More Historical Based BR

Personally I’m in favour of spawn score (or somwthing similar). Though it’s not a popular opinion.

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So how would spawn score system work?

Here you have an example of how it could work


Personally, I’m not the kind of player that would equip all of his soldiers with M2 carbines. At best likely 1 or maybeeeee 2 in a single squad. I’m more of the kind of guy who gives 99% of my Americans garands. Alas I know the problem is most players aren’t like me

In terms of vehicle spam on one hand having a full team of 10 players plus vehicle variety would mean what are the chances that you’d end up with a parade of KVs. In say early war Eastern Front your vehicle variety is T-50, T-60, T-34, KV, BT-7, etc and with two slots it’s just who gets the draw

On another hand a chance is still a chance there could be KV congalines

On another hand I tend to look at the dynamic chaos of this game in a way is a sort of balance. Like got an enemy tank, well either your infantry, AT guns, tanks, planes can deal with it


Yeah I can actually find this a balance. And it would definitely be fun to coordinate groups this way. Knowing when the enemy team will pull flamethrowers out and when to pull your preferred squads out too with the factor of managing spawn points for your guys to pull their teams out to follow a strat, etc. I could actually get around this.

If this system makes it that way you earn points for playing the objective too then it could be an award system for doing the right thing on defense and even offense


HP base combat may archive this. Where you can deal with any enermy by any weapons for example Battlefield

But in most cases you cant.

Even in COH2 such HP base RTS WW2 game. you cant deal with tiger by a single PTRS or 45mm gun. you maybe able to make damage to reduce tiny HP to the tiger. But finally you cant deal with it at all.

In such a warthunder sprit combat no HP for vehicles and we should not abuse spam.

Spam ruins many things here.

HP as in an hp health bar for tanks? No, I don’t think that will ever happen in enlisted but it is proven you can take out a tank with any desperate or coordinated attempt if done right. Every tank has its weak spots but if you can’t hit the weak spots then a simple suicide run should do it.

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Short sidenote
I remember playing some custom server without BR in WT. I was playing the earliest Ju-87 and I was nuking modern MBTs with my bombs. It was so fun to troll this way.
At least untill all jets and radar AA started to r@pe me.

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Seems fun lol. But yeah I hope more people read this post and thread and eventually gaijin takes this system into consideration

Nah, that’s not happening.
You would need a big part of community actively complaining/crying in the discord/reddit/forum to make a change in devs’ decision.
As a single person the largest impact you can make is bug reports, QoL and some other minor things.

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Good idea, in my opinion you can have both balance and historical immersion

Regarding the issue of AVS low BR, just consider the historical use of the weapons. As replacements for light machine guns, AVS and AVT should only have 1-2 in a squad (or give them to the machine gunner)
However, I don’t think the developers have the intelligence to make such complex asymmetrical balances, they’ll just take the easy way out (Like allowing you to create a 9-man AVS squad)

Yes. No for me too.


Comment for OP.

Without the use of tools that guide the player to limit the number of weapons, historical accuracy and balance are difficult to achieve without any restrictions.

That BR based on the best weapons is bound to lead to rigidity in game variety.

Because players still spam every best choice they have.


For infantry weapons, I think BR should consider the overall squad member weapon configuration, for example.

Only in this way can different weapon combinations really find their proper place in the MM.

Any talk of balance or historical accuracy without regard to average squad members weapons is just self-deception. wouldnt actually work what they claim even in most simple cases

They should have a MM for sqaud gamemode base game.

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Its not rocket science.
20 Mag Beretta vs. PPSh/ Drums vs. Non-Drums and Non-ARs and 39Ms?
Panzer IIIs vs. T-34?
Panzer IV vs. Jumbo?
IS-1 vs. Tiger?
Semi-auto vs. Automatic rifle?
TD vs. Any tank that has an machine gun and turret?

The devs said the oppositte but whatever.
Reflecting back, I think I also saw Jumbos on D-Day in their ad video.

Not complete but almost all campaigns are one-sided botfarms.

Nicholson - Laugh

There is one thing saying that the game should be historically accurate.

But then saying that the game is historically accurate, historic or whatever is just meme at this point given the circumstances and also ignoring the fact that the devs lied to us in their ads for years.
It also amuses me so much to read these stupid spongy definitons of ha of certain people to the point where even DF sounds more historically accurate and honest than this splitter fraction of the HA side.

If you wanna play with MP3008 in Berlin, then just equip a Tiger and go.

It is really important to keep the FG42 standard issue rifle, the beach Tigers, the Mkb and F2 in Moscow, the Jumbo in D-Day, Ofenrohr in Tunisia, outdated British tanks in Tunisia, German planes in Berlin-atmosphere real.

“Yeah who cares about new players? Fuck them. I want my shitty definition of historical accuracy lmao.”

So your system is still not historical lol
Thats really consequent.



For 17962700th time, devs basically said they intentionally made wrong ads and use vague definitions of historical accuracy and such which is different from what most older forum users think of.
But now we are stuck with a new generation of HA morons who have a similar crappy and hypcritic definition to the point where a MP3008 is too much but not SS units in Moscow armed with weapons and tanks that not only wasnt there but wasnt even issues in that time frame, and openely give a shit about 95%+ of the players who dont want to let newbies with Mp3008 face IS-2s or Panzer IIs KV-1s.

This is not a problem as you can also find players using Mosin 1944 or Tiger II in the same game

Haha they do? You’re the first person I’ve seen on this forum who thinks devs care about players’ gaming experience.


I fully believe they are moving in this direction.

No need to say much. Maybe from a different angle.

Of course they also care about balance.

Every player claims to represent the majority to increase their persuasiveness, I think this is morally acceptable.

For me, I only represent players like me I have no way of knowing the proportion

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