Merger - currently a bad idea

This direction is what I would choose. Leave the Squads to its Arcade nature, lets get a Large gamemode and be more specific about HA in that. waiting for Kursk :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok, and the majority of casuals will never invest a cent in the game. I feel it is more likely for someone with an interest in history to invest money into obtaining historical gear, than it would be for someone who just wants to pass time on a game. Overall, I don’t think you can prove or disprove your own statement, so it’s not really relevant

It’s funny how the modders for the game are becoming more desirable than the devs with regards to content. Last time I looked, this wasn’t a Bethesda game.

I would be more open-minded for the idea if the devs actually provided the stable foundation for a mode centered around what HA people want, being either up to the devs or modders to expand upon it. However, we could just have a Bipod type situation where it’s discussed but never actually comes about, which is why most people are concerned about the lack of information on the BR, the soft rule for HA, and Custom Games.

I know the BR system wasn’t in place, but actually playing on the test server was godawful.

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I think It was good for people to see what It would be like without the BR system or some sort of Moderation. Absolute Shitfest :slight_smile:

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All I was seeing was that it is correct that late war weapons should not be early war settings. I was lucky enough to have the willpower to get the portrait, but the amount of STGs in Moscow was unbearable, especially gameplay wise.


I disagree but I think this is not relevant nor important discussion anyway.

Not really, I have never played the mod and probably never will. I just know there’s lot of people who does. And I think it should be supported. Especially since the game is changing for this specific group so significantly.

I think currently the merge priority. I know lot of these issues you mentioned are older than that. But I understand devs do not have infinity resources.
This game is pretty huge and complex project.

I haven’t the chance to play it either, but it looks a lot better compared to official announcements so far based on all the new mechanics and updates to it.

You know a good solution could have been simply keeping the campaigns, merging the progression/tech tree, and allowing the selection of multiple campaigns. Funnily enough, that last point would probably result in less queues than the current merge.
It would have kept the current composition that everyone was accustomed to and enjoy, but see a boost in players across campaigns as players would be able to queue for a multitude of maps/campaigns they enjoy without having to switch campaigns, or be inhibited by progress due to the tech tree being merged based off of nation.

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I was about to point you to a trailer on it, but looks like youve already seen it :slight_smile:

well worth trying

Sure, but the devs need to make it count towards progress, events, battlepass, etc.

That way people could still unlock stuff in the game, but focus more time on that then on normal matchmaking.


Yup. large part of the reason making so much noise about it :slight_smile:

First off i wont’ deny there aren’t problems with historical authenticity in game atm but its still much better than what was seen on dev and having multiple years of experience in WT i can be confident in saying that merger will mean just a ton more grind once the game goes into modern era and the higher tiers will be filled with premium squads (i have no illusions that they’ll restrict premium squad research efficiency to tiers in the future).

And the devs haven’t seem to even give a carrot to the historical/campaign crowd at all.

The could have just as easily made the current campaigns into event style big maps where battles don’t last 10-15 minutes but last hours and i’d be like fine merge it won’t play the merger will just play the campaigns. Most of my favorite campaigns (those being Pacific, Tunisia and Moscow) will die with the merger and most of my moscow/pacific premium squads will be deminished in value since an M8 grayhound or Chi Nu isn’t as competitive as a panzer 4 or firefly premium tank squad.

I was also planning to invest in some Tunisia squads but that plan has been canned since they’d be a bad investment after merger.

I know that consoles would struggle running it buy a BF 1/WT EC style gamemode to keep campaigns in would be a good solution for HA crowd soo they don’t feel like all the prem squads and time invested was just wasted.

And no i don’t mind some prototype weapons etc as long as its correct theater and rough timezone.

Devs have noted more than once that if a weapon or vehicle is period correct, then it can be in the game. Such a “what if” scenario with the StG-45 and the likes, is quite acceptable, within the framework of the Enlisted arcade game-style.

But the merge as it is now on the test server is simply lazy. Throwing everything in a pile is not a solution. Fantasy chaos, nothing more.


Because without F2P players, this game will be dead long ago

CS and CF are the most actively played F2P shooter game in the world


The Madsen, federov, avs and t50s spring to mind.


Battle for Moscow
September 30, 1941 - January 7, 1942

Madsen: Produced 1902 - 1955; obtained by Russian Empire
Fedorov Avtomat: Re-issued 1940
AVS-36: In service 1936-1953
T-50: Produced 1941-1942

Are they accurate? No. They aren’t anachronistic though.

MkB 42(H): Seen as early as April 1942
Pz.IV F2: Produced as early as March 1942

You can reason these if you utilize the Russian sources saying the battle ended on April 20, 1942

Which is why it isn’t as bad as the possibility of seeing the MP3008 being utilized now with the merge, or seeing STGs or late war weaponry.

You know that MkB exist before 1940? The german took 6 years to convince the mustacheman to adopt it, and Fedorov ran out of its surplus of 6.5mm Arisaka long tine ago

My suggestion, if they can’t balance it, remove them


Because something existed before a battle didn’t mean it existed in a battle. To only call something inaccurate by such a narrow definition is disingenuous. None of those guns were in active service after the winter war, and the t50s never made it to Moscow.

I guess by that logic they could have Lenin in charge of the Soviet Union since he existed before the war.



Accuracy and Authenticity is different.

MkB 42 did not exist before 1942, hence why it has 1942 in the name. If you want to include the designing phase, then add it as a premium or gold order, not as something in the main progression.

However, as I stated before, if you include the Russian source for the end of the battle, it just squeezes itself within the time span.

What about federov MG?

then we can also include tiger prototype in moscow… idk what is the problem then…

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