Mining Rally Points for free kills needs to stop

I see posts from two years ago on this. It’s free kills for whatever (usually fake sounding Asian named player) feels like tossing one on. Simple fix, if the blast radius of an AP mine is within a reasonable radius of a rally point; it goes off, destroying the rally point in the process.


I agree that mining a rally should not just make a player respawn and die instantly and wait for another 10s. But I also think able to mine a rally point should reward the player. So I think this is how it should be.
when player mined an enemy rally. the rally become unable to use and explode after the player who placed the mine got to a safe diatance.
and this will decrease the enemy’s respawn ticket by 1 respawn. give player 10 mine kill(show as player mine killed enemy x10. because its a important way of doing the mine kill battlepass mission) and offer player the score accordingly.
while for the rally owner. when the rally is destroyed. the player is unable to build another rally point for some time(0.5 to 2 minutes)

there are many ways to counter it and you can dod the same.

Is it really necessary ?
You can counter it by doing the same thing, aka putting a mine on your rally points


so what? the other guy will just switch to another soldier equipped with AP mine. Unless you want me to make a minefield around the rally. These players run fully armed with nothing else but AP mines, there’s a big dissatisfaction about it, every couple of days this topic comes up, make sure to forward that feedback even though you may not like it :wink:

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Im gald to see that helpers don’t want punish everyone for some players’ skill issue.


Nothing comes for free and if you wanna skip walking to the objective expect that rally point near the objective to be mine


Skill issue? Are you saying getting blown up instantly when spawning without any recourse whatsoever while some guy titters in the corner a skill issue?


If you want free kills with no work, start a custom game with all bots and just bot farm.


Its a legit tactic, in H&G people were deliberately camping APCs and doorways.


So what? If its that easy to counter why not remove it completely.

Fact is needing to place down mines is tedious and an unnecessary META that shouldn’t exist - whether it being to spawnkill or defend from it.

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It’s a cheap tactic with virtually no counterplay that wipes an entire squad.


Hehe, if they keep getting to your rally points, your teams got bigger issues


If it’s removed players will just build barbed wire/camp the rally/ or use a TNT charge, is it really what you want ?


At least with a TNT charge they have to wait, barbed wire isn’t an instant squad wipe. So, yes.


you can always remove the barb wire and the TNT require much more effort which will make players do that less often.

The issue is that there’s very very little effort for a squad wipe, just place a mine and done.

Please add red exclamation mark near the rally to tell if there’s mine/TNT/Barb wire etc. this seems pretty reasonable to me.


Spawnkilling is not a tactic, its abusing a game limitation, because in a real fight soldier wouldn’t pop up out of nowhere - rallies are already also a compromise between needing your army to move to a position.

I want to remind everyone here that there used to be spawnprotection in form of invulnerability for even spawning at a radio. This was removed because the spawning mechanic shouldn’t interfere with the gameplay itself - this cat and mouse game with those mines reintroduces this madness just in a reversed way.


No if they manage to reach your Rallies- then your team has enough problems - punishing them further simply inceases unnecessary snowballing.

The game already gives players a warning if there’s enemies near-by
Rally points should come at a risk, adding a second warning would remove the risk entirely, and turn rallies into a low-risk/high-reward mechanic


I can’t play customs if I want to do an event and mining rally point is the fastest way to drain enemy tickets or wasting someone’s time