Missing customizations from the early versions

Some insignia and details have been removed some time before 2021, or haven’t been added at all (appeared only in campaign levels)
-Normandy rank and division insignia both for the allies and the axis.

(military police collar and shoulder tabs for german military police)
(allied division insignia)
You can still see the missing details on the caps of tunisian german sniper and infantry squads. There are a lot of examples, but the question is why aren’t these in the game?
These images are on the official site of the game, if someone is interested.


The current customization system is crap. You have different campaigns with different level of customization with random variety without any nexus of logic. Pacific does not allow you to customize single clothing items, Stalingrad gives you the largest pallet of different clothing items while the other campaigns are much more restricted. I’ve previously proposed an overhaul of the customization system, with a focus on standardization and simplification, but has sadly been mostly ignored.

The link: Overhaul of Customization System Post-Merge

Another suggestion which did get added, an update to the Fallschirmjäger squads, was so poorly made that it makes me hopeless of any improvement to the customization in this game. The link: Updated Fallschirmjäger Uniforms for both Premium and Non-Premium Squads


just to correct few things; and add my two cents.

that one, was and technically still is, a cbt normandy mp28 50 round premium squad.

so… no, that’s intentional as not largely distributed.

but you can buy some similar variants off Stalingrad and Bulge. without the orange tabs though. and different green shades.

true… obt normandy… good times until someone complained because they didn’t liked see a variety of units on the beaches…

and… were taken off without any reason.

as the question why, there are planty of examples that anyone can find here:

one can only speculate as of why some of them were removed ( such as the patches. ) others were reworked, and others got replaced.

but one thing is certain. the missing items are because of one or more of the following reasons:

  • devs are lazy to rework and fix majority of the customization

( partially, i don’t blain them. because it is dumb and plain stupid having to tweak over 120 squads for 6 campaigns like germany. yet, they are refusing to make simple enivroement presets like desert, winter, summer and thundra/urban. )

  • devs do not want to piss of premium owner of squads by allowing those camouflage to be available to non owner of said squads. ( despite having done so in the past with initial stalingrad customziation )

  • devs are trying to work something, and openly said few things were not ready ( did not elaborated further… and… yet, they keep adding more customization to the UK such as the ability to use para outfit. not complaining, but there’s some incosistencies in every statement that they make )

  • devs will most likely take the approach of putting said hidden cosmetics behind battlepass. creating artifical scarsity for no apparent reason.

  • some cosmetics are for old premium squads that are unavailable to purchase anymore. others, will be potential premium/event item. ( even though, once again they keep adding new ones and still leave untouched some of the older ones such as kriegsmarine uniforms, some pea / plane tree camouflage, and even certain helmets )

so yeah, the reasons why are anyones guest.

but hey, sooner or later, they will do something about it.
i just hope it’s not half baked as it has been from such a long time.


I have these no longer sold squads and i would love more customization, please do! They really need to do an update or something that focuses on this type of thing. I would absolutely support them adding these uniforms!

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hold on a second.

you are using my hangar… and works fine for you? it doesn’t for me :joy:




well, i don’t know about that.

as said, speculation, but not far off from the truth since some started to show signs of complains…

and… we haven’t got much from it. outside rare instances such as the event para squad being able to use the sumpftarn of the premium kriegs varient…


Yes I am! I’ve actually wanted to tell you i got it to work on Sandbox lol. I renamed your file from scene.blk to hangar.blk and it worked! Your hangar is by and far the best. I hope you give it another look sometime!
I personally haven’t seen anyone complain, and its been a while, i imagine it would be welcomed to see these uniforms, or at least the patterns used on different tops and such.
Indeed, the event paras look good but they still haven’t added anything to the Premium para squad which i find really odd. They got customization but didn’t get the helmets like the event paras did.


Since the development is still going at a snails pace (funny joke), I wouldn´t expect them to do anything regarding this within the next 2 years.

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I certainly hope by the next major update something is addressed. Darkflow could really make customization lucrative and interesting if they spent some time on it.

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