Making The Engineer’s Guns More Specialized

Thanks @1942786 these changes are welcomed! I will see how that AA spam looks like after and feedback in usual place, also great to hear nation specific guns coming :+1:

What about D3A1 gunner not shooting, is that coming soon? Fw189 extra slot fix?

Keep up this great work, Enlisted just gets better and better!

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Well thats the end of my fun :joy:. On a more serious note, one could say it does make sense to make the AA gun an actual AA gun and the MG anti infantry and i do welcome some of the buff changes. Making them cheaper makes it more viable for people to build and just leave for other people, and the tracking speed of AA guns is long overdue.

I also predict being a pilot will become a major P.I.T.A. moving forward, the bombs have already been massively gimped, if you’re going to increase the efficciency of AA ‘make bombing great again’ so people are ‘actually’ worried about planes again and make it worthwhile building AA, just a thought.

Here’s the thing though, I think the AA gun was popular for 2 reasons, Level 1 engineers could access them and be effective against infantry. Also MG nets have terrible protection for the gunner, at least with an AA gun you have some measure of protection from being a sitting duck. MG nests could be useful but you get sniped really quickly after you’ve let off a few rounds and you can’t move around so you’re better off with a soldier with a decent MG (I think this is why you hardly ever see mg nests built), also some of the allied guns on MG nests are terrible, horrible to aim down and just generally not nice to use.

I love AA guns as an anti infantry measure and thats from someone who also ends up on the receiving end of them. Using something powerful like AA is fun, but people complain about it and then it gets nerfed into the ground (bombs and rifle grenades spring to mind here), I’ve seen this happen in many games, it seems to follow a cycle, make somethingh fun, get people to invest into it, then remove it, until the game is so balanced that you might as well give everyone the same gun.

I think this is less to do with balance and more to do with trying to please too many people. IMHO games do not have to be balanced, things CAN be unfair, personally I like it when some massively overpowered weapon appears on the enemy side, it changes the game dynamic and gives you something to think about, you have to use your brain to counter the problem.

War is hell.


If you mean this: inclination angle will be set at 7.5 degrees, it’s called elevation.
Sorry but it’s a technical term, so using Google Translate won’t cut it here:)

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Will you guys be working on AT Gun models as well?


sounds like a cope but okay.

Absolutely love that something has been done about this, I’d put a few posts here about my gripes with AAA spam! Thank you

Can’t wait to see if it works. I was concerned they’d been sped up both in movement and building time - but if the above image is as low as they can aim then I think, problem solved! Bonus that they’re quicker to demolish.

Only potential issue is placement - if they can be placed on uneven ground, the angle is irrelevant. They also shouldn’t be allowed indoors. Looking forward to building them faster to deal with planes too now! Very rarely see them used on planes at the moment.

Very excited for faction specific models too - great news all round.

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great changes finally maybe less AA gun vs INF

THIS they are useless now.

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The main thing is no hallway AA gate keeping.


Sounds like a smart ass response. :slightly_smiling_face: No AA indoors is deffo needed though.

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Great news.
Probably the greatest news since I downloaded the game.

If its not working out as intended with AAA, only tweak it as Keo :fox_face: said.

But (always a but) why reduce the building speed for machine gun nest.
With my 6 engineers all with building speed perk we build that thing under 5 sec.

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I think the solution is to allow them to be built on uneven ground, but have it so they are built level, so you can build on awkward terrain, but you don’t ange the gun weirdly, so its the same elevation in a 360 degree arc.

Because it is too long for one people to build it.

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R.I.P AA :rofl:

Fixed it


But historical-wise AA guns were used against inf. I dont get it why you dont “just” increase their costs, building time and deny us to build them inside houses etc. (and maybe limit their terrain level since AT guns already suffer from this).
I dont have anthing against AA guns behind able to smash inf. Its just that engineers can spam them around because of their price and building time/ spam potential.


Can we obtain air defense vehicles (or other light vehicles, such as armored vehicles and self-propelled anti tank guns, self-propelled rockets, etc.) in other campaigns?
It will be more interesting to add a light vehicle slot and expand the battle scale to 15V15


i’m not the one who sounds depressed when you cant wipe whole squad with 2-3 AA shots.

will you remove overheating from AA guns? cause now they are terrible against planes with 2 long breaks for firing 80 bullets?


I’m not trying to get in a smart ass exchange of witt, I genuinely think it has a place in the game as such. I’ve been wiped out by AA as well, so its not like it doesn’t happen to me. It’s okay for us to disagree without poking each other, I put together a well thought out post on my take on the situation. If you don’t agree that’s completlety fine, if you post your thoughts in a mature manner, I’d genuinely love to read them. I’ll also take them onboard, and if I think they’re valid I might even possibly change my mind (like I think your point about AA indoors is very good).

If your intention is to simply belittle my post and make smart comments you just come accross as ignorant.