Making The Engineer’s Guns More Specialized

“Muh realism”
About an AA gun that’s in the field not attached to a trailer that they put inside a hallway with doors smaller than the gun


ignorant is those who needs AA soul purpose to kill infantry. other then that its a skill issue.


As I mentioned, they need to limit the max amount of AA guns which can be build. And partly yes. If maps are magically too small to give us the ability to spread / dont turn the whole map into choke points (a heaven for such guns) and yet also too “big” to effectively deal with AA guns plus minus their weird dmg models and their spam possibilites thanks to unlimited power of the hammers then I honestly wouldnt expect anything else but this.

I mean maps which dont give you many (spawn-protected) spots where you can cover like 70%+ of the map would mean people cant camp so effectively and excessively and even then, they cant hide behind greyzones and can easily be flanked most of the time.

I would also like to remember that they dont remove the overheat thing so yeah. They have faster turn rate now but still overheat too quickly against planes.

Their reasoning as expected from AA abuser.

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If you wouldnt be ignorant, you would realise this thing doesnt affect the M13.
So Japan still suffers and the thing is still a joke against planes and OP against inf but at least we can kill the engine.

Let alone, we still have plently of other camping spam machines (a match in Normandy should be enough to realize this). And guess what. You wont make the Tiger not camp by nerfing its gun depression lol

Ah! Finally! You finally changed it!

Now we still face problems! Should overheating mechanisms exist? I don’t think it is necessary to have an overheating mechanism. After all, you have solved the problem of anti-aircraft gun to ground

But I hope M13 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns still retain the overheating mechanism, because they can still target the ground


Read your statement again, go back to my post where I said ‘sole purpose’ and quote me. And now you’re bringing skill into the equation in an effort to pour fuel on a situation that I am discussing in a civil manner, keep going. And also if you’ve got the game change you wanted how come you’re the one getting all anti in this post and I’m being calm?

I really LOVE this small update! The building time reduction is well appreciated, as much as the lower costs. Now my premium engineers can build a rally point AND a MG nest. That makes them really more useful.

Keep up your great work and I can’t wait for the different AAA models!

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I hope that after the depression angle is reduced, even digging holes can’t make AA reach the effect of horizontal shooting.

Theirs no rocket science that you are upset about OP toy taken away from you.


Finally AAAs are being seen. Lets hope that the imbeciles spamming them to farm infantry will be reduced


You can’t place building uneven places and now they begging to change that.

I don’t like the changes, but at no point did I start belittling or trying to get other people upset like your doing. Mate I’ve played enough online games that people have said far far worse to me and I still didn’t get upset.

mmmkay but still you wont get ground angle with AA.

Almost only tank guns can deal with AA, but engineers can build AA at will, which will turn the game into a funny scene of building AA and shooting each other.

Hey I’ll embrace the changes, do I like it, no, will I deal with it yes. My original post was more to do with the fact that I like elements of imbalance in games as I think it makes things interesting. Not everybody agrees, I’ll continue playing as long as its fun. We’re not all the same and thats OK too. Looks like the field guns are getting a buff which is much needed, personally I think the Field gun should be doing what the AA gun was doing as regards infantry suppression but it was never particularily good at it.

Ehm How how about to limit number of buildable AAs, increase their cost, banish them from buildings (and maybe even greyzones), reduce their total ammo count, and finally fix their dm models so we can snipe them properly and OHK them with the Panzerfaust then?


Yeah AA shooting at each other is usually quite comical.

Actually, a clear division of labor in fortifications is very good. After all, it is a good thing that machine guns are used to fight infantry and anti-aircraft guns are used to fight airplanes.

Okay, could you allow Engineer I to build machine gun nests?
Then they will be more used than AAA.