It seems RIDICULOUS to me that Japan is the only country that lacks weapons, (both land and air) necessary weapons that unfortunately are not there. And I know, the Devs know that Japan does not generate profits when it comes to premium material, in terms of squads and vehicles. But come on, I just ask for a little love from this nation. Seeing Germany with its planes, especially the Hs29 (the flying duck), I tried it and I liked it. but looking at it carefully I asked myself if Japan had something like that and looking at the war thunder wiki I see that it does exist. The KI 109 is a heavy aircraft equipped with a 75mm cannon, something perfect as an option. Seeing as the first tanks they give you, I know that the maps are not “quite” perfect, but come on, it’s either that or using tanks that need 20 shots to destroy a Stuart and that don’t pierce a Lee. I can say that it would be a perfect acquisition, in case using tanks is not viable. or well the first 3 tanks you have. I would like to know what you think the information is from the WT wiki itself
Wiki WT KI 109 :
YES,must be in game
a slightly better german “duck” but japanese.
sure why not.
Happy to see someone else suggest this ‘Duck’ equivalent for Japan. Great minds think alike!
I would first prefer a twin engine bomber (4-6x100kg at least) but anything is welcome.
Definitely, always love to see more stuff for the Japanese.
Japan really needs more planes, especially mid br, AND at least one potent high br attacker.
All other factions I deem “complete” and the new stuff added for them wouldn’t be needed but simply fun and flavourful.
But Japan tech tree… is lacking.
Which is a shame since Japan has so many interesting planes that could be added.
Speaking of a fun and also potent BR 5 fighter I’d really love to see the Kyūshū J7W Shinden.
it would be a PoS but it looks funny and fought godzilla so yes
I certainly won’t say no to another fighter, I love them.
Japan would need a bit more attackers first, thought. What the faction has is fun, but really does not compare to what the 3 other factions have…
But! My faith in the Emperor remains strong!
We already have chi-to that fought godzilla so now we just need this plane
Yes it lacks planes
But it lacks high level tanks cause Japan lacked high level tanks
Same thing for rifles and smgs antitank weapons
So yes no excuse for lack of planes but laziness
If there is a faction that deserves more gameplay around the pilot classes, then it should be Japan for sure.
Amen brother. Seriously, Japan has maybe not the best mechanized land weapons, and maybe (improve the hand weapons a little) but at least they could improve the air force, I mean there is even a stuka and a twin engine, hell even the J7w1 or the J7w2 the the reactor. could be
It is true that Japan does not have good mechanized weapons but they could include the long-barreled Chi Ha, the Chi to (early and late) RO GO and HO RO as the premium flack. Although I would like the Chi Ha LC not to be premium, in itself it would not be worth it despite using a long barrel because of how exposed it is.