Making The Engineer’s Guns More Specialized

before today this was excellent gun placement. if you build on beach, you risk getting arty striked or bombed or infantry swarmed, or flanked etc. also you get limited view of the sky with hill or forest depending how they approach.

this plane is on approach as he already knew that there are AA on hill. so pointless.

AA guns ARE fun. That should be the goal…Fun. They are not op. Just dont allow inside buildings. Good and bad players use them. I enjoy sniping the operators too. Bad move imo. Game just got less fun…how is that good? Also, it just got rid of areason to play engineer. Just building spawns…important but cmon boring if thats the highlight.

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So adapt.

What about removing the stupid overheat feauture on aa guns now? Since most game users report that a plane models usually take 39279 rounds to even damage a flap.

Since they will not be worth against inf, fortunately, can you guys reduce the overheat so a player can do more damage for the short time a plane is visible to be taken down?!

Another thing regarding engineers, why the upgrade tree to get aa guns MG nests and so on is only applied on the soldiers on that squad and not every engineer of that level on every campaign?

Also, I understand some kind of nerfs or features must be done in name of balance for a fun gameplay, but in what world a mg34 on a German tank overheats in a 5 second or. So on a continuous fire burst and somehow the nest MG takes more time to overheat even tho the tank ones used a heavy barrel either way to avoid said overheat and maintain a stable firerate? And when barrel changing and not waiting 20 seconds on a red circle to cool down? What’s up with that?


Thats a KeoClapBack y’all.

Great changes, specializing the Engineers emplacements was overdue and this seems like its being done well. If the angle needs to go up more than so be it, but I’d expect the 7.5 is more than enough to limit it in 95% of situations and the other 5% can be dealt with easily in game.


ohh wait yeah im stupid, i just launched the game and they did. my bad im stupid

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just make AA Guns only able to be built around spawn point, protecting spawn from campers and Aircraft. And make them unable to be built in houses like many pointed out which is stupid, same with AT Guns should ony be able to be built in open fields. Should be LONG build time for AA and AT Guns and little faster with MG nests. sandbags and barbed wire stay fast like is. And make Engineer have LESS resources. 1 Engineer 1 Gun and no destroy get resources back, this weird mechanic.
Then the pesky outright stupid spawn should be on cooldown and the radius from zones way more. This game is 50% 1 Guy good at putting a spawn in right place so the bots of team run in right direction. Should not be that important. should be more about putting them in 1 decent location and there it stays good while, all it should be is open a direction of new flank, not putting stargate reinforcements gate in house next door.

I’m good with this change. Now they just need to make it so it needs fairly level terrain to deploy on and it will negate using hills as compensation for the adjustment.

The complaints about it are typical when something is changed that was used so heavily to farm players and improve KD.

We will see how it plays out in game.


the FLAK38 for americans is TOTALLY USELESS NOW
the aim starts from about 10 feet high meaning you arent going to hit infantry anymore with it
really angry

the change of AA is reasonable but could you explain me for what are engineers squads useful? I use plain against plane and Tank against tank. AT is useless because of constant shaking.

Meh, you can wait until it flies away. Yeah it’s a pain in the ass, 'cause you can avoid the plane to bomb and make a genocide on the ground, but it’s something.

Yeah, but you have to waste precious time to find a proper hill to build the AA on. Dunno, before this update it was kinda easy and fast to build them and start the killing spree.

Yeah, i do think that most of the complains are coming from the farmers, just to increase the K/D numbers and for the points. Not more, the AA are here to deal with the planes, as simple as that.

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im playing as engineer on allied on pacific campaign
so there is no machine gun to build
all the big guns now, aim from about ten feet high so we cant kill infantry anymore
all youve done developers is make the few people like myself who played engineer, NOT want to be engineer
i love you guys but this is the first change ive really not agreeing with, and disapointed with

your probably one of those camped in your gray zone in your tank for half the game

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Cry about it, being an engineer just to build AA guns and start a genocide with it is not the main purpose. Help your team by building RP, ammo, sandbags and more.

exactly!!! not only are they totally irrelavant against tanks and infantry now but we still have the useless overheat every 3 seconds function which means by the time you reaim, they are overhead and bombing you
stupid stupid move

im going to find you in game, camped in your little tank, and molotov your ass back to poland

Naaah man, i really hate those players. Tbh I go upfront with my tank to kill and support my team I’m not a coward to hide in the gray zone. I don’t give a shit if some1 send to the moon with TNT, main purpose is to give support.

Please, do it my friend, given the fact that I don’t like to camp there. But hey, don’t Molotov me :pensive: I like TNT

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