Making Enlisted a Better Place №55

Perfect example. More people should be aware of this.


Gosh, not all, ok, I don’t have all the precise knowledge to check every detail, I just have a general knowledge of an average WW2 history fan, but before the merge there was at least some care about it the historical correctness which personally was enough for me to give me historical immersion, now there is none, just chaos.


I got used to it in Moscow and learned to not trust the wood, but since I saw a 75 mm HE explode on enemy’s chest doing nothing, I get angry every time that happens and keep trying to remind the devs to finally fix it. I don’t want to die from a Panzerfaust that the enemy will shoot at me after I shoot him directly with a cannon.


What have you done to my British paras on Br4 they get M9 Bazookas, it not even what the Brit paras used, please don’t mix nations armaments…

I believe there are blur calculation models that would give a result resembling reality close enough. Maybe Maximum Blur or Minimum Blur combined with Lens Blur… I experimented a little - Maximum Blur widens the inner circle(and I put some Field Blur on top of it afterwards):

I have a lot of them in my painting software:

and I think the game only uses a standard Field Blur. Would be nice if they tried upgrading their blur codes in the future.


good Idea but actually it’s not too much blur

please devs please just make the grenade launchers work again

See you drove all the way up to there front door, and no one shot at you :stuck_out_tongue:

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While we’re in the topic of soldier customization issues, is there anyway to correct the deletion glitch on this? I have had to purchase the same uniforms for the same soldiers twice now, once after the merge my uniforms got wiped and once after the Ardennes map was added. Can this be corrected and can I get my uniforms back free of charge?


Can BR3 get it’s own queue yet? It’s either seal club BR1/2’s or be seal club’d by BR4/5’s.

The post merge meta is playing either BR2 or BR5, or being risky with a BR3 loadout and desert soon as you realize it’s a BR3-4-5 match.

A map selection mode would also go a long way, it’s just boring Stalingrad and Berlin matches 95% of the time with the rare Tunisia or Normandy match, Moscow is nearly abandoned at this point.


Pfff Kinda hyperbolic.
F2 is fine in Moscow but not J in SG.
Outdated WW1 zombie weapons are fine in 1945 but not VS stuff in Moscow because “ImMeRsIoN”.

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Investigational product M20 born at 1944


I only just noticed this today after getting nothing but normandy and addrennes…

Oh how i miss targetting moscow and tunisia

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OR Just scrap BR system and replace with the Campaign system with their own respective vehicles and weapons.
You know just a thought.

BR is flawed unbalanced and has to be adjusted back and forth depending on how many noobs using a weapon and how wrong they use it and ALSO while completely unhistorical and matching vehicles on wrong set of preferences. So like Volksturm Weapons which should be Late War and stuff like Puma being a Recon Car but gets matched by stats of Tanks, a role it’s not intended for.
Or take Russians not being able to use early War Rifles and Drum Mag SMGs because your perceived ‘‘Rating’’.
Sytem is shit and should be sent out the window and have nothing todo in this Game.
Only way for this system would be if Campaigns were separate and withing each campaing queues try to match in gear strength within that Campaign firstmost. But that is increasing the queue and wait time, and you want less queues and faster.

Bring back Campaign and year of service for each Weapon & Vehicle that goes with each of them.
that way we can have our immersion, games are more fun and varied and balance doesn’t exist anyway.
tried playing the game lately?
1 side stacked players and many matches are either steamroll or boring and stale.
Completely unbalanced anyway since only thing that actually could bring balance is Player Ranked.

Each Campaign with it’s own Weapons and Vehicles that were there and available for that time and Battle. Battle Rating of Weapon & Vehicle on top of that trying to match even AND Player Rank on top of that!
That would be the ideal matching.
Firstmost what campaign and what weapon & vehicles available, then What weapons & vehicles the Player brings and then how how ranked a player is.
That is what matching should strive for.
Now your Game is sacrificing History and Immersion to try and bring Queues down with this crap BR system without taking into account Player skill, meaning you sacrificed 2/3 of the prefered matching, in end a shit system.
Because firt and foremost for balance, a skilled Player with a Kar98k is still better and I’d rather have on Team than a Noob with StG 44

Strive to get game back on track with Historical Immersion and rethink your way of matching Players, because current is just a cesspool of shit


i get 3 or 4 apc’s lined up at an objective. just because i want to use the squad. i really hope they add feature to deploy without truck.

There is no way it will stay like this forever. Imagine explaining this to the post-merge new players who have no idea that split campaigns with different soldier face pools even existed before


Cost of customisation (for headgear) is a VERY welcome change.

Dispite the same hasn’t been applied to other customisation considering the fact you have to pay for the same items across all different campaigns AGAIN and AGAIN is an absolute pisstake.

Speak for yourself. Some of us are very happy with the merge.

You guys are like liberals. A minority but still a minority with a loud, albeit irritating voice.

It’s useless. The production team discriminates against Italians or has biases against them. As can be seen from the previous Tunisian campaign, according to the development team’s approach to the game, Italy should have added more weapons, vehicles, and even military uniforms, but it hasn’t. Even if you want more Italian squads, you can only spend money, and the intensity is not high. There are so many activity squads in the game, but Italians only have one team, and apart from the flamethrower, there is no unique feature. OG43? I would rather have the Beretta M38 equipped with a bayonet holder

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No we are not. The majority of players came here for a WW2 FPS, not Fortnite.
And especially true since most came form WT and was allured by getting to play Infantry in WT and in Historical Campaigns with its distinct style and with their own weapons & vehicles.
That was what the game was about.
Those who wanted the merge don’t have a clue, and neither did the devs who hijacked and ruined the core gameplay of campaigns. All because of some perceived idea it would raise the player pop in queues.
Game should be centered on History and design updates that further that sense not ruin it