Making Enlisted a Better Place №62

Pavesi M42 (BP) being at 2 instead of 3 is ‘a world of difference’, would have picked up 4 or w/e the max is. When can we expect to see them on the ‘BP shop’ again, due to this change of mind?

I have not had time to comb through the entire thing bit by bit but as far as BR Ratting changes that might have been missed the most glaring issue that I see as far as things that should be fixed is the M1 Garand.
Why is the Winchester M30 a BR II now but the Garand is still a BR III rifle? They are more or less the same gun. The Winchester M30 was even designed based of teh Garand frame. It was just a cheaper to produce version of the same rifle.

When comparing a fully upgraded M1 Garand to the Winchester G30M the stats are nearly identical. The two primary diffrences are the Garand has 3 more rounds in the mag and the G30 is slightly heavier. I personally do not understand how 3 more bullets and a touch of saved weight could possibly ammount to BR III over BR II.
In fact the Winchester G40M, presumably because of the extra mass of the rifle has slightly better recoil stats than a fully upgraded Garand. So really the G30 is trading 3 rounds for better Recoil so the two seems pretty well on par with each other.
To me this seems to move the game a bit closer to pay to win. Which is never a good position for a game to sit in.

I could be wrong. I could be missing something. If I am feel free to let me know.
I can see the argument that the rifle in the hands of a single 4 man NG squad is a very diffrent combat effectiveness than issuing the rifle to every man. Those two things are quite diffrent. But If we are just comparing the rifles, Apple to Apples. Seems like the Garand should be BR II to me.

the only possible explination I can see reasonably is it is an ecouragment for people to buy and therfore play it. As I am sure many other people who play have noticed. Not enough people drop rally points so more NG squads in a teams lineup is obviously a good thing.

But all in all IDK. Seems like just a way to try to push people to spend money on the game so they can win games instead of pushing people to just play the game overall. Which again… pay to win. What the game needs badly right now is more players not more money spent in the game. More players will better the game in so very many ways and one of those ways I suspect would be an overall profitablity for the company. So I just see it as a short sighted move for a quick cash grab.

Anywho. I am aware this is a long post about just one rifle, but I figured if I was going to point it out I should at least actually think it through and post my full reasoning.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Feel free to disagree.

Shit man, i want that too

I personally made a 12-win row with BR II Germany and random teammates before this update.

I won’t say “nerf X and Y” or “bring Z to BR X” to disturb the interest and fun of others, just give the USSR some other MG rather than the joke like Madsen.


These are all experimental weapons, so Darkflow can freely fabricate their data.
(don’t say “they are too few to be researchable but should be put out with GE” when we got those Japanese memes)


Honestly just from a historical standpoint the Garand should be BR I

We must learn the truth I shall say. When it was originally divided into various campaigns, Darkflow used certain “corners of history” and “unknown part of WW2” as levels “versus” is still understandable for me. But since the game has been merged, I can only say that they should at least balance it well.

I believe it will benefit the discussion not to change the standpoint (to history) when the original post is all about game balance, btw.

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It’s because it has 3 less rounds and it’s only a 4 man squad. You need to look at the bigger picture besides stats. The fact that it only has 4 engineers makes it an average squad. No one is going to rush to buy it even with the change to BR 2.

Historically I agree. But starting the Americans with a semi Auto would be… really unbalanced

And that’s why we won the war. The End.

  1. fucked up matchmaking
  2. pre-merger squad xp requirements for squad you got in tier2/3
  3. Unreasonablly low reward. 5 hard fought wining game for leveling any gun over tier2
  4. America/Japanese personal at. Or at least better at gun by engineer
  5. show both enemy and team gear br and rank. or make your matchmaking better br±0 and squad amount of players on each side

There are millions of other ways to kill an tank in this game other than rushing it with your own tank. Germans may get good tanks but america has ton of good planes that can easily destroy tigers like the p51 d-5 and p47. Also if you dont like to fight tigers then dont play high br.


They can always add it as a folder.
And even if not, F2 is perfectly fine for BR3.

No, I don’t think it should take priority over balance.

I believe that balance should be achieved within most possible accuracy, immersion and authenticity.
But not outside of it.

E.g. if the only possible balance for STG-44 is the fantasy ASs, don’t add STG-44.


Imagine still crying about AS being in game in which there’s such huge number of prototypes already.


I agree with you. We should be able to have conversations here without insulting each other and being assholes


I was HOPING to do the same yesterday in order to unlock the 10 victories streak achievement, and indeed it was an easy walk up to 8/10.

I even met @Shiivex and iirc @Forlorn_Squad once, who were kicking Allies axxes in Tunisia so bad, that I barely had anything left to shoot at.

Then RNGesus decided to put me against @ParaDivision and his Soviet gang, and I suddenly got a hard reality check and a free ticket back to the starting line. RIP me.


dude i love fairy tale video games, just let me enjoy my stupid fake ww2 game because i enjoy it and have fun


normal matches got arcadey, why not try custom games and mods?
Instead of trying to force your opinion on DF and players, you should just enjoy the best possible experience the game can provide with your friends.


We even typed on chat to you. But no answer

So we cryed :frowning:

If you need an hand, you can queue with us, we can help you on that 10 win streak achievement :slight_smile:


When so i get such invitation :frowning:

Time to put those VGs in storage to some good use!:+1: