needed as much as for a faction like germany that faces allround well armored tanks instead.

The USSR version has 100kg bombs and not 250kg.


I believe the Pe will be plenty enough for the Soviets. They got enough copy paste from the Allies

Laughs in Panther, Tiger, and Tiger II
The nation that built the most recognizable behemoths of the war. Less armor. Yeah checks out. Lol

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BR 5 fighter has both 250kg bombs

There is the new plane I cant remember the name was added last season has 2, 250 KG bombs

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That is what your BR 5 fighter is for… up until BR 4 there is no armor on those tanks…

I know and that is why I focused on the mid to low BR planes as mentioned by OP

I mean all you gotta do is angle your Pz IV and a Sherman can hardly do anything to it unless the tanker knows to shoot your turret face

And is it that hard to do that? Nope, it is the same weakspot on every single german tank from BR 1 to 5 with basicly only the KT really deviating from that.

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Re OP, we asked for 3x250kg upgrade/update for the premium Airacobra, as its real possible loadout as well as its War Thunder warload;

Going to make a post about the completely lacklustre A-20 Boston, will link it below in a sec

Well, yes and no. The Panther has all of about 2 pixels that can reliably be penned on each side of its turret face. Good luck hitting that at a distance. The Tiger turret face is a no go. End of story. No (American) shell in the game is going through it. The Tiger II P actually can be penned in the cheek by the Pershing given the right shell and angle. The Tiger II H on the other hand needs a Super Pershing or one of what I like to call “heavy pershing prototypes” (T29-T34)

Bottom line is that German armor is never “bad.” Decent to good for the lower ends and some of the best on the high end. Fact of the matter is the Pz II isn’t really designed for WWII frontline combat, Pz III is really early war, PZ IV is Germany’s “staple WWII medium” (as the Sherman and T-34 were for America and USSR). They’re not necessarily “bad tanks,” just really early or just simply pale in comparison to the monstrosities made in the arms race between Germany and the USSR

Many ppl forget…

But Soviets are the only faction with planes having functional AT canons (except premium 40mm hurricane for allies)… And they work marvelously well :smile:

Yes, they can even melt the KT(H), and that’s hilarious to do.


Yep, generally a skill thing which is harder to do in urban maps.

We need MORE RZHEV, its such a great map but quite rare to see currently


I find it easier to do with canons than with carpet bombers: those canons are so accurate! Trick is to have high enough altitude to target tanks roof at decent enough angles. All axis tanks have pretty flimsy tops.

Speaking of, premium LAGG at br1 with 37mm nose gun… what a joy to use. One of my best premium purchases.


I’ve been killed multiple times in my IS 2, KV 1 and a few others from the mk108 on the BF110 g2
I get they have cannons specifically made for anti tank
But germans have far better ones that also do great in anti air
Actually german planes are better than Soviet ones in many cases
At least for CAS

It’s very easy to move around but the bombs being only 4x 100kg and the ammo for the 50 Cals being so low is what gets me

far better plane AT cannons? Nope…better HE Anti infantry/Soft target cannons? yes.


German cannons are bugged. 37mm is bugged fullstop, 30mm HVAP is overwritten by 30mm API (worse) and the 30mm HEIT rounds sometimes killing heavy tanks is bugged.

They might have better ones if they had 30mm HVAP or HVAP that worked

No sir, Soviet Gimick is its great AT cannons and versatile loadouts/flight models.

So good at what they do

Another reason AT cannons are so strong. Tanks cant simply move away. Only thing they can do is hope you miss