Making The Engineer’s Guns More Specialized

Sir, I don’t think the changes you’ve made can well limit the slaughter of infantry by AA, because I only need to dig two pits and then …
Please let AA not be built next to the pit dug with a shovel. Of course, if they build AA in a flat place and then push it into the pit with tanks, then I’ll admit it.Finally, I hope this change is only for AA, because I also want to build sandbag machine guns in the trenches I dug.


have yet to actually see anyone do it in a battle

I have.

Guy couldn’t hit anything however, as the gun was also angled sideways. I didn’t wait and blew it off, like I always did…

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Btw I’m all for fixing the AA Flak cancer but let’s follow this logic:

So Keo: “X happened in WW2, but it doesn’t mean it happened so much that it must be in the game”.
Also Keo: “Teddy bears, samurai masks and guitars were totally placed on tank vision ports in WW2 so it must be in the game”

There are a couple of problems with MG nests - 1st is that MG nest has very needy requirements to build - sandbags can be placed almost everywhere, but MG nests… ugh… I have to scour pixel by pixel the place where I could put it down, find that green space, in a sea of redness… Especially if the map is so uneven.
2nd is - One must unlock engineer squad 2, and upgrade it, to build a machinegun nest. May I suggest an improvement - let engineer 1s build MG as well (though, weaker - MG34s for Germans, 2s get MG42s)?
I would also prefer to see similar treatment with AAs and ATs - single barrel 20mm for 1s, vierling or even 37mm guns for 2s. AT guns - 37 mm guns for 1st engineers, anything more serious for 2s.
Mostly applies to Moscow campaign, but similar logic should apply across all campaigns.

As for overall rating of these changes… I’d say it’s mixed. Some good, some questionable, as other folks in this thread have pointed out.

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It does not work like that. Provide sources.

And if you want absolute historical accuracy, then every time you spend AA shells, 1 point per shell is also substracted from the team, and once 100 points are spent for no good reason (a position was being overwhelmed), then you instantly get banned from the game and lose a rank, to simulate real life, where spending expensive AA shells on infantry instead of much more valuable and dangerous targets - aircraft or light vehicles - would draw the ire of your superiors.

If you lose too many ranks, you can no longer control squads. You get to play with just one soldier during the entire battle.

in addition, there is no spawn mechanic available to you. If you die, the game is uninstalled and it can never be reinstalled, in order to simulate death on the battlefield.

In case it was not clear enough, this is a video game, not a simulation of real war, and video games need balance to make sense and provide an interesting gameplay. AA was overpowered with zero penalty mechanics, just like bombers used to be. Any terrible player could click somewhere and get multiple kills, with very little cost, no risk, and no skill involved.

Good riddance.

Gee I wonder how the AA gun known as the M45 quad mount got the nickname “Krautmower” and “Meatchopper” surely aircraft are made of meat and said machine guns totally were never used against infantry quote “The M45 Quadmount was ineffective against the new, fast-flying planes of the jet age. However, it was used against infantry targets in US post-war service. In Vietnam they were pressed into service to defend bases and to ride escort convoys along Viet Cong roads.”

Or lest we forget about the most famous example of a AA gun turned into a anti ground vehicle and infantry system the 8.8 cm Flak 18/36/37/41 which was used countless times across multiple fronts as a general purpose gun system against, tanks, infantry, and aircraft, most famously during the Africa campaign.

I can go on for more AA guns if you want, but no, they were very much so used against infantry, hell the current Ukrainian conflict has already produced videos of ZSU-23-4s strafing infantry trenches to root them out so the concept is alive and well IRL.


there is error named device reset and 3d driver error so i hope the developers fix these errors

This is WW2, not modern combat. Resources and logistics (bringing stuff to the front lines) was very difficult during WW2, AA rounds were considered too valuable to be wasted on troops. Most armies used horses to carry stuff around. US was the exception, not the norm. In addition, fixed gun positions were easy targets for counterbattery. Fixed AA guns would not sit around in the frontlines, with the order to shoot infantry.

M45 fires 12 mm rounds. It is machine gun ammo, which is much much cheaper and easier to supply than 20 mm HE rounds.

During WW2, M45s, usually mounted on GMC half tracks, were deployed around artillery units to deter strafing runs, or for convoy protection against strafing runs. They may have been occasionally used against infantry in desperate situations because they are heavy mgs and it makes sense to do so. During WW2, AA guns were never deployed with the clear intention to take out infantry. There were better options: mg positions with enfilade fire, mortars, artillery.

AA guns would be easy targets to AT guns, mortar or artillery fire, which were everywhere during WW2. Where there was infantry, there would always be tanks and some type of artillery support of some kind. I am pretty sure the Germans would have loved to see the allies being so atrociously to place AA guns in the open to fight infantry, because they played too many videogames and watched too many dumb movies.

The name “Krautmower” and “Meatchopper” was given because of their high rate of fire, not because they were used against infantry. I cannot believe you could not even bother to check where the names comes from.

