Making Enlisted a Better Place №55

This game starts to break when you start working with coordination and death stack start working together

The Luftwaffe operated perfectly fine even on the very last day of the war.
Germany’s last large scale airborne operation was during the Battle of the Bulge.
Volksturm is overhyped to justify system narrative, in reality most Volkstrum units surrendered without real fighting.
Only on the Easternfront men fought with everything they had to win some time for women and children (younger than HJ) to evacuate safety from the invaders with barbaric intensions.

Germany’s real problems were fuel shortages and being outnumbered, equipment quality was the higgest out of all armies up until the last few weeks of the war.

As for spamming Tiger II, this is just hypocrisy.
You can spam anything because this is a videogame.
M2 carbine was never used in Europe
AS-44 a prototype weapon never used
Jumbo spam…

Clearly double standards, anyone with half a brain knows.




nice thank you for that

as for the reason why it pretty obvious if you were always looking at the update but im gonna tell you anyway

it was stalingrad exclusive and now you cant get it because you didnt play soviet stalingrad before

a reply to that chinese guy



THis game is quickly becoming unplayable. Does it occur to you to limit some of the artillery? The game seems to be one constant barrage after another. I just deserted yet another game because how is it allowed for HVAR rockets to shell the initial spawning area? Not to mention the constant bombing runs by planes. I think my New Year’s resolution will be to completely bail on this game and go back to CoD or War Thunder. THis game is garbage now.


Are you comlpetely lost or just plain unsmart?
What is a joke with a WW2 FPS huh?
WW2 is a Historical Conflict, you didn’t hear about it? see a documentary on TV? read about in school?
NO? Completely ignorant is what you are.
Enlisted is a Game about a HISTORICAL conflict. ur a smart one aren’t you?

Yeas it was a problem, Mkb42 in Moscow was a bad addition, Fedorov wasn’t too much of a problem and a what if likely.

Yeha are you really this lame or what? Things that were could ofc be placed at now, but now things that aren’t already. Just too smart you are huh?

And things like this, Historical inaccuracies doesn’t ruin all the game or determine the rest.
what’s with all you kids with this low thinking, too silly to be reasoned with.

First of what you on about that’s called REALISM in a game. To have authentic Gun sounds, Realistic weapon handling etc. umpin one thing to the other in a way try moving it on without gettin it first of all.

Then this to top it off after like what is that supposed to mean or add? Just lame again.
Like no people don’t have the right to equip whatever and shouldn’t.
And then it’s a Game arguement to cherry it… cmon

Who you calling Fake you imbecille.

Go sit in the corner

Is this low bait from the Enlisted HA 2.0 Facebook Group?
Because that writing aint pretty.


And another stupid logic trying to make a point.
The Game is as far of from what it should be because the core gameplay of it all has been changed and ruined.
From Squad based FPS with Historical Campaigns to Time Travel Squads going anywhere with whatever baased on some perceived dumb logic rating of weapons and vehicles that the devs tried to evaluate and missed alot of point to take into consideration for that to work

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Fill THreads? what, Threads about latest Update and arguin about said update. That’s what meant for

what merge will cause after this event im likely dropping the game if it keeps the nose dive its in


Why should I? Too Heilarious

You just talked alot of nonsense. Abolutely pointless and not a single thing you got right.
Like what did you contribute? really? besides trying to attack me and act tough, you came up with nothing is what you did.
You tried somehow break down my points there or what? what was your aim.
You tried quoting some my points and then you where gonna do what again? Cause on every point you just talked some nonsense and then no point at all.
In the end you just tried to show of some right there, not much of a point of arguing with you, you seem to lack enough to start understanding to begin with

im just ignoring him hes been poping up the last few days and attacking people that have any objection to the game. hes either a paid shill or one of the unbanned that came back either way hes not someone you want in any comunity.

Its called discussion. Do you feel offended for simply saying “no, beause…”?

By simply calling them nonsense. How lazy.

Im a bit longer here than you, pal, so please tell me more about me than about old fun.
Its apparently too much to ask how 2:1 player ratio in old system makes fun.

yea sebekel been here as long as i remember which is very long around the Charleston automatic rifle event long (well longer than that actually but that was when i was a bit active in the forum)

USSR Tanker II squad was supposed to unlock with the T-50 but the shop says T-28 required. This a bug or a graphical issue? I used The bug report system and it still hasn’t been acknowledged 2 weeks later

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Not really. I have the DLC yet I also cant upgrade the German Breda or the Soviet one either. Also the situation is a lot more messed up than you guys think.

Problem 1:
I have the stalingrad exclusive (full access pack)+preorder content too, yet I also cannot upgrade the breda machine gun for the German/Italian faction, although I should be able to, since its an Italian MG, and Italy is part of the German army group in-game. It is NOT even a trophy gun for them. Does not make sense.

Problem 2:
Also all trophy weapons have been removed from the store, you can not buy new ones. (I get it, historical accuracy, yet I often fight against t70s with my king tiger in Stalingrad. Or against A13s with my Ho-I in the Pacific or my Italian paratroopers try to the snipe the Russian infantry squad with WW1-era guns like Fedorov from the rooftops of a tractor factory in Stalingrad …)

Which brings us to problem 3: So basically I already bought dozens of MP-717rs(ppsh-41 copy with a small difference), but players who also bought the full access pack + preorder too, they might not even have a single one if they only made it to some lower campaign levels. Is this fair ? I don’t think so. They also bought the same access pack.

Problem 4: None of the already bought “trophy guns” can be upgraded. (thompsons and breda for USSR, mp717r for German army group, and maybe a few other guns I forgot to mention.) Why ?
Again, unbalanced. Dozens of fully upgraded mp717 > 1 level minus max mp717 that deals a lot less damage when isn’t fired at point blank range. Some people have it fully upgraded, some people don’t.

Problem 5:
So if the point of removing these was actually historical accuracy then why are there 2 german panzerfaust variants in the USSR army instead of their own handheld AT weapons and why cant they get their own AT guns instead of the 75 pak.

They had a lot of their own anti-tank guns, why do they have to use the german one ?

As for lend lease its historically accurate, thats the only thing I dont have a problem with, as long as their is no more lend lease shermans in the battlefield than T34s.

Problem 6:
On the other hand, if the point of removing the trophy guns was so that only people that bought the access pack can use it, then why can’t people who bought the DLC cannot buy new trophy weapons, or at least upgrade the ones they already bought.

So basically you bought something, but a few updates later you cannot use it, if you havent unlocked a certain campaign level and bought and upgraded these guns before the merge. So something you paid for (for the duration of the existence of the game) is not avaliable a few months later because … reasons?
Seems a tiny bit illegal to me.
(For example I really like the Mannlicher M93 but I have only bought like 1 I think because pre-merge buying guns with silver orders was really expensive and I cannot buy new ones anymore. :frowning: )

Lets say you own a car in the future like in 2070 thats highly dependent on the built-in OS and AI. You go to the hospital for 1 month because of an accident thats not related to the car in any way. When you are healthy again you cannot use your car because there was a new update to the OS and a new license agreement that for some reason states that the new OS version allegedly has some safety problems (whether its true or not) and that they cannot fix it, you cannot get your money back, and you cannot drive the car faster than 20km/h, so they basically say you better go by your stupid bicycle… Are you serious ?

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