More of the new Enlisted

I hope there will be a carrot to go with the stick. People are more motivated if you can incentivize them in some way, by addressing the biggest issues people desert games for.

I’m sure the new matchmaker will make a difference, but it doesn’t give people a reason to stick around in a map or game type they don’t enjoy.


Just introduce a timer for player. If they desert in 1 minute after the spawn screen appear for them, there will be no punishment.


“We’ll introduce tougher measures against deserters. Nobody likes deserters.”

Well, when I get my ass ripped in a game by enemy try-harder, I leave, having fun is the first thing I want when playing a game.
When I fall on a map I don’t like, I leave.
If the game doesn’t please me I leave.

Penalyzing the player is the best way to just make him leave the game itself.
Having the ability to leave a match was one of the only positive thing Enlisted had, and also regarding WT.

Let’s penalyze the player for some “peoples” that don’t like when a player leaves, sure!
What a great idea, let’s restrain what he can do!


Everything good, BUT take note:

Deserting a match should only be punished once the game has a way for players to choose maps they like and avoid maps they dislike.
There already is a hefty experience and deranking punishment for leaving games.
In order to solve problems, the core issue has to be understood, and the core issue is many bad maps/game modes that people want to avoid, the only mechanism players currently have here is deserting maps until they get one that they like.
It’s every players right to chose the maps he wants to play and game designers have to implement proper mechanisms for that.


What about official persistent custom match servers, ie exactly like we have now by campaign please, just to ensure we can select ie. Tunisia in customs with full XP gain if we don’t want global queue.


What will happen to the thematic squadrons, will the 101 from Normandy be able to go to Tunisia?

What will happen to those of us who have bought many squad expansion slots in different campaigns? And the improvements of Stalingrad or Pacific?

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How about you don’t tell me what to do

Fully populated games don’t matter if it’s populated with King Tigers in Moscow.

I like that the devs are at least taking immersion into consideration for now.


So in other words all the planned changes are for filling up servers to make the game feel more populated, and hopefully attract more players, and also dumb down soldier leveling further and at same time simplify and unify tech trees so more players. In sentence make it more casual friendly… ok

In this new system, a Tiger II appear in Moscow means that the matchmaking system have failed to generate a optimised match due to no enough player queuing at that time and on that server. This means that game is also likely not effectively balanced by the rating balanced matchmaking system, and may already been filled with bots.


So there will be no more themed squadrons with their history and costumes?

Will a PzIV f2 with the afrika korps skin change automatically when used in Stalingrad?


Please think more about Lone Fighter mode. I really don’t like squads as killing many AI bots is very boring and If I want to do this, I don’t need online multiplayer game. I want to fight real people only if possible. That brings most fun and the best way is exactly the Lone Fighter mode with just one soldier. It also pushes a bit more on team cooperation as one can have engineer, other do have sniper, other do have close combat troops and together players can cooperate a bit like in real.
With squads you are mostly just followed by group of AI dumbs that either die quickly or show your position to enemy. And since it is impossible to “park” them forever in one spot and they start to follow you blindly if you move a bit too far, it is really annoying mode. The only good part about it is, that you can bomb 20+ kills with single 500kg bomb if you hit some resp area. But everything else is worse in squad mode.

So… in short. Please make it possible to play only as single guy even in standard battles, not only in custom matches.



What is the deserter penalty? No one will like it unless things like map bans and session kick voting are introduced.


This is very unfair. There are times when there are less experienced game modes such as the occupation battle or when team members do not enter the base, and preventing escape is the way to ruin the game. Unless there is a new system (delete disadvantages in case of losing top users + increase compensation), it will cause stress and unfairness to users.
It would be better to explain or think of other ways to take action against this way.


Very Cool ! Thank you very much. I’m waiting for the new update😀

This ‘‘soft’’ rule seems dumb, should be hard. if like you say, and on a low players day or time of day, potentially you can still end up a crap armed players vs good one in a campaign not supposed to be. So after all we will see King Tigers in Moscow… Other words you broke the immersion adn historical immersion means nothing anymore


They added it, but no one played it so it was removed.

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Please, I really want to play Tiger 2 and is2 in Moscow. I want it to be entertainment and history


I hope you can compensate the players who bought the Stalingrad and Pacific packs in some way.

As for the desertion aspect, a lot of people do not like playing Conquest, Escort, and Destruction. If there was a way to choose then this would kind of help the problem in that case.

Hopefully you can address these in another Devblog.




Considering TigerII in low-tier battle… well… even Tiger2 can be destroyed with explosive charges. And this mixing problem can be counterbalanced by giving more exp if advanced unit is killed by low-tech weapons/units. Like lets say you get 200pts for Panzer II but 800pts for Tiger2. Or 200pt for shooting down I-153 but 400pt for shooting down IL-10 or LA-7…