Making Enlisted a Better Place №55

Do it once and for all, the best place, stop setting up tier 3 versus tier5 battles, in what way should you ask for it? It can’t be impossible not to do it. Any player would wait 30 more seconds in line to play a battle that is fair. Are they stupid or what? Who of the company’s thinkers did it occur to them that by destroying a game like they did by removing the battle theaters and making the battles last 4 minutes they were going to earn more money?
stop fixing things that no one cares about and solve the matchmaking once and for all

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IDK why you posted this at me.

i was just trying to translate for guy, i was just passing on info??

Hi support team,

sadly the paratroopers are NOT making Enlisted a better place because they make the game heavily unbalanced as the German side doesn’t have any paratroopers in BR 1/2.

Please fix this ASAP!



#1:My apologies, I wanted to reply to the original comment.

#2:But anyway, the reason why I wrote this post (although I thought it was really obvious) is just to highlight a problem that some people did not even notice since the merge was quite chaotic already anyway regarding all other aspects. I don’t want to lecture anyone, this is just my opinion. I did not blame any of the players, I solely blame the devs for these decisions, because this cannot be the correct way to handle this issue.

#3: Other issue: Also in custom matches (might be all of them, tested only in Battle of the Bulge maps) I’m always playing with the AI of the other faction as a team.

Like for example if I play with British/US squads, I’m basically fighting with Axis teammates, for the Axis team against British/US AI. Joining the other side in custom game automatically changes the faction I have selected, and the same issue happens. (So I play with german squads, on behalf of the Allies, which is quite idiotic.)

Can someone else confirm that its also “switched” for them ? Or did I miss a setting somehow ?


I completely agree with Bodo. Also its hard to balance paratroopers correctly because both noobs and tryhards with 4 ppl lobbies use it. The easiest fix would be to increase the respawn time for paratrooper squads after death for each player who has more than 1 paratrooper squads active at the time of the mission.
Like double the paratrooper squad respawn time !
This way people could still use paratroopers, they would still be relatively fun to play, but they wouldnt turn every game to a toxic wasteland of a sealclubbing fest.

As the days go by, I still play 8 out of ten battles with my tier 3 squad against tier 5 teams with 6 or 7 marshals, a couple of generals and us a colonel. At least take out the sign where it says that matchmaking matches you with squads of the same level as you.
How could one possibly investigate tier 5 if you did not have the opportunity to earn more than 2000 experience points per battle.
and another thing is the American hand machine gun that pierces tanks and walls.
What is the branch of research that makes bullets pass through soldiers without harming them and what is the advantage that gives soldiers Olympic gold medals in the 100 meter dash because mine with maximum running ability cannot run? 150 meters in 3 seconds

Hello, new player here! I do enjoy the game, and I enjoy the customization of tanks and vehicles. I would really like to see the vehicles have different appearance options based on the map or campaign being played, similar to how soldiers can have different outfits for different campaigns/maps. It always seems like I pay for a new camo and get the matching map only about %30 of the time.

Possibly even choosing maps would be great!

ALSO, please add the ability to add ONE single victory mark to vehicles. I and many others would like to add a single victory mark to many vehicles to create a realistic look.



Why on earth?

What’s the point of having early war vehicles like A13 vs Pz II in Normandy and Ardennes?

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Yes, more people say this the better, I’m currently using BR4 to counter the same allied paras, too easy to drop on tank, flank rallies. Axis BR3 cannot do that unless very lucky not to get seen.