Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation


Can’t find anything about this decal

I suppose once again it wasn’t ever used on vehicles in WW2?


If there are any Japanese aircraft experts around, please advice?

Nice hope soon will be paratroopers event for Japan:


I would make any TT Squad Switchable. I will however say I am in favor of making the current weapons within the premium squads’ tech tree weapons, and then changeable … then add an event para that is changeable as well for those not called soviets. After that, even out the event squads in general. Then, keep them even.

Germany/Italy: (9)

  • 2 Assault Squads
  • 1 Assault Engineers
  • 1 AT Gunner
  • 2 Paratrooper
  • 1 APC
  • 1 SPAA “Tank”
  • 1 Radio Operator

USSR: (7)

  • 2 Assaulter:
  • 1 Assault Engineer
  • 1 AT Gunner
  • 1 Paratrooper
  • 1 SPAA “Tank”
  • 1 Radio Operator

USA/UKC: (9)

  • 2 Assaulter
  • 1 Fighter
  • 1 Machine Gunner
  • 3 Paratrooper
  • 1 APC
  • 1 Radio Operator

Japan: (4)

  • 1 Fighter
  • 1 Paratrooper
  • 1 Rifleman
  • 1 Radio Operator

As much as I want them to make events that have all 4 factions, Japan does really need some event love, and I get it, they are the newest kid on the block, but still.

I would work to even out the events as much as possible, using re-runs where needed. I would grant a set of Gold Orders to those that already have the squad (1 of each).

Event 1: Japan 5, Soviet 7, Germany/Italy 9, USA/UKC 9

  • Japan Event Assaulter Squad, Soviet Event Assaulter (Re-Run), Germany/Italy Event Assaulter (Re-Run), USA/UKC Event Assaulter (Re-Run)

Event 2: Japan 6, Soviet 8, Germany/Italy 10, USA/UKC 10

  • Japan Event Paratrooper (Change), Soviet Paratrooper (Not Change), USA/UKC Paratrooper (Change), Germany/Italy Event Paratrooper (Change)

Event 3: Japan 7, Soviet 9, Germany/Italy 10, USA/UKC 10

  • Japan Event APC, Soviet Event APC, Germany/Italy Event APC (Re-Run), USA/UKC Event APC (Re-Run)

Event 4: Japan 8, Soviet 9, Germany/Italy 10, USA/UKC 11

  • Japan Assault Engineers, Soviet Assault Engineers (Re-Run), Germany/Italy Assault Engineer (Re-Run), USA/UKC Assault Engineers

Event 5: Japan 9, Soviet 10, Germany/Italy 11, USA/UKC 11

  • Japan Machine Gunner, Soviet Machine Gunner, Germany/Italy Machine Gunner, USA/UKC Machine Gunner (Re-Run)

Event 6: Japan 10, Soviet 10, Germany/Italy 11, USA/UKC 11

  • Japan Event Assaulter Squad, Soviet Event Assaulter (Re-Run), Germany/Italy Event Assaulter (Re-Run), USA/UKC Event Assaulter (Re-Run)

Event 7: Japan 11, Soviet 11, Germany/Italy 12, USA/UKC 11

  • Japan Event Paratrooper (Not Change), Soviet Paratrooper (Not Change), USA/UKC Paratrooper (Re-Run), Germany/Italy Event Paratrooper (Not Change)

Event 8: Japan 12, Soviet 11, Germany/Italy 12, USA/UKC 12

  • Japan Event SPAA, Soviet Event SPAA (Re-Run), USA/UKC Event SPAA, Germany/Italy Event SPAA (Re-Run)

Event 9: Japan 13, Soviet 11, Germany/Italy 12, USA/UKC 13

  • Japan Event AT Gunner, Soviet Event AT Gunner (Re-Run), USA/UKC Event AT Gunner, Germany/Italy Event AT Gunner (Re-Run)

Event 10: Japan 13, Soviet 12, Germany/Italy 13, USA/UKC 13

  • Japan Fighter (Re-Run), Soviet Fighter, USA/UKC Fighter (Re-Run), Germany/Italy Fighter

