More of the new Enlisted

And squad expansion slots.


Here is answer from keofox about it

Hopefully this remains true, otherwise you have just defeated the entire point of this new system.

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You still have to reach it though and In a low tier battle you would most likely not have bigger AT stuff like panserfausts etc.

You’re not making a good point by saying X can be killed by low tier thing so why shouldn’t it be there?

Well cause It will most likely not be fun and balanced, simple as is.

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Considering votes, please focus on improving options to kick serial teamkillers. In custom lone fighter battles these guys are constant issues. They can easily kill you 10 times before something kicks them finally. I spent a lot of time in battles where some stupid guy was just killing all own troops, but we were not able to kick him out by voting. Even votes with 10+ ended up like “it is not enough to kick xxxx” which was extremely frustrating. One such stupid guy can ruin whole game very easily.

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  • There will be a mechanic for squad sets. Each set can be filled with squads, weapons and vehicles for fighting at a certain rank and switching between them is easy.

I would like more Info about this.


There is still improved custom matches. Public queuing is a balanced solution to fit the demand of majority, but the developers have not forgot players who want more entertainment or more historical accuracy, to they planed to improve custom match to satisfy these still important minorities.


I can’t believe why you can’t just make sure 1 nation tech tree, like you want now, but from there a so called ‘‘set’’ of squads for each campaign, and they can only choose weapons from that campaign.
That way 1 time nation progression and you still keep the different campaigns, and we can go around choose what time/campaign we feel like playing today. The big thing was individual tech treee from different campaigns, forcing you to do progression on same crap over and over, now that is gone. The other is player count on matchmaking, but that should be solved other way, as in week/monthly event rotation on campaigns to make sure most people are doing PvP. and if someon for fun can go play whatever campaign want, but current ‘‘season’’ is extra xp and rewards.
What is it you guys don’t understand, I don’t want random random, I don’t want to use STG 44 and Tiger II in Moscow. And besides what will this new system bring? Everyone will ofc put best they have in slot at the minute and you end up people only play to tier, no one on low levels or tech.
If like I say season, there’d be incentive to ok, now this week we play Stalingrad, ok next week is Berlin, and only time fitting equipment used, you get rotation on campaigns and gear/tech lvl and people don’t burn out bored, and get alayws something to look forward to.
You need to get this right, your ideas are only half way there and some will even make game and it’s immersion and also matchmaking worse.


I wish they would add more pictures to explain what they are talking about. I’m a visual learner…


plz go play something else


I don’t think you understand. The main problem here is campaigns concept.

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it probably won’t be. feel better?



plz go play something else


When can we see the details of the new perk system? Will there be any changes to existing perks, or new perks added?

same here, more info ty. what is rank for one, and why on earth would anyone equip their squads with old low tech when have shiner newer things? incentive to play low tech is gone, so in other words we will just play top tier from now on, only reason would be to go steamroll newbies, and that is bad for game, I don’t think they thought about that at all

MP-3008 and VG-2 are low BR but late war.
PPD-34 and Mosin 1907 are low BR but early war.

If we balance by BR, what map does this matchup go to?
Realistically speaking it shall not be Moscow in any case.
But in Berlin these early war weapons (plus something like Madsen, Arisaka and T-26) will look equally ridiculous.


i don’t know about this considering that there are absolutely dogshit maps that some don’t want to play, modes that people don’t want to play and the game’s love to throw you into Eastern europe server DESPITE having only NA selected


I think we will have custom preset option like War Thunder to switch between weapons with different rating, so you can change between different period of war conveniently without rearm all your soldiers.

no main problem is lack of creativity and ideas to make campaing work. You can do It like I keep saying by having ‘‘seasons’’ in Enlisted, meaning this week/weeks is Pacific Season, and you get say double xp and unique rewards, squads/weapons/vehicles/cosmetics for that season, you can go play whetever you like, but current season will always be most populated, since boosted progression.