More soviet aircraft with 250kg bombs

never the less ive been killed quite alot and have killed quite alot of tanks with the G2
But ive never gotten a tank kill witht the russian 37

And its br 4 i think

Its not good enough for BR3 But its too Good for BR2
Ofc there is a much better option with 6x 100kg bombs at BR2
The Su2
i got 70 kills with it in one game

I must have mixed it with the american one.

yeah they are almost identical

What do you mean?!
Japanese late war 20mm cannons can top down any US tank
German 151s and 108s can kill IS2s hilariously easily and T-34s relatively frequently
US 20mms shred everything but the KT (which is a bit fiddly, but will usually die eventually too, unless you are unlucky) And in BR2 the P38 just deletes any german armor with a short burst lol