Making The Engineer’s Guns More Specialized

An engineer’s work on the battlefield is invaluable and often leads the team to victory. The number of ways engineers can help their team is impressive: cover, obstacles, rally points, and, of course, heavy guns. In this update we made the engineers’ big guns especially effective against their intended targets.


These are the main weapons against infantry, and we made them more preferable than AAA guns.

  • Building time will be reduced from 22.5 to 12 seconds (46% faster);
  • Resource cost will be reduced from 12 to 10.


They work great both against infantry and vehicles. Now you’ll be able to build them faster.

  • Building time will be reduced from 15 to 10 seconds (33% faster).


They became the bane of aircraft, and not infantry. To facilitate this, we changed the speed of their rotation and placement, but we made the possible inclination angles lower.

  • Building time will be reduced from 11 to 8 seconds (27% faster);
  • Resource cost will be reduced from 8 to 6;
  • Minimum inclination angle will be set at 7.5 degrees;
  • Horizontal rotation speed will be increased by 50%, and vertical rotation speed will be increased by 225%.

In one of the next updates we will also update the models of AAA guns for different countries!

And finally: the time required to demolish all the engineers’ fortifications listed above has been reduced.

Create useful fortifications, destroy the useless ones and carry your team to victory, commanders.


  • Fixed an issue with Type 89 Mortar refilling ammo indefinitely.

Overall very nice but

At this point AA gun will be as fast to aim as a pistol.


:fox_face: we buff them for be used better aganaist infantry

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i’ll be blunt.

and i do not want to sound mean, but did we really needed all that speed for somehow creating guns out of no where?

also, why reducing the price?

wasn’t the whole point of having more engineers allowed you to build more defences instead of now where they can create entire fortresses?

i don’t know. maybe i’m a bit overracting and i apologize. but i have this feeling.

( glad about the small buff regarding the speed rotation )


They should be too fast to build (to avoid firing ranges inside buildings by the time you reach the objective) but also AA’s min angle should be like 20 degrees to avoid infantry farming at all.

Faction specific AA guns have been anticipated since open beta lol, nice.


@1942786 AA gun spam is a problem wo many of player have already pointed out, make them more faster,stronger and more fast to build only make them more spammable “aganaist infantry” a lot of people asked for try tor ease this

"Remove the shield"

Because is the shield the worst problem

  • he can defend the user from rifle bullet and we need aim in the micro spot for kill him
  • it can resist to heavy rifle, rockets-luncher and to tank sheel, give to much HP to the AA

Withaut the shield the problem of spammable AA aganaist infantry resolve itself for me


Sheesh juat increase the price of AA guns and their building time and dont allow us to build them in houses. Not nerfing their AA abilites.


Or fix it but I guess the ship is sailed here.


I appreciate the changes concerning AA guns. They were really needed.

Some players will still find a way to build aa guns on a slope to be able to depress the gun enough. And this change would still not stop anyone to shoot up at troops coming down from the hills. But I will wait and see how it goes.

I would like to see engineers get more points, at least 5 times higher for every squad spawning from the rally point. Rally points are critical to both defense and offense. These changes concerning guns will further encourage players to build a bunch of machineguns and cannons and sit back, instead of attacking the objective, as it already happens 90% of the games. Which is extremely annoying to players who actually want to take the objective.

Rally points are critical to the meta of the game, and they have tiny rewards compared to the massive contribution they have. 90% of the player base never build a single rally point during a game. And those who do, get tiny rewards for it. Instead, you are encouraging players who were already exploiting the gun meta to build a bunch of guns outside the combat area and try to get kills instead of pushing the objective.

Also, in my opinion, you should prohibit building guns outside the combat area of the assaulting team, where they cannot be reached.

You are underestimating how resourceful your player base is, and how obsessed bad players are to get kills instead of playing the objective.


Previously, an engineer could build 1 machine gun. can now build 2 machine guns.
The machine gun is not difficult to destroy, unlike the AA-GUN.

But AA-GUN can no longer be used against infantry. We limited her gun angle.

In return, the engineers received cheaper machine guns. This is much fairer - they can kill you behind a machine gun, they can break a machine gun, destroy sandbags.




New models. For different countries. Like we did with machine guns.



We are careful. If 7.5 degrees is not enough, we will release a small patch. :slight_smile:


Raising the angle seems like a good idea to me.
I hope the new AAugun will have some effect on the bombing formations that the communicators can call in.
It is hard to shoot them down with the current 20mm.


Good, but why on earth didn’t you make the mg placement faster and cheaper to build than the AA guns ? @1942786

I m pleased.


Building time will be reduced from 22.5 to 12 seconds (88% faster);
Resource cost will be reduced from 12 to 10.


No I mean
You made AA guns faster and cheaper to build than MGs, as it previously was, despite the changes
Logically, and for making mgs favorite against infantry, it should be the opposite
Like 12 seconds for AA guns and 8 for mgs

We named the diary “Guns More Specialized” for a reason.
Any heavy engineer weapon should be valuable. The machine gun allows you to destroy dozens of opponents and it can’t be too cheap. At the same time, now AA is AA and nothing else. Planes rarely appear in the sky and it is not logical to make weapons against them very expensive.


I’ll hold judgements until I’ve seen how this will play out, yet the engineer in me can’t but be pleased with faster building times across the board.