Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation

i just notice that jap emblem remind me of the imperium of man what a coincidence

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I was really hoping for an announcement of a new Russian campaign against the Japanese for a moment. Itā€™s extremely needed because waiting over 3 minutes for a battle as a tier 5 Japanese is really not great. If they could fight the Soviets as well, the waiting time would drastically decrease, and the Japanese would finally get some maps other than just junglesā€¦

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nice decals but 6 battles per stage seems a bit much to me for just simple decals it would have made more sense to put this requirement if they had been weapons

maybe for the decals a 4,5,6 per stage would be better

The Japanese government doesnā€™t feel that way, They actually printed a bunch of their school books up to indicate that here recently, But there are still quite a few Territorial disputes present today all over the world, The Russian simply never gave them back, Kinda like how America wound up giving Okinawa back to the Japanese, The southern Kuirl Islands should be Japanese.

Everything Iā€™ve read said that the IS 3 was used and Manchuria.

One of the more interesting things about Poland Is that the entire western part of it was basically robbed from Germany by the Russians that their borders wouldnā€™t be what they are today if it wasnā€™t for the war, Of course the Russians kept quite a lot of territory in the Eastern part of Poland for themselves, Germany lost an enormous amount of Territory, because the Russians carved it often gave it to Poland.

Boo hoo. Too bad they canā€™t have it.

Lol no. They lost it with the Treaty of San Francisco.

Everything like what?
Russiaā€™s main tank museum Patriot Park at Kubinka doesnā€™t think it was used in WW2.

Well, if you want to go back into revisionism you can find Poland on the 1914 map and temm me who stole whose territory.

Iā€™m not complaining but decals as both the items? Maybe one Decal , One Squad ā€¦ or One Weapon. Decals are cool but not so much as to grind for hours for just decals. Either way thank you developers for maintaining a steady stream of content and events.

I donā€™t know why this came to my mind after looking at the Japanese decal.

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And this is a perfect example of why territorial disputes exist to the day, People have very different views on it.

Concerning the IS 3, There are a lot of books that say that it served in Manchuria, It doesnā€™t necessarily mean that they did, but there are a lot of reference materials out there that support that, Personally, I think itā€™s ridiculously overkill so I donā€™t think it would be a good fit for the game, The game does a lot of ridiculous things as far as matchups go anyway so in that light it wouldnā€™t be too big of a stretch to see them adding it

We should get this thing next at 2-3 of them 1 is not enough:


Their Smgs are better than Smgs of Germany. In reality Ger is the worst nation in the game but nobody seem to care. JP smgs have literally zero recoil and nice rof. Ofc bugged ppsh-41 box is an outliner and need to be corrected to have sane and normalized dispersion.


Nice! What is the name of this weapon?

Hellriegel M1915 it was featured in Battlefield 1, drum should have about 160 rounds :thinking:Ć¼tze_Hellriegel_1915



Great! Could be a great event weapon for the Japanese just like the Stinger for the US.

A great unique weapon for the allied forces would be the chauchat its a machine gun with 18 rounds slow ROF but very unusual looking its french and would fit very well, maybe adding a french partizan squad that would be nice.

there is 20 round mag variant ,too


Playercount is actually less fluctuous nowadays and new player coming via steam

It was made by Austro-Hungarians i dunno how Japanese could acquire even a single copy, Germany is way more plausible but giving them to both Axis nations wouldnā€™t be so bad of idea.


My bad. From the picture you posted I thought it was used by the Chinese or something.

Why such cheap prize? Free stuff is always nice donā€™t get me wrong.I have finished every nations tech tree. I am really angry the amount of silver you have offered for saved research pionts. I love this game and have almost every premium squad . Seeing this kind of event when so many fixes need to be addressed makes me so angry. Instead of purchasing my next premium squad I spent $40.00 on Squad 44. Do what you say quick because if a loyal enlisted player like me has done this how many more are going to follow? Fix the bugs and add new content quickly please.


We donā€™t want an event we want permanent matchmaking so ussr and japan can finally fight more than the same opponent for years. Donā€™t even do the event if youā€™re just going to show us how awesome itā€™ll be then take it away and make us miserable again.