Making Enlisted a MUCH Better Place №39

Each issue of our weekly series focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, in which we correct smaller, but noticeable bugs and add new interesting features.


We know that many players really wanted this to happen: as a result of long discussions with you, dear commanders, we’ve decided to add engineers to multiple old Premium squads!

An extra engineer slot has been added to most of the old Premium squads. To add a soldier there, simply enlist one through Logistics. How you equip and upgrade him is up to you. Such engineers will be able to build only basic structures.

Full list of squads that have received an engineer slot:

Battle of Moscow:

  • 449th Infantry Regiment with PPK-41 (Allies)
  • 1308th Infantry Regiment with PPT-27 (Allies)
  • 75th Infantry Regiment with MP 41 (Axis)
  • 195th Infantry Regiment with Beretta M1918 (Axis)

Invasion of Normandy:

  • 330th Infantry Regiment with M2 Hyde (Allies)
  • 115th Infantry Regiment with M3 Field modification (Allies)
  • 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment with M50 Reising (Allies)
  • 117th Feldgendarmerie-Trupp with MP 28 Extended magazine (Axis)
  • 941st Infantry Regiment with MP 18 (Axis)
  • 46th Jager Regiment with Erma EMP (Axis)

Battle for Berlin:

  • 38th Guards Infantry Regiment with PPK-42 (Event) (Allies)
  • 336th Guards Infantry Division with PPD-40 DSZ (Allies)
  • 870th Infantry Regiment with PPD 1944 (Allies)
  • 652nd Grenadier Regiment with MP 40/1 (Axis)

Battle for Tunisia:

  • 131st Infantry Brigade with Sten Mk III (Allies)
  • 8th Bersaglieri Regiment with FNAB-43 (Axis)


We’ve released countless AI improvements so far and we fully intend to continue to do so.

This time we want to please you with a few particularly distinctive improvements: now your AI soldiers will reload their weapons when out of combat, take cover more often and come out of it more smoothly, and also waste less time looking at walls.

We’d like to once again thank those of you who continue to send us ideas and suggestions on how to improve Enlisted!


  • You can now interact with an airborne troops’ supply box from further away.
  • The font color in the soldier’s customization menu is no longer the same as the background.
  • Fixed the missing “Go to squads management” button after purchasing an item through the “More detailed” screen.
  • Added a slight delay before removing the green dot notifications from new offers in the store when switching tabs.


Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.

So share, suggest, and report!


So. :fire:?



Engineeeeeeeersssssss on old premoidssssssssssssssss!!!
bn asking for this for so, so long. so much better now !

@Conscript_Joe WAKE UP !

so much better with 5 soldiers :slight_smile:


Okay, this is probably the best MEABP post to date. Thank you developers.

“now your AI soldiers will reload their weapons when out of combat”


Meh… you can add enginer to every premium/event already last year wen you added them for old machinegunner event/premium


Bot reloading was supposed be a basic function…

Is to late for be impressed, if you want impress as fix bipod on weapon and make them finally reduce dispersion and recoil wen used


Just a reminder comrades we always reading you suggestions here and on other places с:
So, suggest more с:


Hummmmmm so good !!!

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Remember, they didn’t do it to please us, they count on profits. After merge some of the premiums may become viable to the game and encounter squads it would never encounter before.


does supply box also kill from further away? :slight_smile:

btw i take any AI improvement with grain of salt…

Fix feeding of G41 so the 2 seperate stripper clips do not acts like one mag.

But this was suggested years ago… So I would love to know reasonings why this issue was ignored for so long.


All i can say, devs aware and working on it.


As much as I can say the SKS old berlin engineer premium had working bullet and stripper clip animations. Not sure if that is baked to the model like motionbuilder or maya or whatever tools DF uses, but the core set there could be templated to the G41 to allow both bullet and sclips.

Be awere that bot are in combat situation even if enemy fire is near them so imo is sufficient stay a bit near the frontline or some enemy who is shooting near you for stop them to reload

Overall enlisted is heavy cqc focused so i bet they never reload as usual

I guess one thing to mention is could premium medic squads obtain another medic soldier to round the squad to 5?


Dude… we’ve been resisting the idea of ​​adding engineers to premium squads for a year. does it look like the desire to make money on you? Seriously?


Some SLIGHT changes can make the game MUCH better, what a boast!
I suggest to pay more attention on the decrease of daily active players.

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Lmao. I would actually ignore that one because now all these squads have MORE value to them. Having them NOT have an engineer for a year could have hurt sales at the time for each one of those releases. Now it is well worth the money, and to those people who grabbed the 8 premium pack for a heavy discount now can wake up today to a great MEABP.


Well, half of the recent news have relationship with premium squads. Many many many too many discounts. Even more often than last year, right?
Players are waiting for the merge and offcial release on steam. But every time the news knock my door and saying, ‘it is time to pay to me’.
I appreciate the work you have done, but it should not be something worthy to be proud of.


That berlin SKS have 5 bullet mag, so just as most of bolt-actions, where reload looks fine too.

New animations won’t help.
Devs are reworking the functionality of reloading sequences.
How it should work: if one ammo is fired, game use “anim-1”, if 5 rounds fired - “anim-2”, if 9 rounds fired - “anim-2” + “anim-1” 4 times.
It may sound simple, but it actually quite a lot of work with the engine.


I have a brief understanding of Dagor, but not the tools used to rig the weapons via animations. So I can’t assume a suggestion if I wouldn’t know the tools to use. But yeah, as you said, it should follow that type of system - and it appears DF is rebuilding it from the ground up, hopefully templatable for future weapons.