Merger - currently a bad idea

Ill save getting upset until “after” we know its shit or not :slight_smile:

i’d prefer to keep a good system than adopt a potentially horrible system.

As said i was planning to acquire 2-4 tunisia squads during discounts that has been canned since i’ll probably quit the game if the merger goes through in any state close to what it is on dev.

As for premium squads even if i were to play after merger there is 0 reason to get any premium squad that isn’t normandy/berlin since those other squads will simply no longer be competitive in price vs the ‘‘higher tier’’ berlin/normandy squads and i doubt very much that the squad owners would be compensated the gold difference.

The problem is, this system really isnt good for health of this game. Meaning it is not good system.
Even if you personally think otherwise.


Problem is, it isnt good now. Cant accomodate growth


good system that gives you practically dead campaigns full of bots? ffs they wanted to add 2 more campaigns this year (according to roadmap), but cant cause they would be basically releasing single player or coop campaigns with current MM. ffs they have 6 servers with 6 campaigns and simply not enough players to fill them all.
also even in peak hours when lots campaigns are relatively full there exists big playerbase disparity between sides in most campaigns.

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i keep hearing that yet see no player numbers and the longest queue i’ve seen has been 15s soo i fail to see these issues.

If by can’t accommodate growth you mean more players in a battle then maybe i can see the point. If you mean expanding into new theaters and technology i don’t see it the tech tree system would just mean that you’d need to grind through a ton of useless stuff if you wanted to play idk vietnam if they add it.

Meanwhile with current campaign system you can add whatever you want in whatever time period you want with 0 issue to progression or game balance since at worst 1 campaign is unfun and can e worked on as a separate issue without impacting literally everything else.

With the Current Campaign system you can only add new gear going forward (New campaign levels OR new campaign). You cant go backwards or in the middle, without it looking really meh compared to what you already have unlocked. Then you have to add new campaigns, regrind gear, split MM more. etc etc. At this point it ibecomes a PVE game with retarded AI

So yes I mean players, But by extension adding new theaters/battles/nations/equipment

Like Moscow was a really fun and unique campaign, But to keep adding levels to it, you ended up with stuff like MKB and Federov, because it was always trying to 1 up from the last level and then fast makes everything that came before obsolete.


The Fedorov-Degtyaryov (Fedorov MG) was a prototype made in the 20s, however, it’s a premium weapon squad, so rarity matters less than whether it existed before the end of the battle.

Technically sure, but as a premium. Though that wouldn’t work out too well since KV1 would be a part of progression

Find me evidence of it being utilized prior to 42 then.

Also did I not clarify in the post after that stating that if you utilize the Russian estimate, it’s more acceptable?

The game has felt exactly the same since I started playing when it comes to bots and players in game. If anything I’ve actually seen an increase in players in matches than ever. I haven’t had a bot only game in a very long time.

I don’t even know why we’re bothering put restrictions on anything anymore the Soviets have plenty of magical toys they should not have especially when it comes to the AS-44 model 5 which didn’t even exist and big enough amounts to even give to squads Or even the army and we’re gonna be seeing all of these magical weapons in end game and no one seems to care about that magical dilemma right there.

I am not so sure abour that, since si way more eaiser to obrein it but okay

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Utilized? No, exist? Yeah, like I said the german high command been convincing the mustacheman for 6 years to adopt the weapon until Stalingrad

If you look around the forum you’ll find that people do care, especially recently about the as44.

This game does have balance issues and a part of that is they’ve foregone their own class distinctions by giving everyone access to automatic weapons, instead of limiting them to classes designed to use automatic weapons: assaulters and gunners.

The answer isn’t to throw the baby out with the bathwater and give everyone more automatic weapons.


What does Mario have to do with this? hmmmm italian conspiracy all along…

I agree but I still think we should have killed the AS 44 Model 5 baby when it was still in the crib before it got to leave but unfortunately it’s now campaign unlock and everyone has it and we’ll be seeing it in end game for some reason as well as the fedorov.

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They made it worse, you can barely capture one objective. They can now bring in weapons and tanks from 1945 and steamroll anybody that doesn’t have anything to counter it.

It is complete and utter garbage.