Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation

On August 9, 1945, one of the final battles of World War II began, when the Soviet Army, supported by Mongolian and Chinese volunteers, invaded the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo.

The Japanese generals predicted that the Soviet forces, consisting of one and a half million troops, would be bogged down in Manchuria and Korea for many months thanks to the vast networks of defensive structures and fortified areas waiting for them on the border between the USSR and Japan. Moreover, because it was defended by over a million soldiers of the Kwantung Army - the Emperor’s most experienced and combat-ready soldiers.

In reality, however, this offensive operation was one of the fastest in the history of World War II in terms of the speed of advance. The elite units of the Japanese Army ceased to exist within ten days, and by August 30, the Soviets took over not only Korea and Manchuria, but also South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

From August 8th (13:00 UTC) to August 14th (13:00 UTC), you can get rewards for completing tasks.

For completing 5 and 7 out of 9 tasks, you will receive unique decals for vehicles.


Phase 1 (August 8th - August 10th):

  • Kill 80 enemies.
  • Kill 40 enemies using a machine gun.
  • Complete 6 battles.

Phase 2 (August 10th - August 12th):

  • Kill 10 enemies using a melee weapon.
  • Kill 60 enemies using a vehicle.
  • Complete 6 battles.

Phase 3 (August 12th - August 14th):

  • Your rally points were used 30 times (including APCs).
  • Kill 90 enemies using a submachine gun.
  • Complete 6 battles.


  • The tasks can be completed in the Squads mode.
  • The list of tasks is updated every two days at 13:00 UTC.
  • Tasks can be completed simultaneously.
  • Uncollected rewards will disappear when the tasks change.
  • From August 14th to August 16th (13:00 UTC), after the end of the event, you will have the opportunity to purchase any missing rewards.

Also, please note:Proper event Japans VS ussr will come in future. This one is just our usual event with pleasant prizes с:


yep it is manchuria nice (i hope this is a hint to the new frontline thing)


Can we expect DEV related to major updates within this month?


I can’t answer on such question.
As always if we have something to show, we will show it с:


bp hint when?

let me guess when it ready correct?


Giving out katanas/Russian cavalry sabres would fit this event theme perfectly… :<
I hope the next minievent brings some swords :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords:




ok i will wait patiently for it

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Would be nice if it was a permanent addition and not just an “event”


Waiting for the [real] news is like Jesus waiting for the third day to come. But unfortunately, unlike Jesus, we don’t know how long the countdown is.


Cool can’t wait to play

yea i guess they want to test the water first to see how jap VS USSR will go

quite understandable imo

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a japanese event? impposible O_o

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For those wondering how to use the Merciless decal:

It goes on KV-1


“The story of the tank is quite characteristic of the war years – it was built at the expense of the Winners of the Stalin Prize – famous children’s writers Samuel Marshak and Sergei Mikhalkov, the creative community of artists “Kukryniksy” (Mikhail Kupriyanov, Porfiry Krylov, Nikolai Sokolov), poets Nikolai Tikhonov and Viktor Gusev. They appealed to the Defense Fund with a request to transfer the state awards they received to build a KV-1 heavy tank”.


yea need more sword for my russian hero tbh i only got 1 at the moment

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Event is solid, great for new players

But we do really need more than event here, actualy matchmaking and map

Hint hint


So hype for almost nothing in reward


This game is dying because y’all go radio silent on any progress on the massive glaring issues in the game, and then just drop random “events” out of the blue when the playerbase is awaiting actual major changes.

Where is the silver economy update? Where is the actual USSR-Japan campaign announcement? Where are the updates on fixing the issues listed in the Open Letter and Roadmap?

Yesterday when I logged in my entire friends list was offline during peak hours. A lot of us have moved on to play other games because Enlisted has become stagnant. A lot of common posters in various Enlisted discords (Quadros, Majors, etc) are dropping the game too.


No news about BP?
5 days left
no news about new bp rewards, even WT has news a week prior to a new bp