Making Enlisted a Better Place №55

lol, have you ever even played Warthunder? That game also just throws you into a random map based on your BR.
I haven’t played it the last few years but I heard they even abandoned the historical matchmaking entirely now.

Sorry but anyone who wants ‘WT but Infantry’ and expects separate historical campaigns is just completely deluded.

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there is a little bug with the scoped stg

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Just played a game, mid Tier axis Vs top tier paras with assault rifles, their paras and APCs stopped us in our tracks, although good to see allies with upper hand on Stalingrad, no para counters for low tier axis really is a big handicap

Please give us option to chose low tier axis like Soviets,


It is objectively possible to rank weapons according to their performance.

People might be biased and flawed with how they perceive balance, but that doesn’t mean it is pure fantasy.

Sure people have preferences and prefered playstyles so some weapon types will perform differently depending on who wields said weapon, but to say the entire BR system is trash and imbalanced is ridiculous because ultimately the campaign system also had final unlocks that were supposed to be balanced for both sides.

Except that didnt work.

Which we never got and instead got flooded with time travel stuff, zombie weapons from the Great War and field test stuff.

Biggest issue so far seems to be lack of BR3 queue and awful late US stuff.
Which I believe is still easier to fix than campaign system.



Not gonna happen it’s intentional so the Soviets and the allies can regain their energy to go back to fight BR5

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you must realize that if they did the merge, with the amount of work it means, it was because they deemed it was entirely necessary (from their point of view) to change the game or be in the next chapter of the “death of a game” series.

dont think for just a second that they took all that massive amount of work just for the lulz, or out of generosity, or just to improve the game out of professional pride. that is not how they do things around here. they apply everywhere the concept of MVP (Minimally Viable Product). if they did it, it was cause they saw no other escape from the strangle rope they set themselves in. in fact, i think that it was the right idea.

the execution of the idea, tho, was extremely poorly implemented as it could ever possibly be. but hey, dont go quietly in the night, kick and scream all the way till your final rest, and all that.

they went with the “better try and fail, than dont try at all” system. did it worked? well…we can see for ourselves the result and drive our own conclusions.

if you had to find an educated conclusion for the constant stream of FOMO events one after the other, and sometimes even overlapping, why would it be?

A) pure generosity, out of just kind hearts.
B) they found the event codes in the closet, and decided they just implement them.
C) the population is so fkd right now, they need to add any possible measure to keep them (us) logging on the game.

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If that was true then they should have listened to Mod makers and work with Tommy a lot harder


It was NEVER about the balance of players whining like kids of OP this and that. That was secondary and mostly down to lack of skill and a few bad implemented choices by devs and no regulations on BP weapons and suich things.
The stupid ‘‘update’’ was because they needed to fill up queues with players so people wouldn’t see it as a bot game with not many players around, aka a stagnant dead game, that and to remove the idiotic way of having to unlock same stuff again and again in new campaigns. They should’ve had a Nation wide Tech Tree from start that unlocked weapons in all campaigns were they could be fielded.
that was poor desing from start.
Now the current system doesn’t take into account year of service and the historical immersion that comes with it.
Many players, me included are here because we want to play a WW2 Squad FPS with HISTORICAL Weapons and Vehicles in HISTORICAL Campaigns, immerse ourselves in WW2 and using what they would’ve used in terms of weapons and vehicles there and then in that Campaign.
This system ruins that immersion.
I want to play Moscow with early Panzers against Mosin armed Russians, I want to play Berlin with Volksturm weapons etc and so on. I do NOT want to play Moscow not being able to equip drum magazine PPD 34/38 facing off against PzIV J. I do not want to time travel back and forth with my Moscow Squads and having to adjust my weapons and vehicles because some imagined balance from BR.

BR is trash, It could be better if they took into consideration year of service and type of weapon/vehicle.
As treat a PUMA as a recon Vehicle and not a Tank and therefore not end up having said vehicle in Moscow against T28s.

It could work, if it was better, but it aint.

And still the core fundamental of game should be centered around History since it’s a WW2 Game, why the hell is anything even around here if you don’t want to play it historically as appropriate as possible?

If you don’t care about this as the core value in this game, you should go play Fortnite with the other kids.
Leave Enlisted for the History interesed gamers, as a Squad based FPS in historical settings in Campaigns with their own separate Squads, Weapons and Vehicles, that was what Enlisted was all about and why came to this game at all.
Having spent so much time and money and enjoyed it, I aint gonna sit idly by and don’t voice my opinion on were I’d like to see what direction this game should go, and what it definetely shouldn’t!

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Which were bot games because campaigns were boring and awfully imbalanced in terms of gear and therefore players.

So campaign system is pointless.
I guess it makes a lot of sense to have one united tech tree like six war years where everyone would just play late war to get the best guns as fast as possible again… and then keep spamming PPShs and M2 as before. Or make it even impossible to start with post 1941 campaigns to balance that out which would still defeat the purpose.

