Making The Engineer’s Guns More Specialized

All 3 smart pilots in the community will be impossible to kill if I decide to build my gun up a slope and burn all my ammo instead of waiting for them to get closer.

yeah, but with every angle inclination increase you will be more ineffective against low flying planes. angle limitation needs to be implemented in another way that prevents shooting at ground, but have enough angle do deal with low flying plane.

Yo mean closen enough where they can already bomb you or in a close distance where you cant harm them anyway?

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Then don’t build on a fucking hill of you want to shoot at planes

yes they used them against hundreds of soldiers not for massacre of 10 players and 50 retarded bots.

The Germans defend the hill there at some point. How should D-Day work for them as well? Not to mention that the Allies can use the AA against the Germans there.

Or simply remove the shield and unnerf the AA

Withaut shield no one spam here on frontline because it get killed by the first bot wo get triggered

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that is best position for dealing with the planes on that map. if you build on lower ground you have forest and hill blocking your view depending on the approach.

This just in, firing an autocannon at close range at a plane magically won’t hurt it because you said so

Its a feature

If the P-47 is able to get in fire range, then I can fire as much as I want because hell has enough ammo.

well we will see when they implement nation specific AA. AA without gun shield is more vulnerable than MG nest and would be best solution.


You can talk hypotheticals all day but in practice it comes down to who’s more skilled between the gunner and the pilot.

Gunner has placement and timing to work with, plane has to spot you and figure out the right approach angle and distance.

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Completely agree with your statement. AA guns nerf should be reverted.

Well. The screenshot tells different stories. And you guys want them to have a higher depression nerf which leaves me to ask you at which point you even consider the AA to fire at “nearby” plane targets if its already limited to get close/ low flying planes?

It should be obvious by now that this problem isnt solvable wit number tweaking (Sheesh I thought people would already figure that out after Df nerfed the machine guns) because at some point I wanna aim at planes before they bombed me because they fly too low.

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And dont forget that overheating is still a thing. Something which only exists to nerf AAs effectiveness against inf (which didnt work) and the effectiveness of the M13 (which didnt work).

The screenshot shows shit gun placement and absolutely nothing else.
Didn’t see if the plane overshot a bomb and smashed into a tree, didn’t see if the AA gun prefired and shot the plane as it passed over, didn’t see if the AA gun just traversed around and shot the plane on the way out.

If you ever actually used the AA gun for AA, you would know how it works.

Again in Ver-Sur the Germans defend a hill in the first cps. They can only build at the beach as long as they hold the first cp. Yeah they can try to build there after the first cp fell but if the Yankees let them do that then I dont know how they were able to cap the first point at all.

That is irrelevant to the fact about the ineffective gun depression.

Before the nerf, I could have built the AA there and wrecked the plane. Easy cheasy.

Before the nerf I could have 720 one-shot general Yamamoto from Germany because my dad works at Nintendo

And still it did a better job as AA gun than rn.