Mining Rally Points for free kills needs to stop

I never use such a lame tactic. I only use frag grenades and TNT charge in-battle. Like just come on! Come and fight me head on. This should have been fixed long ago.


This is not a problem with Gray zone this is a problem with people placing rally points near the objective unless you wanna make that explode too

I object here, some maps are poorly designed and only leave one or two spots for rallies.

No, im looking at a compromise that wwill reduce entire squads being obliterated as they enter the game.

I’d prefer that mines become duds when placed next to rallys or explode in their faces. But its a well loved exploit for some.

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if that were to be implemented I can immediately break your little nerf you’ve done and I’m sure other players will find out how to do it as well and with my little upgrade I think I should be able to take out two squads as well

Not too many players go out of their way to go to the Gray zone to just mine a rally point and if that does happen you’re fighting a sweat Lord

That’s probably true, but removing exploits is what the DEVs can do. Each time players find a new one the DEVS should be finding ways to stop these exploiters with counters. Its how games develop :slight_smile:

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I’m curious. Don’t you guys have any silver to buy mines?
Older players? Wouldn’t complain about an opponent using mines.
“New players”? There are only a smattering of veteran players in this thread. The others just joined the forums a long time ago, and they’re still in the new player classification (they have no silver coins, haven’t unlocked a lot of stuff, have no levels in free corps, and even buy a lot of premium corps)
It’s like the bums in San Francisco, they’ve been where they are and they just complain that they can’t survive and then sanction the non-bums.
If you work hard enough, what makes the enemy able to get near your spawn pool?
Are you intentionally wasting manpower on the opposite side of the battle?
Couldn’t you have built your resurrection point in a better location?
Is it your lack of ability to summarize, learn, analyze, and argue?
If you complain about your teammates? Then why don’t you insult your useless teammates? Teach them to be brainy?
Or, even more so, that you have no friends? Are a sociopath?
For new players?
When you use rifle grenades, ATs, tanks, airplanes, machine guns, submachine guns, and massacre newcomers, do you ever think about them?
When you fire continuously and get feedback from a white shield, do you choose to stand out, drop your weapon, and let the newcomer shoot you down?

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We wouldn’t have so many problems if things weren’t rushed and things were actually properly made well and how things are right now we might have to rework the entire game from the ground up

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Another remind to keep it civil!.. as far all of you have different opinion, you should respect other opinion for keep the discussion sane


If it’s any consolation I live at BR5

Come on.

It’s the forums. You know this won’t happen, just close it.

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That’s true.

Could you raise this with the DEVs as this toxic exploit will make players rage quit especially the newer players. Losing an entire squad as you spawn, is not a good look for the game especially as Steam is on the horizon.

OP here, with a thought … Someone earlier mentioned mining you own rallies… Do that, heck, if you spawn on a rally and have a mine you’re not using, drop it near the rally. Seems obvious, now.

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I do that when I get a chance but at BR5 that’s practically mandatory

I don’t mine my own rallies, I mine my allies’ rallies so if a sweat attempts the funny, he dies and the rally survives.

Even better

You have a better chance asking to ban AP mines from BR I and II instead of asking for that

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That’s just common sense if anyone’s been playing this game for a while