Making The Engineer’s Guns More Specialized

okay i respect you then
i just hate the people who hide their tanks in their teams gray zones, such a dick move

Dick move??? Pussy move I’d say. Stupid fucks that like to hide and kill from a “safe distance”!! For this reason is why I love bombers :relieved:

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Strange to me,after 2 years everyone start to complain about it.I love AA guns as an anti infantry measure and thats from someone who also ends up on the receiving end of them. Using something powerful like AA is fun, but people complain about it and then it gets nerfed into the ground , make somethingh fun, get people to invest into it, then remove it, until the game is so balanced that you might as well give everyone the same gun.


We didn’t need aa guns to be FASTER TO BUILD, we needed them to be SLOWER TO!

Instead you guys prevent them from being usable on infantry at all, with minimum inclination angles.

So you implemented TWO unrealistic factors to try and improve those, thus failing at both. AA emplacements WAS used against infantry. Why didn’t you make it 22.5s or even 30s to build instead?

You had one job…

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ANYONE saying the AA guns were overpowered against infantry no they werent
sure, well placed can hit a load of bots all stood together, but we had like 3 seconds before a cool down, then we were literally toast against any enemy tank or molotov cocktail
AA guns were no more op than a well placed sniper or tank
-PS if they really wanted to deal with something which gave an unfair advantage, they could have made it so tanks cant fire and hide in their own gray zones like cowards

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Yeah finding hills is surely a hard task.

Look at ppl in quarry, Moscow, filling the pits with those instabuild aa now…

Hey @1942786 , will you nerf elevation of USA and Japanese spaa as well? Afterall:

You know, IN PRACTICE those were for aircrafts, eh?

Honestly they should have just made the depression 0°. The negative degrees weren’t needed. Just get rid of the shield and it would work fine.

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I don’t mind that it’s less effective at killing infantry.

AA was f*** annoying, hated it like anyone here.

But it made sense that it’s deadly vs infantry, as it truly historically was in real life. Germany extensively used that particular piece.

What didn’t make sense, was magically popping those out of thin air so fast! It only took 12 seconds, now it takes 8? It makes even less sense now.

Would have been content with greatly augmented building time, and removed shield, maybe. But completely removing an historical use it had…

… just adds up to all the ridiculous unrealistic things devs keep adding repeatedly, like fg42II squads, full auto matches, etc.


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Its named antiaircraft and not antifrantary.

Who said anything about finding hills? Nevermind tho, time will say who’s right. When you waste half of the match trying to find the “perfect spot” to build the AA, you’ll remember this update

Who could have guessed that,pal?
Not me hust hust

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Yeah, apparently these things are still spammed in Moscow pit.
Another reason why this map sucks.

Bitch please. Its not rocket sciene. Apparently it took people less than two hours to adapt to the changes.

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Which is why they are better in anything than killing planes lol.

Df logic.


Fox is funny when trying to create imaginary reasons to explain df lacks of logic.

It always sounds like bs.

I wonder if things like the wirbelwind gets added eventually, and ppl can effectively shoot infantry with them (like in pacific), what will the dumb reason be?

“Hummm IN PRACTICE, if the aa… hummm. Is on THREADS (yeah good one) then it means it moves. So hum. It can shoot at infantry, because the vehicle was in practice designed to thread in their direction! But static aa using the same mechanism could not, cuz no threads. Yeah! :fox_face:

By Moscow pit you mean the quarry? 'Cause I can’t remember other map like this.

I know, I know, I’m not saying that now it’s an impossible thing to accomplish, but it’s not going to be as easy as before, and people are not going to be miraculous killers. C’mon, let’s not be categorically with the writing.

Also, they left an open door to keep updating this kind of weapon/ mechanic. Meaning? They can nerf this weapon against infantry (bullet damage) or even go further with the 7,°-Something

And what are now Engineers squads good for ? to sit and wait for plane whole game ? GG fun


Yes. Pit is a nice word to describe this awful map.

The point is, once you found the spot you will get back in routine, getting the point, build AA, kill inf plebs, reload or build another one. Dare I to remember that the Allies in D-Day and Ver-Sur are still able to kill Germans but not the Germans anymore.
Yeah sure, at first people will need to search for them but consider the capabilites of the Enlisted community to annoy us with spam, it wont take long. It didnt take them long to realize that you can exploit the cbs.

And I dont know if its better now that awful maps as the pit now suffer even more because they offer them to hard spam them or maps which favors one faction to spam it while the other faction cant.

I dare to ask when do you guys wanna take out planes if you cant kill them because they found out that AA guns cant aim at low flying planes anymore?

I won’t leave. :slight_smile:

I can’t beat everyone in an argument, and I don’t have that goal either. I just sit, read your comments and plan feedback for developers.