Making Enlisted a Better Place - At low developer cost

It was actually distributed lots early in the great patriotic war; just was superseded by other grenade launchers and dedicated mortars. Should likely be a BR3 locked entrenchment tool, with high silver cost.

Based on its large availability, but likely poor/med performance, it doesnt fit as event or gold order weapon.

You have my vote! This is just the very simplest and easiest ideas I could group for Making Enlisted Better.
I think Air rework should come with all your goodies, if/when they ever get around to it.

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I don’t want to see any more Pacific jokes
I don’t want to repeat the objections I’ve made in the past.
Just a brief mention

Think about the environment before Level 5 Japan
I guess most pilots should be aware of this
It is almost difficult for the Japanese army to gain air superiority without high-altitude rebirth aircraft.
In most cases, they will be shot down by the US military while their acceleration is incomplete.
Excellent pilots can completely block the area around the airport and deprive the enemy of high-altitude support.
Even if you are not under attack, you can only choose to fly at low altitude to increase the chance of being shot down.
Or waste a lot of time on accelerating and promoting and miss key opportunities.
Think about the speed of those early airplanes and bombers
When you fly to the war zone, all your teammates have been killed

You see a future that satisfies your own emotional values
I see a future where a group of warriors are defeated because they don’t have effective high-altitude support.

there would be no point to “repeating” your objections. You made them in the Suggestion thread, and your “objections” were debunked with actual testing and video footage.

you need new objections.

Pot meet kettle. The OP as well as the airfields idea was to attempt to fix a kamakize cycle type of gameplay that by your own admission, you favour.

But anyway, it is not my intention to clutter this topic with ground already covered. (by the way, airfields could still be added without making any other changes…)


If I remember correctly
What you took out was the test in the AI ​​competition.
He has no consideration of value in actual combat environment
Because nothing will try to knock you down or block your respawn point

Without prior precautions
Paratroopers can complete the process of resurrecting and massacring small strongholds in 60 seconds.
Infantry can do the same job in 1 minute and 30 seconds

Currently, a high-altitude aircraft operating at a speed of 600 takes approximately 40 seconds to complete a standard bomb release.
If you choose to take off, you will arrive at the battlefield at low altitude in about 1 minute.
Even if your plane successfully arrives, it will lose sight and dive angle due to insufficient height.
Attack with the risk of being shot down and self-destructing

Or do you want to spend 2 minutes raising it to the standard height and then drop bombs on the lost stronghold?
Maybe the enemy is already on the way to the next stronghold at this time.

So my conclusion is
Your enemies will thank you for the late bomb

The existence of this tactic is necessary
It has necessary value from various angles

Usually about 70% of your teammates are a group of babies who have no fighting ability or even worse than AI.
They won’t do anything to help the war situation
Rather than building respawn points and detours, they prefer to hide behind and cry and occupy positions on vehicles.

I wouldn’t have used this tactic before
But in this bad environment
I had to spend money to buy a whip to whip the enemy
And help these babies blow up all the enemies on the ground.
Only in this way will they have a chance to reach the front of the stronghold.
Instead of being used as a cash machine
The other two normal players can have more time for tactical support and ground suppression.
I just need to use paratroopers and spawn units and smoke bombardment to share their pressure when appropriate.
This is called division of labor and cooperation

Instead of joining those monkeys being suppressed by the enemy
Or it fails because there is a better method but you are unwilling to use it.
Finally, he protested against the enemy’s use of immoral tactics.
(Sounds a lot like the guys protesting against Gray Zone Tanks and Mines)

Lets not derail this thread. If you want to discuss it, happy to in my thread

responded here


plsno; germany has enough; the Bergman is good enough, while also being “funny” because it’s another MG15, and frankly fits better as a “Volksturm weapon” dug up in the last days of berlin.

The Allies desperately need a lewis gun; so do the japanese with their type 92 (ground)… consolidation of the BAR line and the Bren Line would be good here earlier…

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The mg 15 is really underperforming for its br. It has insanely bad dispersion and recoil

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so does the madsen when you fire it from the shoulder.

You are comparing soviet t2 mg to german t5 mg. Of course madsen is bad it is low tier. I would expect a bit more from t5 mg

Just toss grenade to get rid of AP mine in not difficult or just shoot them


the MG-15 (not the MG-15nA) is a gun designed for aircraft mounting adapted haphazardly for ground combat,
hopefully the upcoming “bipod fix” will fix it but expecting a 1200 round rof with a full sized rifle round to be “stable” is kind of asking a bit much;

maybe reduce the rof range to something a bit more reasonable like a flat 1000-1050 (which is what it lists on wikipedia)…

Or give the germans another option for t5. Either way the mg 15 is way too bad for t5

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According to the OP’s proposal they’re asking for the addition of both the MG-15nA (1916) (which I have no problem with, it’s a belt fed Mg with a nice reasonable 550 rpm rof); and the MG81 (with a 1400 rpm rof; which I do have a problem with)…

if anything the MG-81 should have the same recoil problem as the MG-15 (1932), lol.

edit: if they want that (the MG-81) I’d want a (Tech Tree) Vickers K, and Stinger for the Wallies, (in addition to the lewis gun for the Wallies, and type 92(lewis) for the Japanese)… idk for the Soviets…

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this is the nicest suggestion i have ever seen
It also take note of the cost of development which is what i appreciate the most

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Re Allies I agree with you re MGs; the Bren Mk3 100rd drum is in For King And Country - Op Mercury, Monte Cassino, Market Garden. New Style Campaign Concept

Japanese Lewis is included in August Storm - Soviet-Japan New Style Campaign Pack Concept

But if I had to add the 1 weapon to each, it would be Tier 4 AT, especially the Iconic stuff outlined above first. I hear about weak AT on USA side about 15x more than I hear about machine guns.

Re Bergman MG15na, it was given to foreign SS and Volk units, im fine with that. Generally it would be good if Axis might have a MG thats not 10000000rounds per second for variety if anything else.

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Honestly this is key. Devs know we know and love the game and our suggestions are vitally important for its health, but we should also respect their time/budget etc. This helps make key incremental changes that make these small but important changes to the game.

Of the above lineup I think the Raider squad into motorized cavalry is the biggest rework, but honestly it improves that mechanic and the relevant vehicles so much in terms of playability its likely worth the cost.


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I mean I think in a game like Enlisted you can never have enough :stuck_out_tongue:

I desperately want the Lewis gun for Britain though.

Also, i think conisdering the policy of attempting to give everyone equal opposites, even when those weapons are post war or never used/Existed (that has been the trend,), Germany/Italy perhaps is owed a 100 round Machine gun as everyone else has. I think its only fair and in good keeping with the trend.

I like the idea of just a larger belt for the Iconic Mg 42 or Breda SAFAT for Italy

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I offered MG42 alternatives due to MG34/42/45/34pat all being quite well represented already

Of course Breda SAFAT was represented in For King And Country - Op Mercury, Monte Cassino, Market Garden. New Style Campaign Concept as another flavorful inclusion.

Id honestly really like like-minded additions as in my campaign concepts to be dropped all at once, even as just a game update, the slow trickle of 1new item per nation (except Jap) is a little dissapointing to those that grinded out all the extra research.