Making The Engineer’s Guns More Specialized

Historically, a rolling pin could be used against infantry. When there is no other way.
In practice, anti-aircraft weapons were used against aircraft and were not specially brought to the first line of attack.


Oo, good to see changes closely based on forum suggestions.


Nice news

What will these new model of AA?

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One thing I would like to suggest in addition to the changes. Disable the ability to build AA guns inside buildings. If there is a ceiling or object above the AA gun, you cannot built it there.

I will still build AA guns inside hallways or inside buildings, then blow them up with an AT rifle or grenade to block that area, and set anyone who tries to cross on fire. It is cheesy and stupid.

And one of the things is ingame and the other thing not.
Guess which one.

In practise, the Jumbo wasnt in Normandy, the T-50 was in Leningrad, most soldiers didnt carry TNT nuke charges and machine guns dont have the accuracy of shotguns.
But now we suddendly cut the line with AA? (Because of ehm “practise” and definitely not because of laziness)


Except machine guns are locked at engineers lvl 2, so most players can’t really use them against infantry.


Id like to ask you if you can do the AT gun and AA gun being destroyable as easy with GRB-39 as it is now with anti tank rifles, Pzb-38 for example can quickly destroy these weapons , ( it takes few shots) but Grb struggles and cant destroy it

Exactly this!!!

AAA was used against infantry. The balance would be making AAA much slower to build or much more expensive, as it was IRL

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Can we make our own balance patches in mod missions in the future?

In my mod, I want to set the inclination angle of AA back to 0 and increase the build
costs and build time and reload time.

We need news about the editor


Not primary, but the fact that Keofox dares to use historical “accuracy”/ “practise” as a argument is
Palpatine - Ironic


Germany in Tunisa with their 88mm: “hmm, wonder who’s that sign for?”
USA in Normandy with their AA jeeps firing at infantry: “not me”

All countries regularly used AAA against infantry, it was NOT a measure of desperation


AA guns used against infantry is idiotic and it adds nothing to the game, in fact, they are abused to no end by extremely bad players who cannot aim, and who have no interest to play the objective.

There are plenty maps, especially in the Pacific campaign, where you can hose down an entire team with 1 or 2 AA guns, because there is very little hard cover, and tanks have no armor. Idiotic game play for extremely bad players who consider that clicking for 10 minutes is fun.


Yup. I mean, I get it, he is thye public relations guy, so he has to justify whatever the designers decide that gets done, but the game is already arcade, and the solution is not very well implemented.
I think AAA should be limited to 1 item only, and be expensive in time and resources.

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Which is why the armies did it in rl. Because its idiotic.
You know whats actually idiotic? That DF did and still does everything to nerf AA guns against AA. Thanks to overheat, the M13 is useless against planes because of weird aim and quick overheat. Its basically begging you to kill inf. And this “fix” doesnt solve the effectiveness of decent M13 players against inf.

Its more idiotic that engineer squads can build up to 12 AA guns, not even mentioning that they can rearm them for low costs. Instead of increasing the costs, nerfing the max. amount of engineers in squads so people can at best build four of them wth one squad, deny us from building them inside (which is still allowed and their wrecks are annoying as fuck in Berlin halls) and also finally fix the shields and their ridiculous HP against inf AT weapons, people seem to prefer another lazy Df move to “fix” things with short-term and lazy solutions, which doesnt even solve all problems here (etc. wrecks inside building and M13). But hey, at least now they have weird questionable rotation speed.

How about fix the damn maps? Not like we only suffer from AA spam. No? Too bad.

So what? Then those people will play with tanks (Even more) and camp with them in greyzones. Whats your genius idea? Nerf tanks even more so they wont even dare to leave the spawns? Or finally move on to persuade Df fix their maps?
Pick one, pal.


Almost all gameplay issues in this game are connected to maps. Its still beyond me why so many people dont get this and cope with short-term solutions from the same dudes who didnt make any proper working campaign since Berlin and apparently cant even give old prem squad a fifth slot because of technical reasons.


You see 50 AA guns for every 1 machine gun nest and it’s the map’s fault?

No, that’s caused by dev’s attempt to ballance.

I hope that this changes come very soon :slight_smile:

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Thank you for helping out the Engineers! Too many nerds don’t use them still lol


LOL seeing the AAA spammers ranting on this post LMAO

On a serious note this is a splendid news finally the bane of Enlisted has taken a hit somewhat and we finally got a major buff to machine guns

•(supposedly) you can build 2 mg at the same time

• faster build time


The engineer inside me is very pleased.