Making The Engineer’s Guns More Specialized

when you are reading this, can we know answer when this fix may be incoming? this is game breaking bug.

I think that this update will make some thing with balance in pacific, actually. You know japanese armor is really weak so this nerf will actually help, because AA melts japanese armor in pacific.

for me it is better :smiley:

Historically a guy with a hammer couldnt build an quad-20mm AA gun out of his ass :expressionless:
It is an arcade game not a historic simulator

Maybe it would be a good ideea to have the czech hedgehog and the barbed wire only destroyable by engineers or with specialised equipment. I spent 10 minutes and sacrificed a cap point to reinforce the hole in the monastery wall and the main gate on Moscow so that tanks can’t pass through but regular enemy infantry had no problem quickly destroying those fortifications.

My point it that it takes a engineer to build them and it takes time but any other class of infantry can destroy them.


How bout just get rid of everything. Tanks, planes,aa,at guns. Go play war thunder. Oh ya keep sandbags…everyone spams those …guess if there is a flood they will be useful.


In most my games AA guns are not abig issue. People who do not know how to deal with them are the “bad players”. Only issue is grey zone campers which includes tanks as well. Dev need todeal with that b.s

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The fact that this update upsets you so much makes it a very good patch.

Historically, AA guns were not used against infantry as common practice, because they were never deployed in the front line. Infantry had this very bad habit of being supported by tanks and artillery. Saving Private Ryan is not a source, bro. And this is not a simulation, or real life. It is a game. Learn to play it as it is intended by Dark Flow, because it is actually a much better game without bad players with poor hand eye coordination abusing an absolutely broken AA.

Really seeing the changes in action in (the pacific) right now, I’m happy with the current state of the game.

Well, until the most atrocious neckbeards logged on and started spawncamping with tanks

Having played quite consistently since this patch dropped, I would like to say the changes from this update are very good. Thank you so much!!! <3 <3 <3

I would still like to see more points being awarded for building and when rally points are being used.
I would also like to see AA damage get buffed so it can take out planes. Currently, planes tank shots like it is nothing. And unless you get a lucky pilots snipe, you need a lot of hits to take them out. To compensate for this, the plane’s direction indicator could be removed.

Bombers called by radiomen are virtually impossible to kill by either AA or fighters, and considering the damage they dish out, cleaning out the objective and a huge area around it, they are broken. And there is nothing you can do against them, and because of the huge radius they have, almost the entire active combat zone, there virtually no places you can hide from it on some maps.

cant believe @1942786 eally answerd…
maybe theres a possibility he read this too, after so many Shit Comments…
Let me tell you @1942786 hy ENLiSTED step on the same place and get a 3,5 out of 5,0

A Race Game like Need for Speed or theCrew2 whathever…
gives Customer the Possibility to create their own Cardesign, i did see many Hakenkreuze there, or Porn Pictures. Nobody cares… but you have the Possibility to report if you are offended…

If you dont want to give this Freedom for Players, one Solution could be
Censorship in Countrys can be outplayed with Historical Background, you just have to teach something. Maybe Cruelity and Gore can bring Dramatic.
Call of Duty and Sniper Elite did make it possible too.

You censor yourself from a 5Star to a 4Star Game, only because of lazyness to solve that Censorship Stones on the Way.
Thats 1 complete Star, ENLiSTED loose in this Rating.
theres so many little things, which make it more worse.

You loose -0,3 Star because i have 12 Premium Squads and can only take 10 with me, after purchasing 50€ per Squad and after pay for Squad Slots.
Mixxed with useless 4 Men Premium Squads without Pioneer. thats worth -0,3Stars

-0,2Star because the Grind and Moneysystem in Game would be ok
You would allow us to Sell our purchased Items, Pistols Mortars Flamethrower…
You cant only take from Players, you must give something back.
A Weihnachtsbaum on Christmas to build is no Gift from Developers!

A short Bug-Fail List updated, which have no impact on my Rating
But they are here and we are confronted everyday a few hours with them.

Reload Animation from Semi Rifles
Drilling without third Bullet
Windows are unbreakable
Airplanes MGs are useless if they are under 30mm
Tanks without Anti Infanterie Gun are useless in a Infanterie Based Game
Matchmaking, 1vs10 is not funny
More Customization Possibilitys for Infanterie and Tanks
Give more Silver Orders and Bronze Orders, have you ever played the Game in current state as lvl1?

Thats all for now.
I appreciate this update, AA Spam is gone Halleluja.
Please make a Possibility to destroy a building with 1 Button if you are on the Rush to next Point,
I cant walk 100meter back to destroy, in this Time the next Point is lost…

historically yes they were

yes they were


This Update is a Joke… AA were specifically used agains infantry… now you just killed the AA finally. Not a use against Planes any more du to ridicules fast overheating and know also not usable again infantry… There were much better way to creat some balance… This game is getting to be a joke.


No they are absolutely not

Yes, they always say that “AA guns can be used to slaughter infantry in history”, but in pursuit of history, they never feel that it is against history to build an AA with a hammer out of thin air.

It is only ineffective for long-distance low altitude. As the plane approaches, you will get a good shooting opportunity. I don’t think the low altitude plane will survive after being violently attacked. Flying at low altitude comes at a price. They may be safe at a long distance, but it will be very dangerous at the middle and short distance.

Not happy with the reduced angle of the AA guns, it has already stopped me being able to shoot at some planes who are now wise to this and come in low.

There must be another work around than nerfing them this way. Also in regards to the faster turning speed, I am all for this, however I think it should be a 2 or 3 man crew rather than just a solo guy. Having the full compliment of 3 will improve your effectiveness in terms of reload and traverse, but losing crew could work the same as when your loader is dead in tanks now?

Just an idea anyway, one I think would work with all built equipment if MG nests eventually get belts/boxes for ammo instead of infinite too.

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lol dude get real.

Flying at low altitude is not invincible. AA will have a very good shooting opportunity at medium and close range. Affected by ground obstacles in actual combat, the safe flight space of aircraft will be smaller.Of course, if you think that this distance can effectively drop bombs even if the bombers are destroyed, what’s the difference between this and suicide attacks?So the conclusion is, if you still want to get away with it after dropping the bomb, it’s better not to expect to fly at low altitude.

is not enough, we have already make a new way to let aa gun get more angle of depression