Making Enlisted a Better Place №62

By that logic most BR1/2 SMGs would be BR 4 as weapons like the M3s, PPS, etc. only came into service in 1943/44.

In a perfect world yes, but I admit that hand held weapons don’t break the immersion as much as huge visible tanks from 3 years in the future, especially in sand yellow, among snows of Moscow.

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How come Beretta M1 is now BR2 but Beretta M38/42 is still BR3?


Absolutely agree with all 3 points

Chat GPT

I’d also like to see the AVS down to be 4 since the Avt is better than it in most aspects, especially with the closed sight in the front and it starting on full auto compared to the avs which doesn’t.

Kiraly and mp717 to br4 since they were seeing service in the early phases of the war.

PPD 40 foldered with the 34/38 at br4 since both ppds were used in the early years of the war and were REPLACED by the ppSh.

PpSh in tier 4 since it saw service all phases of the war starting with Moscow

Fedorov in br4 but nerf rpm first.

Also change queues to 1-2,3-4 and 5


that can be fixed pretty easily, there are winter camos for italian tanks in war thunder

Agreed. I was actually replying to coldestwinters comment on what weapon BR’s should be changed and how they can change the queues to at least make the game believable again.

Nah, reporting is silly, I like posts like this to stay up so @Dysphorid can make more albums

Well ever since they announced “the Merge” it was obvious that sandy Tunisian tanks would look weird in the snow of Moscow and Moroccan bathrobe boys will look ridiculous in Normandy, yet they launched the Merge like this.

And in the 5 months since the merge made ZERO effort to improve the WW2 aspect of the game.

Yet they made zombie mode and sold a zombie tank skin because haha.

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This also has the issue that only people who bought the PPD 1944 have a BR3 71 round now. The techtree PPD34/48 is arguably worse since its lower bullet damage and higher dispersion cost it at range, would still work great at short range but not meaningfully better than the PPD1944.

It’s about time the PPD34/38 was moved to BR3, free players need fun options too.

ok, you appreciate my feedback, so bots are more beneficial for enemy than for own team, nades are apparently from Wish and tanks killing from enemys no go area are also great

YES! They fixed the Italian paratroopers!

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To work for increased Realism an Historical accuraccy is what I hope for you to work for.
Starting with the immediate removal of Ho-Ri from Game which has nothing to do in this Game being a papertank that had no hope of ever being produced by Imperial Japan during WW2, and Especially your fantasy verion of it which is not even true to it’s historical paperwork.
That and to work on setting B.R with year of service and intended role in mind as in Volksturm being high Tier and make em cheap as f to buy and set vehicles like Puma at high B.R being a late war machine and being one of best at it’s intended role, those things should be top prio to work and fix.

oh yeah and same camo system for vehicles as there is already in place for soldiers, so we get vehicles with the appropriate Camo for each Campaign and it’s respective Maps

  • @TheUnclaimedOne
    This is really like i know Americans from Trash-TV, Respekt You fullfill all USA Kliischees
    meanwhile a shame for beeing a Console Gamers, i would prefer it if you dont say it anymore because i´m one of them too. Can you please stop to spam in the Forum and start playing everything of the Game?
    It really seems, like you hate Germany i feel hurt by this. Ich bin aus Deutschland!

  • For the Topic:

these Squads & Guns should not facing BR 4-5 stuff
ok i understand the picks because of the Time Periods but Enlisted should stop to claim on that. It makes many things useless and it is a Game atleast. Same Problem with Maps are bounded by BR, thats a waste of all the Work Devs did.

MP40/1 (Premium)
Erma EMP SIlenced
Lewis Gun (Premium)
MG13 (Premium)
Stug 3 (Premium)
Panzerwerfer 42 (Premium)
Calliope (Premium)
BM-8-24 (Premium)
SKT-40 sniper (Premium)
Gewehr 41 sniper (Premium)
Typ 1 SMG (Premium)

Yeeep most of them are Premiums which are weaker then every regular Squad
thats not my complete List but they are the Things i payed and really want to play in Future again.

Some low BR Para Squad for Germany in near Future would be a good Solution…

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Move the StG-45 (M) Squad to BR III please. It’s worse than an MP-40 at close range and the squad cannot get sprint speed or vitality.


lost of good changes here … looking forward to more.

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I’m buying the Dicker Max now, purely because you’re the most annoying person on this forum.


Sadly the Pz 4 G is not researchable.

Meanwhile, if you believe that the historical accuracy of the game should take priority over balance (although Darkflow may indeed believe so), then Fedorov as a WW1 weapon should be put behind Madsen!

After the Soviets finally get some researchable new low-tier weapons I believe. They only got 3 SMG in BR I and II while the Germany got 10, and Western Allies is 6. Germany further more got ZB-26 which fires in 830 RPM at most, while the USSR only have that damn Madsen.