Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation

dam 1200 rof? that insane ngl that almost stinger lvl fast

They could lower it of course since it was supposed to be their AR equivalent. Or add slow fire mode.

im telling you now man if they add it and it have 1200 rof i aint taking it off full auto (maybe sometime)

bikes being worked on, it was on roadmap.

As soon as it ready.

Canā€™t say anything here yet as on other topics too since itā€™s very specific and itā€™s NDA info.


interesting this might be a hint to that ā€œnew classā€ on the thing

Any chance we are going to get news on the new bp season soon? I am getting worried a delay is coming


Not gonna lie, I am a bit disappointed that is only a event.


Cool and all, but we just want some info, and update can come later.

But as per usual itā€™s gonna include some bs change players donā€™t like, so you canā€™t announce it.

Catch 22 but the outcome is game suffers anyway.

Also what the hell is going on with forum moderation lately, somebody needs to chill there or all discussion will move to steam and i bet df wonā€™t like that


USSR vs Japan in manchuria would be amazing, but these are just some decals. meh


Best Events are those where i dont miss anythingā€¦ Decals are not worth the time, thanks.


Hi dear James.have you finish the vacation?

I donā€™t think the two are comparable, how are you gonna implement the moon map into an actual campaign?

I meant that the moon event showed us that the developers are ready to put lot of effort even if it will be just a small time event.

Althought this time if they would make manchuria map for the event it could be used in the real game also.

I hope we wont see soviets in gavutu during the event

Moon/Modern Combat/Zobie were each april fools events, they are anything but small

I never said so. I said that they were available for small time. All of them gave lots of content but moon is currently the only one that gave entirely new map. That is why i used it in my point

I would say it is quite possible. This event is most likely the event that almost completely removes the grey zone.
They might make map that have very different layout to prevent spawn camping.

Thats such a weird metric for a event. (also those are events that got prolonged, so those are some of the longest event)

They clearly put more work for april fools events, like warthunder, those event are outside main game mode and are just for fun.
Comparing annual event to those 3-stage slops ainā€™t fair.

But i do agree this is like lowest of the low events, even just a saber or a pistol as reward is something


youā€™re missing the point.

he was referring to the type of effort.

between events.

  • modern event
    for the most part, was recycled from CRSED since the guns were pretty much the same ones.
    the only true additions were tanks coverted from WT to Enlisted.

  • moon event
    moon event was to this day, the one with the most type of effort putted into it. ( after zombies )
    having new cosmetics, new converted tanks, new weapons and even a new map.

  • mech event
    new concrete type of ā€œvehiclesā€/mech

  • zombies
    reused zombies from CRSED ( i could be wrong ) but it has been one of the most event with the biggest effort behind. even though it doesnā€™t involve a whole lot of new content. just new type of behaviors for AI, features ( such as giant zombies, molotovs zombies, shields etc ) and the whole ā€œcod likeā€ economy within ( not inherently a bad thing. just the most recognizable one )

so, what he means, this event might just be on a reused map.
with the " least " effort involved.


When will germany finally get a belted mg?? Iā€™m still waiting for it


Yeah i guess itā€™s hard to guess what people mean here.

Iā€™m just adjusted to the low-effort 3-stage events that are here just to bring players back to game for another fomo

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