More of the new Enlisted

Yes. And you can’t stop the people from being criminals. But you don’t have to do it yourself

So your solution is to dilute the playerbase even more by locking you from stuff you’ve unlocked, just because you’re “good”?

yes that’s what I mean, not fair game. game should be rank pleyer based matchmaking and hard ruled at different campaigns tech

no you simpleton, I’m saying don’t break campaigns, but come up with other creative way to solve it, not break the current context of game, which is different historical campaigns with respective tech

An overall question:
We all know (or at least I experienced), most economy changes, especially for ticket conversion. You are treating players worse conversion right?
Such as back in bronze ticket change. All those players who do not use all their bronzes before the update is losing their tickets.

So, this time, what are you going to do with the conversion ratio?
You should at least, make ticket/order the same value (in golds) converted to another kinds of tickets.


At this point, maybe improved custom match for historical accuracy is a good solution.

No, you actually aren’t

That system is not working

But for this point, I think you deserve these soft advantages as a late game player. Skill based matchmaking is quite controversial because it is kind of punishment player for its effort and improvement.


This is a great decision, I still think the way it’s going to be for the Pacific campaign should be extended to all.

In addition this is still not addressing a core issue for future campaign :

  • Any new campaign that will be adding new factions will only be adding one on one side giving than most major ones are already in the game, this will create an extremely bad unbalance when one side will exclusively be composed of players with the minimum battle rating (BR) equipment due to everyone starting from 0 at the same time on a single side.
    if tomorrow a France 1940 or Winter War drop with the announced new BR system (which clearly stated as being taken in account for a given time before matching everyone left together), it’s a guarantee than we will end up with Panthers facing H35s or Vickers 6t facing IS-2.

This would be a catastrophe for the game at large, I can’t stress this enough.

  • BR being discarded after a bit wile queuing is going to create a ceiling were high level players are going to be constantly facing lower levels (which is already the case by definition don’t get me wrong), however this will also create the same guarantee for players below at a close enough BR to be constantly facing really high level enemies, it’s not far fetch to conclude from that than those lower BR will less and less populated, and the disparity between high level players and who they are matched against is going to increase more and more.
    And that’s with the supposition the matchmaking system will still try to take in account BR to fill the rank when it’s not supposed to be taken in account anymore, noothing of the like has been anounced so far so I’m guessing that right now, it would just be anyone available, including really low tier unlucky enough to not get a game at their BR, which is not impossible and is an increasing possibility as the BR increase (because by definition less people are available the higher you go.

In conclusion on that matter, I’m concinced more “hard rules” regarding what you can bring in what campaign should really be implemented.

Some suggestions (they should be taken all together for them to work best) :

  • The Pacific Campaign rules should apply to every campaign
  • Not mandatory but imo is a good compromise due to the aforementioned stricter rules (and its coming from someone really prioritizing historical accuracy usually) : restricting weapons only retroactively on the time scale, like every early war weapons could be used in every campaign, so new players wanting to play let’s say Berlin don’t have to unlock stuff to increase their chances to finally play it.
  • Creating different lineups like in Warthunder but in the same idea than what has been announced for cosmetics so you can queue with multiple lineup of the same squad and you would get in the match with the highest BR version of a said squad in the campaign you ended up in.
    For exemple : you want to queue in all campaigns but let’s say you’re playing Germany and have a squad with StGs, you would only be allowed to play Berlin and Normandy.
    But with this lineup system, you create an additional version of the same squad, replace the StGs by let’s say MP40s, and if you end up in Moscow you will use the MP40, in Berlin the StG.

I’m not a game dev of course and don’t know how feasible this is, but I thin it’s a reasonable way to make a compromise between broader matchmaking, keeping some historical accuracy, and preventing a bit some extreme imbalance in future campaigns.

Other announcement, especially in the “other improvements” sections, are great overall I think.
I think we are going to need way more info regarding everything currency related tho.


custom should be for fun, what if and modded game. Standard match should be in contect of the game, not wrong way around


Anti-meta solution in next devlog?

I fully agree with this due right here, see he gets it. rest of you clearly have no idea and are too slow to understand

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Yes, but for current condition of game, it may not be a good idea to keep campaigns. In the future I believe we will have different option of public game mode like War Thunder, so if you choose “realistic battle”, historical accuracy of weapons and uniforms become a hard constraint.

This guy is doing exactly what I’m asking for, coming up with creative ideas to solve it in other ways without breaking the concept of the game which is different campaigns with their according tech.


you can have exactly same immersive bots fight we currently have in moscow at custom servers.


I feel game will be broken, and the historical immersion and context of game out the window and this game will now be a copypaste War Thunder game and suited and catered to casuals while at the same time break and increase disparity between new and top players. It will be like War Thunder a cashcow of premiums that no one is really satisfied with but play anyone casuse like history, but hey broke the historical accuracccy so now it sucks, but hey… whatever… AND i’m out


Tougher measures against deserters? That sounds like a wallet-sealing decision.

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You can play with yourself anytime you want :stuck_out_tongue:
That you not care for historical immersion and are too slow witted to come up with creative way to solve the issue of low playerbase without breaking the historical concept of game is your problem, don’t come here and hate on me and play smartass for not grasping the idea

I forgot to say that this is a GREAT opportunity to give Italy and Great Britain their separate factions, giving them their appropriate weapons and squads.

I seriously hope you reconsider this idea because it will make the game cleaner and with much more opportunities


Currently, 1 bronze equal to 20 golds. 1 silver equal to 30 golds.

If you will ever convert bronze to silver, do it at least 1 bronze->2/3 silver OK?

As a very ancient player of this game, I have collected tons of tickets by now. And is too lazy to use up all of them.
Also as a player from bronze era, I have tons of equipments in my inventory. I may not need to use any tickets even in future after the update.

Just dont disappoint and bring chaos to community OK?

You have done that:

And I tried to alert community to not get caught in the inflation.


I totally agree.

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