20-round magazine M1928A1 to the U.S. BR2

The Thompson submachine gun became standard issue for the U.S. Army in September 1938. The gun, which had previously been procured on a limited basis, was given the name M1928A1 and began to be procured on a large scale.
Initially, the M1928A1 was issued in two standard types: a box magazine with 20 rounds and a drum magazine with 50 rounds. However, the M1928A1 available in the game’s research tree is the BR3+ in 30 and 50-round magazine models.
The M1928A1 is an excellent and very easy to use submachine gun for the BR3. However, the BR3 will have to switch to the M2 Carbine or 50rnd Thompson as soon as possible, because the BR3 will have to face the BR5.
To enjoy the M1928A1 more, the M1928A1 with a 20-round magazine in the BR2 could exist.

Well, if the M1928A1 comes to BR2, it will not make sense to use Reising M50 or M3 Submachinegun in terms of performance, but I think the price of silver can differentiate it.
The cost of purchasing and upgrading the 20rnd M1928A1 should be equal to that of BR3. Reising M50 and M3 Submachineguns should be available for purchase and upgrade at a lower cost than that.
BR2 US players can choose to replace all their assault class guns with the M1928A1 at a large expense or keep the inexpensive raging/grease gun, which should be fun.

That’s why I was wondering if you could add the 20rnd Mag M1928A1 to BR2?


Ain’t this gun is the same that you are asking to add? It’s already at BR2 but you have to pay since it’s a premium


I was going to add a note about that. And of course I have that squad.

If you buy a premier squadr that costs $50, you can use the M1928 USMC in BR2.
It has a vertical forend and performs very well.
Well, this is only available to those who paid for it. The price is about what you can buy a full price game…
Well, to be honest, it is not worth $50. :stuck_out_tongue:

I want a BR2 Thompson in research tree for the average player, not a collector’s product.
The BR2 Thompson that will be added to the research tree is a 20 round rnd version of the BR3 M1928A1 and should have more vertical and horizontal recoil than the M1928 USMC that the Premier squad has.

Darkflow makes this idea easy to implement because it simply recombines models that already exist.

Well, their concern would be that the above premier squads and M50 reising/M3 would be less present.
I don’t hold out much hope, but I’d be happy to see it happen. :smiley:

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No longer even available for purchase. There are similar BSA Tommy guns, but they’re gold order, you can only have 4.

Disappeared from the store? I did not know that.
I don’t know if they will resell it, but if I can’t buy it anymore, that’s one more reason to add Thompson to BR2.

It has a shape that is not an option for players like me who enjoy recreating US military equipment. lol


I don’t see them adding any premium items to the tech tree anytime soon. They make most of their money off the few people who are willing to buy these overpriced premiums so are unlikely to make it less unique. Also i feel that they could use the excuse that the people who paid for it before would not be happy about it no longer requiring money to use.

I’ve noticed a lot of niches that are exclusively filled by premiums in order to get people to pay crazy high prices for them. When you realise that their primary goal is to make money and not to make a good, well balanced game then things start to make a lot more sense. It’s just one of the many problems with free to play games that claim to still be in beta or early access despite being released for years and stuffing it full of microtransactions. Everything becomes a lot less frustrating once you realise, then quitting battles in first few mins because poor map or balance feels a lot less dirty.


I didn’t mean to tell you to add the Thompson that Premium Squads have to the tech tree.
As I have already posted, I would like the BR2 to have a version with a 20-round magazine based on the M1928A1 in the BR3.
It doesn’t have a foregrip and the performance should be worse than the Premier Squad Thompson, not on par.

My point was that they probably will not add something to the tech tree that is that similar to something that’s premium. for example i don’t see them adding in a different variant of the Matilda tank because you can buy one from the premium store. Though im still hoping they expand the British equipment in an update.

Though they already have 4 other variants of the Thompson so i guess adding one more isn’t that big a deal.

i don’t think so. The developers have already added slightly different versions of Premier Squad weapons to the research tree. For example, AS44 used to belong to Premier Squad, but different versions were added to the tech tree.
Nowadays, the BR system is adopted, and M1928USMC has an added value of being BR2, but it was sold before the merge.
In other words, in the era when there was no added value of BR, the M1928USMC would be a lower-tier item when compared to the free high-tier Thompson, and the M21/28, which looked exactly the same, existed as a free item, so the advantage of buying it was There really weren’t many.
I have the impression that the developers don’t care that there are better weapons in the research tree than the premier weapons, and they don’t care that there are similar weapons in the research tree.

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