Event 11: Japan 14, Soviet 13, Germany/Italy 13, USA/UKC 13

  • Japan Event Paratrooper (Not Change), Soviet Paratrooper (Not Change), USA/UKC Paratrooper (Re-Run), Germany/Italy Event Paratrooper (Re-Run)

Event 12: Japan 14, Soviet 14, Germany/Italy 14, USA/UKC 14

  • Japan Event Riflemen (Re-Run), Soviet Riflemen, USA/UKC Riflemen, Germany/Italy Riflemen


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Well i guess thats good for me at least. I dont give a flip about manchurian front atm. (not saying it shouldnt come it should. Im just not interested in playing that front)

Gives hope the new front is France or Italy. Which I am supremely interested in.


Exactly, there are much better/more famous campaigns that need to be added. The pacific needs more love in the form of Iwo, Okinawa ect.


More famous, yes. Better, no. France and Italy would literally just be allies vs axis which we already have multiple campaigns for. It is nothing new, does not make matchmaking faster or more unique to a nation, and areas in which we fight won’t be very much different from the current france campaign maps we have already. Italy can be slightly different, especially if we go to the mountains. Meanwhile manchuria would add valley and more open hill maps, make the other half of the game’s nations to finally be able to fight multiple opponents in years, and would also help supplement japan, which has had the smallest amount of content and rarely gets any. Manchuria > France/italy.

If I wanted the opinion of trash, I’d go to the landfill and ask there.

I actually care about the game enough to ask for actual quality content and updates, major fixes, and actual transparency from DF. What have you done besides be consistently toxic on the forums?

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I disagree, AA vehicles are fine in the “tank family” as is. I don’t think there’s any need to change them. Just wait til you finally get the Wirbelwind

I see this so much. Germany has belt fed MGs currently. Just say you want 100rd belts.

Completely disagree. Sure this game is a little wishy washy what if time traveling weapons and prototypes at mass production levels, but I find there is a general order to everything.

Giving Japan a WW1 Austro-Hungarian smg is just plain insane even by this game’s standards. It would work best as a Gold order or perhaps as an Axis Hungarian event/ premium squad

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The Chauchat could theoretically be both an Allied and Axis weapon, perhaps a shared gold order. It makes sense for the Allies because it was the only LMG supplied to Americans in France during WW1, and the Axis because Germany captured them from France and various other minor countries.

But I still lean towards it more being a German weapon

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I no expert at anything, I just googled the image.

“The Imperial Japanese Army Air Service (IJAAS) or Imperial Japanese Army Air Force (IJAAF; Japanese: 大日本帝國陸軍航空部隊, romanized: Dainippon Teikoku Rikugun Kōkūbutai, lit. ‘Greater Japan Empire Army Air Corps’) was the aviation force of the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA).”

From Warthunder page: “Red Eagle” emblem of the 64th Sentai of the IJAAF.

The 64th Sentai was active in WW2.

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I see a lot of debate about the IS-3 being added. I think it is perfectly fine. As long as it’s from the WW2 period any and everything goes

Yes I attached images of decals of the 64th and I don’t aee any eagles.

Sounds like it’s the logo of the regiment but was not put on planes.

They used both technically but basically they used the Arrow



@_WARHEAD I found it


Or not. Instead, I am waiting on the ability to suggest map selection for the match maker. Sometimes I’m more in a Tunisia mindset, sometimes I’m in Normandy mindset. And would not mind if I could select a few preferred game modes, fractions and theatres of operation, and if possible, MM would pick one of those combinations with players having similar current preferences.
(And it would be extremely good if MM considered my “history” as well, so if I played 2 matches in same mode and lost last four matches, next time I’d be in a different mode and with better winning chances, even if that means moron opposing bots for a quick invasion. :slight_smile: )

The artwork is great, but when are they going to fix the boring sword swinging animations?

how aa vehicles are fine in tank family, they dont have anykind of AT or anti personnel capabilities