More of the new Enlisted

sometimes i want to play bolts vs bolts and awful smgs, what if i want to play with low tier vehicles or even premium ones like flamethrower tanks or BA-11 or panzerwerfer 42?


yes but why would you do that? why should I equip my soldiers with worse weapons? everyone will equippp the newest and best they have, and that will be what we play, top tier and meta will be all

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Sorry, but this is still all really confusing. I have no idea what exactly is happening with soldiers. Or maps. Or purchased customizations. I mean I have a vague idea in line with the descriptions, but I know one thing. I am not spending any money until all of this is 100% clear.


Because you want to? Newsflash, people don’t like to play the same weapons over and over again

You don’t understnad I do understand what you and developers don’t understand. you don’t understand

For fun and diversity. By that you are more likely to fight with new or other non-meta players on early war maps, because of rating based matchmaking.

Your idea is no different than the campaign system we have now, which is hurting the game

that’s what I want too. but in new system why would I do that?

same here

Some others are pointing out issues with this already. One other problem with this is the stability of your servers. For example, I was lagged out of 3 or 4 matches consecutively last weekend. I’m already penalized for that, why should the penalty be harsher?

Make the game such that people don’t wan to desert matches and you’ll have solved the problem. Adding more punishment mechanisms will push some players out the door.


Is not our concern if you dont want use low-end gear, enjoi your eternal 9 man avt40 WP granade spam, the rest of us is free to shift between slow battle with shitty smg and BA to fast paced full auto one


So you say I as a Enlisted veteran should equip all my squads Kar98 and MP28 adn jump into low tier? I highly doubt will be pleasant or fun game. So my question still is why. Because campaign is gone, no longer care about tech, just use newest, and in end won’t even care about game

Regarding the soft rule thing, does that mean if I use my Moscow or Stalingrad lineup, I will get Moscow or Stalingrad map? Like if I use a T-34 STZ would get Stalingrad?

Regarding the issue with deserters, you better have info on what make those people desert in the first place where there are cases where the BP mission asks me to cap a point but matchmaking kept giving me maps where I defend or its modes like destruction or armored train. Of course there are times that im not in a mood for armored train or I dont want another confrontation after a very long one.

If I still get bad teams more often even with new matchmaking, still gonna desert on that.


Ok, if it is important for you to also get an answer to the same question in russian and english, why not.

The matchmaker WILL TRY to send this player to Berlin against players with the appropriate equipment.

Matchmaker WILL TRY to sent him to Moscow or Stalingrad.

Balancing will be not only by “BR”, but also by the years of gun’s possible appearance. Players with weapons from the late war will be less likely get to early war maps, than if the pool of maps would be absolutely random.


You don’t get it, what weapons or vehicles or whatever use matters only somewhat, it’s the operater who use in that matters, me jumping into low tech battle with shittiest weapons I have and facing only fresh newbies is not fair nor fun for anyone

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Then don’t

If you enter a early war match, your understanding of game mechanics and maps are your advantages.

this helps more than both devblogs


The thing is, you know different number of slots are sold at different price right?
So which price you are going to refund for?
I never bought the most expensive 10th slot, but will you counting as I bought the 10th slot and refund for fewer price?
Also what about my stalingrad campaign slots? Does this means literally what I bought is all out of limit slots?


are you stupid? that’s like saying don’t be criminal or bad or steal from others. You still will have people that do it. Things need to be in systems, checks and rules, otherwise don’t work

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