Making Enlisted a MUCH Better Place №39

tell them to bring old event squads in the store for those who missed them


You know ak47 already come in modern warfare event? Technically in future even if the cold war dont come, probabily modders can do a proper ak47/mp401 with working double mag

So what i sayed is not a lie “one day”

Is asking to add as purchasable squad in the store old event squad

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that’s great…if only I was able to get the squad back when it came out ;(

Thank you for the good job. My suggestion is the gold order tiger II 114 that you can find in my profile featured topic

Good ideia

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This is fantastic!

Promise us do not hire marketing from Tencent please

Will those engineers be a premium ones or a non premium like the mg 30 squad in Moscow???

Yeah I expect it was very, VERY prone to jamming, but as a functionality standpoint, it meant double the ammo in a click. The idea was good.

Look, @Shiivex . Look how beautiful and Chad they are! Now, the wallpaper really does them justice, them not being handicapped anymore.



This is great, but the issue for me is still that AI have infinite ammo by themselves. I do think they need to consume ammunition and refill from nearby ammo boxes. As it currently stands, putting down ammo boxes as an engineer is rarely worthwhile in a “team support” manner, as most people will just switch to a different character when they run out of ammo and be automatically full again.
At the VERY LEAST, the way that points are given for resupplying ammo needs to be adjusted. 18 points for refilling a single bolty mag vs a flamethrower pulling an entire fuel tank and draining the box which is also 18 points is ridiculous.

One of these 3 needs to happen:

  • make it give a different amount according to how much of its reserves are drained
  • give assist points for kills with resupplied ammo
  • make AI consume ammo and need to resupply

Please for the love of the game balance the loadouts that can be obtained from the paratrooper box.

All of them are massive amounts of equipment, on top of an already fully stacked squad. The “mortar squad” especially. They get significantly more ammo for their mortars, but whats messed up is that they don’t even use them usually! Instead, everyone just wants the magic hammer that lets them build not just a rally point but everything that is supposed to be exclusive to the engineer squad too!

Best balancing suggestion: remove the ability to build rally points, MG nest, AT field gun, AA, and Czech Hedgehogs with the hammer from the box. The ONLY things it should be able to build is sandbag walls and ammo boxes.

Make the paratroopers focus on being useful THEMSELVES, not just as a way to easily drop a rally in behind enemy lines.


So How is the merger going?

Technically, we already have this sort of “mechanic” in game:

It’s true there’s no “flipping the magazine upside down” animation with those however, and all the soldier does is switch mags at an Olympian gun competition lvl speed…

But I too, believe one day Enlisted will expand to cold war, modern era.

Well no as you said is a simple fast mag switch, a proper double mag mechanics would be cool but is hard to see it if we dont get at least 1 gun like mp401 in the free progression

Is not a priority add such mechanics in some premium gun who someone have and use but is something to do if a lot of people have and use it


As keofox said previously this squads might comeback in future events and it will be a lot harder to get then it was before.


It sounds like some kind of limited reward for competitive event.

This is much appreciated. It was the right thing to do and it is wonderful to see you show some love to those that supported you. Thank you so much. I am extremely happy to see this.

Yay. I expect this will be a constant thing for the life of the game. But it’s what makes the game great and improvements like this are most welcome.

yes. It’s like 4th of July, Christmas, and Labor Day all rolled into one.

(Ride of the Valkyries, Fortunate son, and Napalm intensifies)