Updated Fallschirmjäger Uniforms for both Premium and Non-Premium Squads

Updated Fallschirmjäger Uniforms

This suggestion has been made multiple times (links below to the various threads), denoting the importance and desire of many players to have a renewed, more historically accurate look to the many Fallschirmjäger squads. However, the multiple threads have mixed suggestions and reasonings, to which I’d like to amalgamate into a single thread.

Exceptuating the Tunisian squad, there are a total of 5 premium, and non-premium Fallschirmjäger squads in Berlin and Normandy.

(The premium 5. Fallschirmdivision, engineer batallion of the Normandy campaign, is missing)

Each of these squads, despite all being Fallschirmjäger squads, use different uniforms. This, in itself, is not bad but it makes no sense that only 1 of these has a somewhat accurate uniform, it being the Kiraly-squad.

In comparision, there are 4 american Airborne paratrooper squads all sharing the same uniform, with the exception of the premium squad which features a slightly-lighter tone uniform and the M2 paratrooper helmet (but available as a customization option) (images below for reference)

The question now stands, why do the Allies get unique uniforms, matching their role as paratrooper squads and having little to no difference with its premium counterpart, other than the weapon, while the Axis get completely different uniforms, that do not match their historical counterparts?

What I propose

1. Standardize the uniforms of non-premium squads by giving them the helmet and uniform present in third uniform from the left of the following picture:

The helmet that could be given to non-premium Fallschirmjäger squads:

2. Standardize premium Fallschirmjäger squads with the uniform present in the Kiraly-squad, that being the first uniform from the left of the picture above.
3. Updating all Fallschirmjäger squads by giving them the Luftwaffe Fliegerbluse

(Credit to @35282387)

4. Alternatively giving non-premium squads an updated uniform with the helmet of the 5th Fallschirm Division, (last helmet from the first picture above) and updating their uniform (Zeltbahn color correction) to include the Fliegerbluse:

Reference threads:
This issue has been brought up in several other posts, which gives strength to the necessity and desire of the playerbase to have updated, more historical uniforms.
Give the Fallschirmjäger units their actual paratrooper uniforms - #4 by 96736484
Premium Kiraly 43M squad's outfit is Historically Inaccurate
Thoughts on remodeling the Premium Fallschirmjäger squad in Normandy?
Give the Fallschirmjäger units their actual paratrooper uniforms
[] 3rd mortar battalion - Wrong Uniform?
""Small"" suggestion for Normandy GE tankers & Mortar Battalion Uniforms - #4 by 3834894

Also relevant:
German Premium EMP squad with incorrect outfits - #8 by 846391

Historical photos for reference:


I’m general I hope we get lots of customization items in the future overtime.



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I think the priority right now is to get cosmetics in for Tunisia, but after that I would love to see more accurate Fallschirmjager equipment added.


Among more pressing matters, when it comes to comestics, Tunisia definitely comes first! Then the replacement or removal of anachronistic uniforms and finally an overhaul of outdated uniforms, among which the Fallschirmjäger squads.

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Yes please, devs should find some time and make this happen at some point.

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Thanks for the positive feedback! Hopefully this will have reached the right people and perhaps, in the near future, this particular uniform overhaul suggestion will be added.


yes definetly would be a nice fix

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This is really a big wish for one of the next Making Enlisted a better place.

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[quote=“Banfly, post:1, topic:90494”]

I really love that edit. Great Suggestion!

+ps, check this suggestion that I’ve made before.

This one may be relevant with this.


also giving italians and german their proper gear (backpacks, grenade models etc)


The state of uniforms in this game is abysmal.

Half of them don’t make any sense.

FJ uniforms for random troops and no FJ uniforms for FJs.

Shoulder patches removed at some point for no apparent reason

Lots of clipping, poor customization quality, dot-44 camo in 1942 Stalingrad, etc.

It’s as if people in charge of the uniforms don’t care at all.


Don’t forget that you’re expected to fucking pay in-game or real currency to not have naked uniforms in some cases, fucking embarrassing. The community should’ve bitched more until the devs made it so that we keep whatever cosmetic we buy in a campaign, rather than having to buy it over and over again.



I referenced your thread too because it’s exactly the same issue, incorrect uniforms. Your suggestion of updating the squad with the Luftwaffe Feldbluse looks great and gives an unique look to this premium squad!

(Credits to _KJW)


That is exactly the type of customization and uniqueness we need in the game


You said it all.
However decided to remove the patches, namely the american ones, should be criminally charged!
As for the anachronistic camo-types, the Erbsenmuster (peadot) being the most obvious, should be reworked ASAP.

This is an issue that I’ve also brought up before, with alternatives solutions (which already exist and are in use ingame) to this camo in particular.

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@1942786 look at this

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The customization definitely needs a rework. The least it could be done would be what you propose: have items made free for the entire campaign. Say you buy an helmet, now that helmet is available to all soldiers of that campaign. They’re missing so much potential. Having a panopaly of historically accurate customizations and for a resonable price would be such an easy income source, because people will buy them.