Me 262 can kill the meta?

As You probably know the Me 262 is the first figther jet in the world introduced in the ww2 so i would like to know your opinion about if the devs add it to the game it Will be massacre for the enemy or it will be only a good plane but hard to play or even it Will be a complete trash i’ll waiting for your opinions

Depends which version they add, and if they add airfields :stuck_out_tongue:


it will likely be a hard to play plane since unlike props the jet engines take time to actual generate speed and will lose most of it in a turn; however it will be the best payloadless fighter in the game since it has 4 mk108s lobbers


Airfields can be also good for every plane because You can repair it if is damaged what do You think it Will be a good idea

well you know what I think :stuck_out_tongue:

I even have the Me 262 on wishlist for premiums.


It would be a monster of an interceptor for sure BUT most likely without the ability to remove tanks, soo…thats a pretty important feature of playing aircraft absent. Can make up for it with its intercepting ability.


It will suck hard, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be added to the game.

The furthest point you’re allowed to fly before the “turn your plane around” text appear seem to have a 5 km radius from the battle area and 4 km in height. This force the plane to spend most of the time at low altitude turn fighting, and every time you loop back to the battle area you lose a lot of energy.

Where the Me 262 truly excel is at higher altitude shooting down big strategic bombers. If the Me 262 with the big 50 mm canon is added it will also suck as the Me 262 have terrible roll rate so you have to line up your target from far away assuming the target is marked.

People mistakenly believe that bigger or faster is equal to better but that’s not always the case. Take the KV-2 for example, people rush to buy it thinking they will blow up everything on the battlefield with the big 152 mm howitzer that shoot once every 30 seconds or so, but a vehicle with superior firepower like the 15 cm Pz.W. 42 that shoot 150 mm rocket twice per second still sucks.


Basically if is the only jet and considering the map and the plane disaventages it Will suck in all the ways umm i agree with your idea but im not convinced at all i Will wait for more answers

Wiki war thunder says:

  • Bad acceleration
  • Bad climb rate
  • As with most Me 262s, the take-off run is relatively long
  • Exposed and fragile engines, very prone to fires and oil leaks
  • Mediocre aircraft gun ballistics: very low muzzle velocity and a lot of drag, hitting a manoeuvring target beyond 500 m is nearly impossible
  • Tends to enter an uncontrollable flatspin after stalling out
  • Unusually high wing angle of attack is required for level flight at most speed ranges so aircraft tends to bleed energy easier when turning
  • Poor survivability. Getting hit by anything often results in critical damage, especially the engines

counterpoint: A-10 style gun runs


well vs infantry and APCs anyway. Would still be super fun!

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that is the most likely target for the a-10 gun runs anyways :joy:

with current air spawn mechanics if they add the Jabo version (it makes more sense for this game to add the ground attack version) it could be pretty strong.

The problem with early jets is acceleration but with current plane mechanics it would start in air at decent speed, then dive into the point drop a 500 or 2x250 bomb, then you use the extra energy of the dive to get into rearm point and repeat. Unless you get into a turn fight it wouldn’t be that hard to stay at around 600kph. That or it could be used as typical kamikaze (drop the bomb and crash) but at higher speeds.

Arado would be pretty similar but with a bigger payload.

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The ultimate kamakazi cruise missle lol


Adding jet plane for germans = SF planes for US, Russian and Jap’s for counter balance… So no, pls

Aircraft in this game circle jerk between rearm area and objective, the faster the plane and the more weapons it has for CAS the better.
ME-262 could be a beast at that, but Japan, US or USSR didn’t deploy jets in combat and only UK used jets to hunt V1 and V2 rockets.

I would love to see Me-262, but I rather not if that results in all factions getting experimental aircraft with fantasy load out.


Utterly useless in Enlisted.
Cool, it goes fast. Who cares? The air map is so tiny an IL-2 can chase you to the map edge and shoot you down before you turn around fully

The 190 D-12 is already almost unusable in the game - it’s extremely pankakke happy since some stealth update, doesn’t really turn all that well, doesn’t actually go that fast unless you spend a year going straight…the 262 would be that, just way worse lol

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I believe every single thing should be added to this game. It has always had the potential to be the greatest and most content filled WW2 sandbox shooter of all time

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its fine and balanced overall. the plane was good for specialized ways of combat IRL, but is just an OK BR5 plane at best in the context of enlisted battles.

its anti ground capabilities arent even good enough to reliably kill BR4 tanks and a pure anti air plane with time fuses not implemented in the games is just a fun gimmick but not more.
the rocket version could be used to spam infantry on the ground effectively, but then youll get the biggest butthurt wave in the history of the game.

if you give it the autocannon configuration and an AP/HE mixed belt, it can become a high skill anti-everything plane, but only if the ammunition and damage models in general are free of bugs, which is sadly not the case for plane cannons in enlisted.

overall: a safe addition for the german tech tree (P47 still will be better)

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Aside from the base one there is 3 to 4 variant that makes sense for the game:

The Jabo version which is exactly the same as base one but with 2 bomb racks, it could carry 1x500kg or 2x250kg bomb

U1 version, instead of 4 MK108 uses 2 MK103, 2 MK108 and 2 MG151 if they give the 103 the APCR belt it could be used as a cannon ground pounder.

U4 version armed with a sole 50mm, this gun in terms of performance is, at least in WT, a copy of the Pak38 (same gun as the Puma or long Pz III)

A2a, technically a downgrade because it is the same as the Jabo version but with 2 cannons instead of 4, it makes sense for WT because it has lower BR but here it is kind of pointless? maybe for an event squad/premium

All they need to have is ww2 prototypes, deployment really doesn’t matter in Enlisted.