Like the old system did.
Otherwise, it would be new to me that the Mkb was in Moscow or the Panzer IV F2 or the Fedorov in Berlin 1945 despite all sources stating that the few ones were destroyed in Finland.

Ja. Never forget Soviet WW1 weapons in Berlin 1945, never forget an German assault rifle in 1941 Moscow that was issued in 1943 with vague claims in Leningrad 1942. Never forget the M2 Carbine that was never issued in Normandy or outphased M1 Bazookas. Never forget Ofenrohr somehow being in Africa 1943. Never forget ZH-41 being everywhere despite being a super-rare weapon that was mostly used by Chinese warlords and at best by the SS. Never forget half of the Japanese arsenal that was either proto and/ or stuff that never left the main isles, let alone that they were mostly made in 1944-45 and probably not during Guadalcanal.
Und so weiter und so weiter…
Thats historical.

Never forget that the Germans somehow have tanks on beaches, let alone most of their planes in Normandy or even Berlin 1945. Never forget A13, which was scrapped by Tunisia. Never forget Jumbo which never went into Normandy. Never forget the infamous time-travel Panzer IV F-2 in Moscow 1941. Never forget the Semo being in Africa despite being a modification from mid-1943. Never forget the 1941 proto Jap AA tank.
Und so weiter und so weiter…
Thats historical.

I still dont know what people mean with this meme term but if this means Germans kicking commie ass in 1945 Berlin with total air domination, masses of bombers and mass issue paratrooper weapons, there might be some funny kink going on here.

The last old time I checked Moscow it was people spamming T-34s and F-2 together with WW1 zombie weapon, PPSh against time-travel Mkbs and Hungarian SMGs that somehow found their way to Moscow.
We could feel the bolts and T-26 because they were in our heads.

Cut off the Panzer J and you get old Moscow unless you are in denial about how imbalanced the old system was.
And also, Drum PPD is BR IV so it can’t go to Moscow now excluding the 5% bug chance. And even then, you want historical accuracy ehm immersion, so the PPD34 Drum should be of no concern for your kinky immersion fetish.

Yeah. Lets face people KV-1 with Panzer IIs and Tigers with T-34 76s because that will make a lot of fun. Great idea. Not like this was tried out in old system and it didn’t really work out in terms of popularity.

I dont know. There is Dino D-Day which is a WW-2 shooter and the Wolfenstein games partly also play in WW2 and are labeled/ described as such.
And I still find them more believable than letting Volkssturm-plebs mass-using paratrooper weapons.

You mean those braindead bots that can barely move forward without getting stuck?

Well. Mostly people are tired of the constant botfarms in Tunisia despite facing Nazis in totally historically accurate ehm sorry immersive weapons including weapons they didn’t even produce at that time.

Greatest joke I ever heard.
Historical accuracy people have double standards.
Fedorov that seen literally no use in WW2 after the Winter war was never criticised. MKb42 was a real hysteria though.
Pz III B and E that were no longer in use by Operation Typhoon wasn’t a problem but Panzer IV F2 “ruined” Moscow.
AS-44 a never used one of a kind prototype is fine but Tiger I tank that actually existed during the battle of Stalingrad is “not historical”.

When I ask for historical accuracy, I mainly ask for realistic gun play, better AI that can coordinate real battle tactics, immersive gun sounds. You know something realistic, cause people pick their gear so they have the right to equip Mp3008 in Moscow, because this is a game.
But I guess fake history fans aren’t bothered by joke dispersion this game has, but a gun appearing 1 day before the holy onlydegeneratescare document’s forged date is heresy.


How many more weeks are you going to fill threads with this?

It seems nearly impossible but you jump into threads every day and rage about… everything.

Maybe time to take a break?

Exactly. Moscow was the last campaign I grinded before the merge and it was a ton of high BR stuff in nearly every match. Federov, Kiraly, Mkb, VMP. It was pretty sweaty.

The Moscow people longed for from early Enlisted is closer to reality now in many ways.

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Meh whatever. Cönders wasnt even operational lol

The Soviets and the allies can’t live without their double standards otherwise what else are they supposed to complain about


No real double standard. By late war, Germany should have basically no planes, no paratroopers and - to a significant degree - be volksturm squads. Instead we have full power and capability everywhere including Tiger II’s rolling out with no limit.

If we didn’t have that you wouldn’t have any enemies to fight but the Soviets and the allies with their debatable stuff should not be a thing because when you bring Clan battles into it they can abuse these other mechanics


Allies “debatable” stuff is not that crazy and fair enough to account for the late war inaccuracy I describe. Late war Germany was broken, yet in late war Enlisted, Germany is a monster.

I don’t know why you bring clans up. Just another thing that causes you to automatically desert as you won’t get a guaranteed win I guess.