Making Enlisted a better place №59

If this means I finally get my bipods, I may support his candidature.


Thanks for clarification, now I understand.

The fighter version was available only pre-merge. So it’s basically to support seal clubbing at BR2.


the game contains multiple experimental weapons that didnt go beyond testing stage. or wasnt even finished to be tested. a system that was actually tested and well analyzed has more realism than those, and therefore should be fine for inclusion.

prototypes are usually build in a chain of steps, with every step improving details until the decided to release one prototype as the final product. there wasnt enough time/motivation to improve this rotation design, but that doesnt mean it cant be solved mechanically; obv many nations used rotators like that few years after the war.


Oh well I have all 4 USA versions of the P38.
BTW the P-38E is BR3 (has no rockets, speed 670) but the P-38G-1 is BR2 (has rockets, same guns, speed 679).


Is there a way we could see both KDR and the total kills to deaths? I quite enjoyed seeing the numbers

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Sounds like proper balance, lol.

what does a Tiger Engine having a mechanical breakdown todo with a field mod Wrf Granate system that didn’t work out?? just get lost u random kid

that guy knows about every single bug in the game.

My opinion is that current BR system is worthless and Game is all fcked since the super duper amazing ‘‘merge’’

They could atleast have went with maybe Moscow and Stalingrad one queue, Tunisia one and Normandy Berlin one.
Make it make sense somewhat with theatre of operations and year

If that actually happens I might actually have to start sending in bug reports and filling out forms about all the ways you can break the game and stuff

thats what people expected before merge details were announced, but that would have stayed just as exploitable as the current system.

With the amount of problems in this game I’ll be buried underneath a mountain of bug reports before i even get to the bipods

1. Tiger tank deployment:

35-38 Tigers deployed in North Africa, nov 1942 – may 1943. The maximum number of Tigers operational at peak force in Tunis was about 15-20 units.

a little bit more than half of them worked in each given time

180-190 Tigers deployed in Italy, jun 1943 – may 1945. The average number of Tigers available at any given time since their deployment in Italy was about 30-40 units, with a probable peak at about 50.

less than one third of what deployed were operational due to lack of fuel, breakdowns and malfunction

230-240 Tigers deployed on the western front (France/Rhine defense)
Out of these, about 150 were present during the Normandy campaign (June – Aug 1944). About 60-80 were available at peak force. Only 4-5 Tigers escaped from Normandy, but it appears that they were all blown up/abandoned on their way back anyway.

Wonder why all the tigers were lost oh yeah due to break downs and lack of fuel

The rest of 80-90 Tigers used on the western front were mostly Tiger II’s, deployed during the Ardennes offensive and subsequent battles (dec 1944 – may 1945). No more than 30 were available at any given time, and never en masse.

less than half of it was operational what that means oh yeah subsequent breakdowns and lack of fuel

~ 1300 Tigers deployed on the eastern front (72%), between aug 1942 and may 1945. The maximum number of Tigers deployed in the east was about 350-400 units, in late 1943. Out of these, no more than 250 were operational at peak force.

out of all those tigers no more than 250 were operasinoal isn’t it sad

2. Reliability

The number of operational Tiger I’s was about 50% of the batallion’s strength. So, from a 45 tank unit, only 22-23 were available at any given time. Most of the tanks in maintenance were there because of mechanical problems and not enemy activity.
There were rare instances when a battalion had 0% operational Tigers, although the battalion was quite large – over 30 tanks. There were also, extremely rare occasions, when 100% of a batallion’s tanks were available, for 2-3 days in a row.

The number of operational Tiger II’s was 25-30% of the battalion’s strength from mid-1944 to late 1944. Only after Dec 1944 the operational status went above 40%, on average, and did not exceed 50% allmost never. The reason was fairly simple – the engine and distribution were to underpowered to carry a 70-ton tank. Breakdowns were even more common than in the case of Tiger 1.

Oh wow a tank that almost didn’t work in real life yet we have it in game why don’t you cry about that or about the fact that we have gun that literally breaked down in the middle of test or the fact that we are going to get a tank that never was made and exist only on paper yeah HHA(Hardcore historical accuracy)community at best is a joke to me with their double standards

So what does this have to do with the fact 21 cm didn’t work and the fact that you mention the game should be in scope of reality a lot of stuff has to change for instance Tigers engines should catch fire most of time and half of the time you spawn in tiger 1, the tiger should have a malfunction and for the Tiger 2 it should be 60 percent of the time and a lot of other stuff but these were examples for Germany I’m sure if I dig enough I can find enough stuff that are not in “the scope of limitations of reality”
So please don’t be petty and insult me if you want it to not be added and your reason was “the scope of limitations of reality” then Im saying that’s not a good reason when we have tanks that IRL breaked down , guns that breaked down , and even stuff we don’t know of their Reliability

If that actually happens I might actually be hit with an NDA But since we can’t shove people into positions I think I’m safe so Hooray

Actually para Germans kind of improved the design with rocket pods that could take 24 rockets and 19 rocket pods though these were only developed for Jet engine planes and I have no evidence of them being used in piston engine planes they could take R4M and R4/HL

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What has this really changed? It’s still classed attacker plane like before


So allies can have 2 p38 with same armament in air same time and since devs didn’t add battle start cool down time for planes in Pacific you can do 2 attack runs even before defender team can do anything.


It was always their plan to let the allies start plane cycling so the Japanese can hate their lives even more especially for new bloods

2 p38 with rockets, 2 a20 with more rockets and bombs, beaufighter
All of these get air spawn and no cooldown


And on a map with next to no cover so overall the Japanese lives suck

Maybe they should make it so after every tank or plane death you have to take 2 infantry squad rather than just taking 2 squads of all kind

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