Making Enlisted a Better Place №62

Think allies have 3, germans should minimum have about 5 incl. 1 prem and 1 gold.

Nice QoL patch, glad to see some BR tweaks but it does kinda feel like slapping some bandages on a gaping chest wound

I was hoping to see the M1A1 Thompson get moved from BR 3 to BR 2, the Lanchester is better and its BR 2.

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Oh yeah there’s the Vickers then the 2 Bren’s…weird why they felt the need to make us have 3 Brit guns and all of them top loaders

I bought the battle scared Panzer IV for BR3, I would be happy if they didn’t made it useless in the first week.

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Yeah, I would like to see 20rnd Thompson added to BR2.
I suggested this earlier.
20-round magazine M1928A1 to the U.S. BR2 - Suggestions - Enlisted


Weird to move the M18 from 5 to 4 when that changes literally nothing in the matchmaking for it.

The matchmaker still feels far too broad for the current BR system we have. 1 and 4 are almost useless since they automatically get up-tiered.


That is thanks to the player base and possibly a small percentage which is hiding in custom


We have 2 of them at BR II

There are things in I and IV that are comparable, and for some people better, than II and V. It doesn’t always mean the next BR is objectively 100% “better”

My point is, why not just merge 1-2 and 4-5 at that point?

No clue. I didn’t want the system in the first place

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Pretty happy with most changes, that is in the 2 Queue MM state. When queues are finally increased alot of the SMGS moved to BR 2 need to go back to BR 3 IMO

Only thing missing that comes to mind now is the 15cm Pz. W.42 to BR 3.


There’s the USMC Thompson with a 20 rounder at BR II and there’s another Thompson at BR II…I think

Premium USMC 20 Thompson and BSA Model 1929 BP Weap



That’s the other one

I know. See my suggestion thread before commenting.

Well everyone else seems to enjoy commenting and judging without thinking. Figured I’d take part in it a bit myself