Mining Rally Points for free kills needs to stop

you know i seen people not destroy barb wire rally for some reason too maybe i should start doing that while im hiding nearby to kill any straggler? i mean more point using barb wire than mine isnt it? since it like 15 per damage right?

It’s always the same story.

Doesn’t matter if it’s tanks, planes, explosives, automatic weapons, gas grenades, or whatever.

There’s always someone who pops up and demands “nerf/remove what I don’t like being killed by!”


Cheater? Nope.

Opportunist? Yes.

Sorry? Not even a little bit.


I just want to point this out because i think it got missed.

If you mine your own, the enemy cant. (It destroys your rally when it goes off…therefore cant be mined)

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Potato, potato.

oh i thought it would keep your rally alive interesting

then i will use AT mine since it funny (cause they have to jump on sandbag to shoot unless the rally wasnt protected and if there isnt a big hole)

There are 3 main cases of this:
The team that built the mined rally is getting outplayed significantly by the enemy team
The rallies are in not-so-good spots
Or you’re in a game with one of the best players that rushes rallies at any costs
But the third case is fairly uncommon, so the solution is to make rallies that are in good spots, and thus won’t get mined by the enemy team


Hey, funny thing about all the things you mentioned. There’s counter-play to those. There’s no counter-play to “I just spawned in on a mine”.

When even helpers support spawn killing, instead of trying to find solutions to a flaw.

Eh, I’m tired.


but the “good” players know where the “good spots” are. So they’re not “good spots” because that’s the first place the “good” players will look. So we’re left with “bad” spots, and a prayer.


Ohh there is most certainly a counter to rally point mining Just do not use them in the future

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Ah, so the devs, themselves are supporting spawn killing. Well, guess they’re okay with exploits. I guess I’m the jerk,

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You will still need an ap mine to trigger. But having both on top of each other can be quite messy :slight_smile:

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Tbh, I don’t care enough anymore.

It’s in the mentality of not only the playerbase, but apparently also the helpers and testers (who approve of it, because doing so themselves).

Not much you can do here, but let it sink and move on.

nah i think an AT mine is good since if they somehow didnt shoot it. It will explode anyway(due to rally being destroy)

So the solution to exploits is to avoid using a mechanic altogether. Fair enough. I hope you end up on teams that take your advice.

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Oh i see…yeah thats fine if they are just gonna shoot it, but if they are going to mine it, you need the ap mine to stop them


Please keep it civil otherwise thread will be locked


Respectfully, I think everyone made their point, and it’s clear nothing will change.

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I advise you to close it right away.

It won’t stay civil.