Making The Engineer’s Guns More Specialized

And then you realize that constantly overheating AAs suck against 44+ planes, the M13 is still able to meatgrind Japs, the MG nest is useless because of depression, terrain and mg “accuracy” and that it is locked behind premum engies and Tier II engineer squads (later one is btw. paywalled in SG)




Add in a trailer model so they’re harder to place and that would work for me.
As far as greyzone they should get their depression limited if they’re built there.

Real AA guns couldn’t get crammed anywhere.

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I love this. :joy:

So goes for tank guns. It would be fine and cool if you can build AT and AA guns only in spawns and then you need to carry to it to the front. We just need vehicles for them so maybe we need to cope with APCs.
Ofc this is not the perfect solutions either but better than nerfing them with Df ideas or their excessively and retarded spam we currenty have.

Hm Thinking about their depression nerf, I guess this will make the US in Normandy happy because they dont have the high ground.
Finally Anakin can dodge the high ground for once.

Very supportive. AA guns and fortifications that can be built at hand are already beyond the scope of history. Here, more attention should be paid to the issue of balance, rather than allowing AA to slaughter infantry to “conform to history”.
Simply put, it is because fortifications are easy to build, and their power should be limited.

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yes that makes sense

hopefully you ll do something about the apes spamming grenade launchers @1942786

Still can’t comprehand why aa gun is cheaper than mg nest… and they cut the cost of it to- why? What they should do is cut mg nest cost to 8 to make it more apealing-it is already quite bad since u can shoot the gun of. I can only see aa spam even more prominent, there are ways to get past the inclination lock… Stop smoking dope Darkflow or at least share ur deeler contract 'cuz the stuff u smoke hits hard I see.

They were better in CBT when they were all MG 42 nests and engineer 1s could make them off the bat.
Still can’t stress enough the range advantage they have.

But they could use a buff like that.

or they should just switch the model to 2cm flak lafette, buff dmg aginst aircraft and reduce explosive dmg to infantry. It would make it similar to pzII aginst infantry (1berell instead of 4)


Historically MKb-42 never existed when Battle of Moscow happened and AS-44 was not even adopted by the military, let alone appear at the Battle of Berlin :smiley:


If we start this, Keo will instant Rage Quit from Forum today.
He cant win this…

Soldiers without Signs
Jumbo Normandy
Stug without MG
Drilling without third Bullet…

I just want the AAA to return to its original depression of -10 degrees like it was in real life
Even if that comes at the cost of the shield

not really impressed with angle nerf. if you build it on angle, you can easily get usable AA gun vs infantry.

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Now THIS IS a good change! Thanks to the devs and to you Keo, for explaining all this. I guess the AA spamming won’t be a problem anymore, at least in most of the matches.

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i know this might sound unrealistic and stupid, but in my opinion. to stop the players from abusing the aa gun is to make the aa gun can only aim and shoots upwards, like you cant aim eye level angle if that’s makes sense.

they adjusted the angle elevation just for that. just that you can still build AA on angled terrain and negate that elevation.

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Wow if only they made such a change.
I think 7° would be the magic number.