Mining Rally Points for free kills needs to stop

dam i think joe just stop the whole argument respect

It’s just pointless:
On one hand, you want to correct a design flaw.

But on the other hand, most players want to continue exploiting it.

It’s when you realize helpers and testers exploit it themselves and support the flaw, than you know nothing will change.

So… Just give up, it’s wasted energy, truly.

Logical conclusion.


There used to be such placed, it was called “grey zone” but guess spawnprotection is uncool these days.

There are so many problems in this game and it’s not even funny so overall AP mining rally points are actually quite the kindest thing you can do

I have no problem using rally points especially if they’ve been trapped and I just don’t complain about it

Mining rally point/spawns is just low brow trolling, easy points easy kills and no skill involved, I see why people exploit it , I don’t and won’t do it.

removing it would just upset those that think its a cool thing to do.
An answer would be to let them do it, but the mine only kills one member of a squad not the whole squad, the rest spawn normally and rally point/spawn is destroyed.
The whole squad should never have respawned in a metre square anyway, dumb design.


You’re basically asking more advanced ways to wipe out the entire squad if that were to happen so I don’t recommend it

And I dont see how players can possibly defend this toxic clown gameplay.

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you are probably right… however we should still try and remove exploits, irrelevant of who supports them.

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I wonder which part exactly isn’t civil and why my replays being hidden despite breaking no rules.

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It’s what I thought at first.

But you saw as I did: they support, and do it themselves.

Supposedly with the fake argument that it’s “a reward” (when shooting the rally and winning the match is already plenty).

So, yeah. It is what it is.

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Okay enough Forum for today, my post got flagged for complaining about someone saying skill issue.

Have a nice discussion folks.

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There is no point to argue, if a good chunk of the community is against a suggestion than it won’t be implemented, simple as.


If they do that they’re gonna probably have to redo the entire game Because of how things are set up there’s so many ways to break this game

I thought it’s for devs to decide, not the ‘majority’

I just want devs to be aware nothing else lol


There was nothing wrong with you post… probably a lover of rally point mining had an issue :love_you_gesture:

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DF wants to keep its players, they cancelled aircraft rebalance as well.


anyway, I just want devs to be aware and if all this isn’t just an exploit then you’ll be just fine

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I mine rally points, but I know it is a scum tactics, used mostly by veterans against new players who build rally points in obvious places.

I think that it should be restricted - either by giving a player a 0,1 sec protection time (white shield) at rally point or by restricting AP mines to certain classes - engineers / AT-gunners / snipers.


Just make AP mines explode in greyzone so people can’t actually exploit the game’s weaknesses.

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