Mining Rally Points for free kills needs to stop

please forward the general feedback to devs if you haven’t already and let them make decision on that matter this is all I’m asking, thank you.

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It takes 10 times as much time to do that - a not worth investment over simply playing the game.

Placing a mine however disables this Rally AND spawnkills a whole squad - make a whole enemy player absent from the game for a long time.

Yes I would prefer exactly that.


Just to be clear; “I use cheap tactics to farm for events, and this change would make it harder for me to do that” is the substance of your argument?


I’ve got a better idea how about we just delete rally points altogether so we don’t even have to deal with this problem and players have to walk to the objectives because that seems to be the better option here


Destroying rendezvous points with mines is fun
Especially when you see guys who make their meeting points very obvious
Landmines are a great way to humiliate those who have no brains.

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I sometimes blow up when spawning at a rally that someone else mined.

That doesn’t bother me at all, and guess why?

Because I mine enemy rallies myself whenever I can, and I totally plan to keep doing that.

There’s nothing stopping you guys from doing the same, you know?


And… What if the “general feedback” turns out being that most players are actually OK with it?


It’s the best way to drain attacker tickets and the objective of the defender is to waste their time as much as physically possible

Nothing is stopping us from doing this, however this nonsense stops many from enjoying the game.

Stop pretending opinions and preferences that are against your to be a “skill issue”

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I admit that on the odd ocassion i get blown up on spawn it bothers me…

But not because of they guy that mined it…more because of the large number of blueberries in the vicinity that aparantly didnt see them on the way lol


yea super common with everything like with tank i was in a middle of teammate and yet some random guy manage to TNT me like how is that even possible

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well there’s a discussion over this every couple of days, there’s clearly something going on, let devs have a look on it. I know it’s close call, some players support it and some don’t, I want devs to be aware and make decision.

No I’m being logical because if we don’t have anymore rally points that means we can have even more nerfs and this game could be more strategical and less fast-paced lunacy

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If the “majority” of players are “okay” with an exploit, then I’ll do what I do with other games with cheap exploits allowed by the devs. Go play something else.


That’s the part complainers like to conveniently ignore.

Yes, of course all it takes to mine a rally point is a click.

After you heard it, located it, and fought off one or multiple squads spawning from it before you are able to get there and click the mouse.


And any future mind topic in the future is made pointless because of what the devs made in this post and showing off this video there as well

12:50 so you don’t need to watch the hole video and it covers the minds

What’s new on YouTube? #8 - News - Enlisted

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How about you build your rallies in places that are less obvious and harder to reach for enemies?


it’s easy I do it every game, very often the rally is unattended.

Then why shouldn’t I take advantage of an unattended rally?

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Then let’s remove it then because they’ll let the strategic players win and they’ll kill the fast-paced lunacy of the game