Every single thing you said is utter nonsense. It is baffling how people who are absolutely ignorant on a specific topic behave as if they actually know what they are talking about. Also, in case you missed this the first time. This is not the Vietnam war. This is not real life. It is a video game. And overpowered crap that requires no skill whatsoever, and can easily delete an entire enemy team in a few clicks does not need to be ingame.

I am done with this topic. I have read enough dumb stuff to last me a month, dumb stuff coming from absolutely atrocious players who cope to a much needed AA nerf by pretending to be experts in history while posting the most ridiculous sh*t I have ever read in my life.

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provide sources that it was only used on aircraft

if you had a jeep or a tank or infranty in the guns line of fire, you would be in theirs THIS would mean that they are advancing and hence that you are about to lose the gun or you use it to engage the targets that persent the most threat to you EGO the infantry and light armor

yes i agree with you giving them such a hard nerf is not with what i agree with
and it seems that you are hearing things that i am not saying sooooooo ??? where the hell are you taking your point


This is WW2, not modern combat. Resources and logistics (bringing stuff to the front lines) was very difficult during WW2, AA rounds were considered too valuable to be wasted on troops. Most armies used horses to carry stuff around. US was the exception, not the norm. In addition, fixed gun positions were easy targets for counterbattery. Fixed AA guns would not sit around in the frontlines, with the order to shoot infantry.

Only Germany and Russia used a large number of pack animals to move equipment, the US supplied equipment for logistics and mobility in spades to it’s allies, Germany turned to a majority pack animals for infantry divisions while mechanized infantry relied on other means. The US and Great Britain beg to differ when it comes to delivering equipment and supplies to required areas.

The name “Krautmower” and “Meatchopper” was given because of their high rate of fire, not because they were used against infantry. I cannot believe you could not even bother to check where the names comes from.

Oh look at you citing Wikipedia of all things thinking its valid source, how cute. No Rottman, Gordon L., Browning .50-Caliber Machine Guns cites incorrect information, “Meatchopper” comes from the configuration of the weapon system and it’s use against infantry in subsequent conflicts, the M53/vz.53 quad DShKM gained this exact same nickname during it’s use for the exact same reasons.

AA guns would be easy targets to AT guns, mortar or artillery fire, which were everywhere during WW2. Where there was infantry, there would always be tanks and some type of artillery support of some kind. I am pretty sure the Germans would have loved to see the allies being so atrociously to place AA guns in the open to fight infantry, because they played too many videogames and watched too many dumb movies.


Omitting again the entire fact that the Flak 18/36/37/41 were used exceptionally often in direct fire roles against infantry and tanks. I guess Germany was the only nation dumb enough to use AA guns as a direct fire system, curious.

Every single thing you said is utter nonsense. It is baffling how people who are absolutely ignorant on a specific topic behave as if they actually know what they are talking about. Also, in case you missed this the first time. This is not the Vietnam war. This is not real life. It is a video game. And overpowered crap that requires no skill whatsoever, and can easily delete an entire enemy team in a few clicks does not need to be ingame.

This is some impressive projection from someone who considers their point valid and superior by attempting to quote Wikipedia. You can kill a flak gun in game with a single well placed AT rifle round, this screams skill issue.

I am done with this topic. I have read enough dumb stuff to last me a month, dumb stuff coming from absolutely atrocious players who cope to a much needed AA nerf by pretending to be experts in history while posting the most ridiculous sh*t I have ever read in my life.


And it’s named an AT rifle yet it can kill planes, AA, etc. As well as tanks

Neither is it realistic to have a minimap or rush your soldiers to their deaths as their team commander because their lives are epxendable. Yet here we are.
Its a fucking arcade game, unrealistic, but AA used against infantry was not a problem and was actually a realistic touch.

Also, you only get a shot on low altitude airplanes when they are close, which means sitting in an AA just in cse an enemy aircraft decides to appear, to have 3 seconds of chance to fire a t it


AAA was absolutely used against infantry. All your talk about expensive rounds is stupid because it didn’t matter. They fired thousands of rounds to shoot down an enemy plane, they could spend a few hundreds to stop a infantyr attack threatening to seize the ammo anyways.



I don’t disagree with the nerf (even though I’d preffer different solutions) but please use arguments that make sense.


Dude, go out and get some life. You are writing a lot of stupid shit here. AA was used a lot against infantry by many nations in WW2. I spoken with my history professor from my university. And he for sure now a lot more as you internet troll.

I am aware that anti-aircraft guns have been abused against infantry, but using them in this way is a fact of history. The current changes have only made matters worse. Ok now we have an elevation which made them useless against infantry … and low flying planes (!) And placing them on rooftops for a cleaner field of fire on some city maps like Berlin or Tunesia is out of the question anymore .
I think developers should go to the problem the other way around: swap unit limit, time, and build cost between MG nests and AA guns, as well as eliminate shields on AA guns or make them penetrable for small arms.

Rockets and cannons?

seriously developers, A BIG MISTAKE, the nerf on AA gun now is not possible to kill infantry because all cry when they die. Another person already said that AA gun were used as well against infantry… Destroying AA guns was easy, you use a sniper or flank it and that’s it, Jesus Christ if you keep pleasing the people that cry when they die, the game is not gonna be a shooter any more