Is Beretta M38/42 any different from Beretta M1?


Datamined stats:

Submachine Guns Unlocked BR 10m 100m Velocity Magazine Reload Alt Reload Rate of Fire Vertical Horizontal Recoil Mult Vertical Horizontal Dispersion ADS Hipfiring Visual Recoil Recoil Dir ADS Speed Recoil Offs Notes
Beretta M1 140 000 XP III 6.8 4.0 400 40 2.5 2.1 570 26 10 0.4 10 4 0.73 0.0 15.0 1.6 0.3 0.8 0.3 40/120 Full-Auto/Semi // gun__crawlRecoilMult:r=0.8
Beretta M38/42 172 000 XP III 6.8 4.0 400 40 2.3 1.9 570 27 8 0.4 11 3 0.68 0.0 15.0 1.6 0.4 0.8 0.3 40/120 Full-Auto/Semi // gun__crawlRecoilMult:r=0.8

Looks like the only differences are slightly faster reload(s), slightly higher vertical and lower horizontal recoil, and slightly lower dispertion.

But other than that they are basically the same? (I never unlocked either in Tunisia before Merge)

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not really, pretyy much the same gun

that’s a shame, they could tweak some of these smgs so they could be different and have better stats in different aspects rather than being simple copies.