In consideration of Germany’s Hs 129 B-3 with its 75 mm BK 7.5 cannon, I would like to suggest a Japanese analogue for the sake of content, fun and variety at the same BR rating of 1; it requires equal precision and all the same downsides of such a plane with a considerably large gun of limited ammo capacity.
The Mitsubishi Ki-109 Heavy Fighter/Interceptor.
It was a modification of the Ki-67 Bomber, designed with the purpose of taking down American B-29 planes with it’s 75mm Type 88 anti-aircraft cannon mounted in the nose, with an ammo capacity of 15 rounds.
The design was approved in 1944 with 2 prototypes developed in the same year. By March 1945 twenty-two Ki-109 planes had been produced and delivered to the 107th Sentai unit with the purpose of protecting the mainland.

The ammunition used in the cannon would be the Type 95 - 7-cm (75-mm) Armor-Piercing High-Explosive Projectile. In terms of its penetrative performance, it was designed to penetrate 20mm of steel at 3,000 metres when used in the Type 41 Mountain Gun. So it would be reasonable to assume it could reliably penetrate around the high twenties and low thirties with the longer barrel of the Type 88 AA gun mounted in the Ki-109. Enough to take out any Allied tank with some well placed shots above the engine bay and directly on top the tank, with some precisely placed shots.
Additionally even when not attacking armour, the large amount of explosive filler will splash infantry and lightly armoured APCs quite well.
I hope you like my suggestion and let me know what you think. I believe it could be a fun little option for Japan 
Here’s an additional photo of the 75mm Type 88 AA gun and a diagram of the Type 95 - 7-cm (75-mm) Armor-Piercing High-Explosive Projectile that could be used. There’s also a HE she’ll with higher filler if a mix of both APHE and HE would be better.

Some sources
Ki-109 Hiryu Mitsubishi
TM 9-1985-5; Type 95 7-cm (75-mm) Armor-Piercing High-Explosive Projectile
Japanese Explosive Ordnance – Army Ammunition – Navy Ammunition Chapter 4 – Section 1
Care to go into detail why though?
Because it has no place in the game - it is an interceptor for high altitude heavy bombers, and apparently rubbish at being that.
According to all available info it might have been trailed against shipping at the end of the war, but it is just a lumbering heap of .50 cal and 20mm target magnet of no tactical use in any conceivable situation.
Enlisted obviously has limited dev resources, and putting any of them into this would be at the cost of
doing something else that might possibly be useful.
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They could port it over from war thunder saving a lot of development time and regardless of real world performance Enlisted is far from the real world in that regard.
Would it be vulnerable? Yes. Bit of anti tank/anti bomber gimmick? Yes. But something fun and completely different for Japan? Also yes.
Considering the former, there’s a reason why Germany’s Hs 129 B-3 is BR 1, much as I would expect this to be for the exact same reasons. And for the exact same reasons it is in the game I think the Ki-109 can have a place in the game too.
cool plane i like it a lot
More planes, always nice.
That perfectly describes the duck but it’s still fun to see it. I was extremely hyped when I saw enemy duck absolutely delete a KV-1 from stupidly far away in a low tier match, it was pog
That’s what I’m saying! It’s moments like that which I want to see more of.
Americans have A-20,soviets the zilly of br 2, germany ju 188, dude, shut up for once
Both of which are actually useful - do you have a point?
Awwww… didums - don’t cry… actually, come to think of it do cry - it’s fun to watch 
Snookums got upset… cry me a river.
Certainly it would take less than constructing it from scratch, but IMO a single second spent on it is a waste of time when there are so many better things that need improving in this game.
I do love Cannon birds.
Some may not be very useful in enlisted (compared to rockets and bombs), but I still enjoy them. Others are insane (Yak-9k)
Some I would like to see
- Ju-87 G 2 (strictly speaking would be pretty bad, very low ammo)
- Mosquito FB MKXVIII (this could be okay)
- Beaughfighter Mk 1 (dual 40mm cannons…a bit meh)
- TIS-MA (Broken OP)
- Tu 1 (Broken OP)
- Tempest MK V (Dual 47mm Guns…interesting)
- F.C 20 BIS (This one could be pretty strong, can carry bombs too)
- BPJH (a lot of firepower, can carry bombs too)
- Ki-102 (could be strong)
there are more
the guy is trying to create something for Japan, while you are acting in a toxic way and denying more, you should keep quiet like I told you, because you don’t contribute anything, it’s better that way
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It is not “toxic” to point out obvious shortcomings - indeed the thread was just “I think it’s no good”, “Why’s that then?”, and “Here’s my reasoning…” until you showed up.
I’m all for improving Japan - but I’d put 3 x 250kg bombs on the D4Y as doing something that WOULD actually improve Japan, before spending a second on the Ki-109 which is a rubbish aircraft that will not actually improve anything at all.
Keep the conversation civil and respectful.
I disagree Josephs. I’m of the belief your line of thinking in terms of implementing such a plane is shortsighted. Yes Japan can have certain planes improved or even better bombers but that shouldn’t exclude it from a different option of anti tank air attacks, especially so when there are other planes in the game that have the exact same role as the Ki-109 would exhibit.
The Ki-109 exists within War thunder, thereby expediting the process of putting it in Enlisted. Japan compared to other factions are pretty anaemic in terms of variety so I think shooting down such a suggestion is as I said short sighted.
Whilst I understand your points of vulnerability, you could make much the same argument for every Japanese bomber currently too. You should try to view suggestions with a more open mindset, especially when other such vehicles are within the game already.
Of course agree to disagree though, nothing wrong with that nonetheless.
I don’t think adding an aircraft that will likely barely ever get used even as “variety” adds anything useful to Japan.
Would be a fun aircraft, seemingly a japanese “duck”. Potentially finally giving japan a bomber plane worth using at all
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worth using?? 
When was the last time you saw a Duck in battle? I saw a couple in the day or 2 after it was released - even got killed by one…none since…
By all mean improve Japan - it needs it. But this won’t.
A D4Y with 3 x 250kg bombs would.