Well I just export all the files, as usual, change some of them, but can’t rebuild anymore.
UPD: the problem seems to happen only with the Russian voiceover bank so far
UDP2: Russian file magically fixed
Well I just export all the files, as usual, change some of them, but can’t rebuild anymore.
UPD: the problem seems to happen only with the Russian voiceover bank so far
UDP2: Russian file magically fixed
Sometimes just press esc key for atart the bank buildimg
I think the problem was that I had another folder inside “wav”
Battlefield Voiceover mod by VK v5.0 — Partisans Edition
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@人类历史上无与伦比的兽交部落 @aizenns @kunkun1192 and anyone who speaks Japanese, please check the Japanese voiceover, as it’s the only language I don’t understand among the ones included in the mod
amazing work.
the radio effects, the new female voice lines ( i’ll admit. the reason why i never played with that squad is because i kinda cringe by listening to it. i can’t say why ) brit lines and the new charge voice lines are really amazing.
chef kiss.
i would love a version of the main german with the bf1 self version though.
but that’s more than enough compared to many others voice mods out there.
Yeah the default female voices are really skeaky and annoying like your mother in law is scolding you.
I will get around to it eventually. I remember I used to have an incomplete BF1 German voice pack but now I have collected enough tools and files to do that.
Cheers. Ragazzi will come one day for sure as well.
Is there italy voices? Also really nice work! I have been using your mod for a while and it sounds great
Not yet, but planned. Maybe French as well since I have 2 squads now.
I think a French or Italian voice mod would be very good to have, because so far, nobody in the community has made replacements for them yet, and I kinda dislike both vanilla voice actings
Anyway I tried the japanese voice module you have and I have to say I really like it, however I think the voice lines seem too quiet (except banzai charges the audio there is fine)
That’s weird, I used original BF1/BFV files for all voiceovers, so they should be of the same volume.
If there’s a way to mass-increase the volume of a couple thousand files, I’d be happy to learn about it and play around the volume levels.
There is something wrong with the volume levels in Enlisted. For some reason, hangar music is extremely quiet. But when I record a screen and then play the video. The hangar music in that video was at a completely normal volume.
I have no idea how is this even possible…
The voices are not equalized, you can barely hear them.
This is the problem with all BF1/V imported sounds.
All voices for all nations ingame when playing?
Cause I can hear everyone perfectly fine in my game.
It’s was just reference to WW I… come on.
Only played US and Germany. The volume is loud enough but voices are low. If I go louder my ears explode when shooting.
This is awesome. That what i want. But how can i download mod? Looks like in mediafire this doesn’t exist anymore
Battlefield Voiceover mod by VK v5.1 — Partisans Edition
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