Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation

We all know this is gonna be postponed anyway


We will show it in very near future, there is a lot of changes there that’s needs time to prepare.

I don’t remember that we promised something like that. Only some event where Japan will be playng against USSR.

Yep, this is kind of the problem actually. Everyone is waiting for a USSR-Japan campaign… If it is just an event, what would be the point anyway ?


It will be just gameplay event… but stay tuned for any news, based on event some plans might be changed c:


hope so i really want to see manchuria tbh

never in my life have i look at any manchuria ww2 picture would be an amazing experience


Ok but… we can already do that in custom and moded games already…

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See that’s the thing. “Soon” only works when there’s an actual idea of when things get released. With DF it’s never known. How long ago was the Super Pershing teased?



241 days ago


almost a year now huh? welp flame tank have been stagnant too for almost 2 year now (it will be 2 year on December this year btw)

sad but i know yall hate flame tank but whatever

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I’m pretty sure the entire community has been waiting for USSR vs Japan campaign, at least Khalkhin Gol for BR1-2 or Manchuria for BR3-4 or something.


I hope it will have new maps that will be there added permanently i’m tired of only fighting only in a jungle, some town/village, hilly and valley terrain based maps would be appreciated.

It would be the best if you could create low-mid br maps around Khalkhin Gol 1939 and mid-high BR around Invasion of Manchuria 1945.



A perfect film will accompany this event.

looking forward to this event, and hopefully, into an actual matchmaking.

but… that would imply new maps as it would be weird seeing soviets on the beaches of gavutu/georgia/guardal canal, or seeing emperor’s “finest” fighting around moscow / stalingrad or even berlin.

speaking of new maps.
will that event have it’s own map? or a reused one.

anyway, that Japanese eagle will go straight up on the hood of my apc.
( when… apcs will be customizable )
looks really nice


maybe it will be like the moon event (where they create a unique map for that event)

Enlisted Sandbox // VenomUlfric

Here is an good mod if you want to try japan vs ussr

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So when we will get new event/TT unlocks:

  • Assault Engineers promised for all nations? America and Japan still doesn’t have them, they need to come with new weapons like M1944 Hyde Carbine
  • Event APC for Soviets/Japan
  • New Bikes for Soviets/Japan, and Buff to the German bike since it only has 50 magazines instead belt fed MG, and also turn event AA trucks into Rider class and at same time let those vehicles to be your personal spawn point.
  • TT Paratroopers with switchable weapons for all nations except Soviets.
  • Promised Super Pershing
  • Axis belt fed mgs
  • RMN-50 equivalent for nations other than Soviets.
  • New rocket launchers for the US/JP

If they are lazy they will probably just use autumn moscow with little tweaks.

I think the actual map will come if the playerbase likes the event and they decide to make it into an actual campaign

But i might be wrong as they made an entirely new map for the moon event and never used it again


Beautiful weapon tbh

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really hope about the latter.

so that we get an effing stable map that if we get to use / tweak a bit, wont change down the line.

i’m still mad and upset about the latest changes made to ardenne.

legit, they changed the terrain and starting add textures to my area ( the area i used for my battle of foy ) which was located at the furthest border away from anything and anyone. all of a sudden, from recent changes, the area has changed heights ( making all of my stuf float ) added a trench in the middle of no where and ruined the road making it… idk how to describe it. but effed up.

like, why

It could come with two variants one with smaller mag and slower rof at BR3 or 4 and other at BR5 that will be created for that event squad with 1200 rof and 30 rounds magazine.

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