More of the new Enlisted

How many squads I will be able to bring per batle?

Do you guys consider unique slots for premium squads?


Keo, can you change or refine this motion mechanism: gun lowering ? Sometimes it feels extremely stupid to go up/ down a small obstacle or stairs and get my aim distorted. I think this kinda ruins the fps feeling of the game.


good questions, also concerned.

Cool, so when the new matchmaking etc happens. Everyone will only be able to bring the same limit of squads / vehicles ?

I quite like being able to bring two plane squads and a tank since I prefer flying.

Would feel a little bit lackluster not being able to priotirze flying if I can only have a tank+plane squad.


i’m not following here, can anyone simplify the explanation?

While I can voice a preliminary plan.
The slots will be saved. Extra slots that have nowhere to go will be redeemed.


Keo, can you change or refine this motion mechanism: gun lowering ? Sometimes it feels extremely stupid to go up/ down a small obstacle or stairs and get my aim distorted. I think this kinda ruins the fps feeling of the game.

So 180 squads from axis alone and like 40 or 50 premiums will be merged into 10 slots?

Well. Thank you for the answer, I guess I don’t need more purchases in-game :slight_smile:


So there will still be preliminary extra slots globally if I understand it correctly?

So essentially you will calculate all extra slots a player own and compenstate any leftovers from the new global extra limit if that makes sense?

Keo, How about Stalingrad? People have purchased that campaign, would they get compensated or refund? Or will they maintain some kinda privilege?


“go for a generalist” I THINK IT CAN BE A GENERAL?


Since Silvers and Bronzes will get merged, are you going to merge all Golds into single Gold pool? For example you have 5 Weapon Gold orders, 3 Soldier gold orders and 1 vehicle gold order it would get merged into 9 universal gold orders

What will happen to Stalingrad and Pacific perks, few days ago mod said only premium vehicles will be left for us it’s now what i paid for… I still want my slots (6 of them), xp boost (could get converted into universal x2 xp across all nations it would be something like Founder account status) and 4 star weapons (since you only mentioned that soldiers will get upgraded to the max level for everyone which is a great change)

Are you going to rebalance some premium + gold weapons and premium vehicles? AS-44 is much more powerful compared to STG45(M). Germany has most powerful gold weapons (G43 Kurz and Conders) so you should either buff Allies weapons or lower battle rating of weaker weapons.

Unique free slots per premium squads/vehicles would also be appreciated.


Very clear, very cool indeed. I really dig the new campaign release format with progression unlocked after, what with having a full-time job and all.

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Thank you for listening to everyone, for the “soft rule” make it a little harder, I feel like it being soft it will always break


What if what if what if is all I see on these forums anymore about the new matchmaker. How about yall just be happy we’re going to get fully populated games now?

What if what if what if the


So what will happen with Stalingrad full access +6 slots (3 for Allies 3 for Axis?)


You can buy premium slots for campaign, not for specific faction in specific campaign. So it’s not 3+3 slots, it’s just 3.

Btw. You keep premium tanks, everything else in pack will be compensated with gold. One helper already said that here.

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Even if the utter removal of campaigns and the weapon BR based matchmaking will be an hard time to get through, I admit that you made me interested in how it will turn out for the game.

Are we going to have official servers for Historical accurate battles though (with full xp)?


Basically this will keep the player base split as it is now.

I came up with the best solution to please the historical accuracy and also unify the playerbase, i hope you consider it. I will write it again here:

Maintain the squad presets as they are today. So for every army there will be a big pool with weapons and vehicles from all years of ww2 BUT there should be presets for every period of war, kinda how it is today with the campaigns.
For example:

  • all weapons and vehicles should be tagged to match their years of service, ex: STG 44 should be tagged as “1944” or “late war” or whatever. This means the german army preset that corresponds with the “1944” or “late war” tag should be able to use STG 44. So the matchmaking should choose between army presets to match the time period of the map that is next to play.
    Something like in the next sketch:

Sorry for my enlgish, i tried to explain this idea as best as i could.

To be more precise we will have 3 squads presets as it follows:
Squad preset 1 “early war”:
-Assaulter squad only with “early war” equipment.
-Engineer squad only with “early war” equimpent.
-… x squad only with “early war” equipment.
So Squad preset 1 will be used only in Moscow maps.

Then we will have Squad preset 2 “mid war”:
-Assaulter squad only with “mid war” equipment.
-Engineer squad only with “mid war” equimpent.
-… x squad only with “mid war” equipment.
So Squad preset 2 will be used only in Stalingrad maps.

Then we will have Squad preset 3 “late war”:
-Assaulter squad only with “late war” equipment.
-Engineer squad only with “late war” equimpent.
-… x squad only with “late war” equipment.
So Squad preset 3 will be used only in Berlin maps.

And so on for each army and each period of war(early, mid, late)

And when the servers will matchmake and the next map will be a map from Berlin, the server will choose for all the players the Squad pereset 3 “late war”, if the next map will be from Moscow, the server will choose “early war” and so on.

Also please, add Mouse and keyboard support for consoles when crossplatform is ON.



Before you implement harsher punishments, I want you to understand that some modes I hate to play due to low out turn on exp (I.e. Conquest or Escort)

Poorly designed maps is also one thing I hate playing

Please allow us to select modes or maps that we want to play