Making Enlisted a Better Place №55

M20 wasnt developed until after the war

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I am gonna be honest, these changes plain and simply suck in all regards apart from old Japanese and American event paras.

The sheer stupidity of giving BR2 weapons into “BR3” loadout is just amazing, not to mention once again insane disparity between event paras and premium paras.

Event paras used to have RD-44 and Panzerfaust 60. Now they have, even at BR3 mind you because the box actually doesnt change its just either “BR3” (lmao nice joke) or BR5, a FRIKKING PTRS-41 AND MADSEN! Both BR2 weapons, neither of those really good to begin with at their own respective BR, but the moment you get to BR3 you can meet up to BR5… with PTRS and Madsen in hands. I truly applaud sheer incompetence behind those changes.

To put it into perspective:

RD-44 → Madsen
Panzerfaust 60 → PTRS 41

Both options are great if you are truly playing BR2 match. If you are not? Squad is absolutely useless apart from having express delivery onto objective.

Premium paras however went from

DT-29 → DP-27
Panzerfaust 100 → Panzerfaust 60 (someone correct me if they had 60 even before)

… at BR3 box. Pay to win much Darkflow? So you will keep pulling out very good MG at low BR´s and “lmao you gone” button against any tank Soviets can meet at BR 1-3 (and arguably even BR4 with BR5 requiring bit of flanking to kill KT).

Lets also not forget that you effectively cannot play BR4 with those paras anymore either because guess what? They will keep pulling out that crap from crates unless you go full BR5. Unless they P2W version ofc, those get gucci stuff as usual.

And also lets not forget about absurdly SORRY STATE of US Paras where for some bloody reasons even BR5 are still using M1 Bazooka with useless rockets and pennetration of 60mm! 60mm! Do you know how much has Tiger in its weakest spot? 62mm next to tracks (so you cant even hit it there due to awful rocket hitboxes) or 82mm at its sides and back. OR you can literally climp atop of it and shoot its engine deck which you can penetrate… from half a meter. Why have you picked up that AT Trooper option in the box again? Ah yes, fighting tanks in non-suicidal way at range, right…

To give a summary, this was once again half assed shot at fixing glaring issues where you literally have written all over the place “WE DONT PLAY OUR OWN GAME”.

US Paras need fixing and they need it since their introduction into shop. Germany Event Paras with FG42 need equal gear like the premium ones have. Italian paras need to go down in BR, like right now. And have their SMG´s given 40 rounders atleast. Soviet Paras need equal gear like premium ones have. BR based crates need to have BR loadout for EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF BR LEVELS. This half assed “Its either BR3 with BR2 weapons or BR5” wannabe solution is only harming the squad and in turn game. But hey if you want to have your game obtain “P2W” label, you are on a good way i guess.


This is cool and all but

  • BR 4 5 removed from Stalingrad?
  • “Soft rule” to go to Tunisia when you have Crusader and to Pacific when you have Seagull?
  • BR 3 now only fights in BR 2-3 and 3-4 matches?
  • Join Any Team XP bonus? Or at least hard lock BR without up/down tiers if I agree to play “any”?
  • 1944 Pz IV J from BR 3 removed from Stalingrad and Tunisia? Soft Rule?
  • Moroccan boys don’t use bathrobes in Normandy and SAS aren’t in shorts?
  • Adaptive camo for tanks? Whitewash for winter and dark yellow for Tunisia?
  • Puma was produced from late 1943 – unlink it somehow from Stalingrad and Tunisia? Or buff it and put on BR4?

Make Enlisted WW2 again!


Still can’t equip a 4X Scope on the USSR M91/30 sniper rifle, I just want to clap spawn snipers easier :joy:

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Just remember this game is built on he shoulders of those who are now straying and chaos, but did their best…
mostly… even though it didn’t work as well as might have been hoped! :joy:

At least with each update they are making progress. At the same time, though, they also regress…LOL
To be honest, it is easy to imagine that the development team is swallowed up in chaos, with bugs that were fixed last time coming back in last night’s patch.
But that’s why I want to thank them for not throwing in the towel, dealing with the forum rants, and still continuing to work.
And I want to thank them for keeping my beloved game alive.
In fact, they have tremendous patience, you know. LOL
They deserve respect.

Are you sure about that?



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cause i seen no progress, only a more and more doubling down on a bad choice that hurt the game.

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Good - USSR paras are no longer able to bring BR 5 weapons to BR2.

You should have given the same box update to this squad. Low tier Germany needs paras. Everyone else has them.

This is pointless. The core appearance system needs to change - the multiple map appearance change and the cost of outfitting soldiers is waaay too high. Just make it a permanent skin system. Increase the cost of individual pieces of cosmetics but make them permanent unlocks. Everyone understands how they work and it’s the much easier solution than re pricing 100s of cosmetics.

I would never ever buy a cosmetic for one soldier that I might replace later. I would definitely buy a skin that I can re use as I have in many games.


This is what happens when they use their skewed version of comparison called Battle Rating.
They don’t take into account year of service (so historical immersion gone) and they don’t facor in WHAT they are comparing. In this case it’s a Recon Car and should NOT be compared vs Tanks.
Ofc It sucks compared to a tank proper, but to compare and base BR as if were same category vehicle is retarded, they meant for different roles, It’s a light fast and agile vehicle meant for flanking, harassing and scouting and should be used as such and RATED as such. BR V Is what should be slapped on it, since this conflict is about ww2 and this particular vehicle was the top of the line around then regarding armored cars, and so should be highest BR.

If the Devs took into account year of service and type of vehicle Weapon etc in regards of their idiotic Battle Rating then maybe.
But still a system with Early, Mid and Late War tech Rating is much more preferably and just sort the maps thereafter and group them like that


worry not about P2W, it never was! its pay to progress faster, mate!

standard answer you will get here from blind fans, helpers, mods, devs, etc.

meanwhile, you can get an armored and armed APC carrier if you pay some sweet dollah, while the f2p version is a wooden truck. yes, a truck. protected with wood on the sides. wood. steel armored and machine gun equipped, versus wood. let that sink in.

no need to talk about the 100 round thompson paratroopers, tho. we dont talk about those here.

OMG, if they really want to release the game on steam, the welcoming party will be one for the ages.


The merge has so many of consequences like that it’s just sad. With separate campaigns, the camos, the uniforms, the vehicles, the weapons all made sense in their location and really brought immersion to each campaign. Now we got just a massive clusterf***, so to say. I also wish we could get the old Enlisted back.


Nah, this is what happens if you repurpose reconnaissance vehicle into basically MBT of low BRs.
Puma has basically playstyle similar to Leopard now.

Hey ChristIsKing,
The Enlisted game engine is incapable of resembling human eyes.

so the only way is make ring bigger than normal one.


did the rallypoint on apc count as rallypoint in quest ? if not add this pls
By the way anonyone know how i can play with iar81c without is proper squad but the other one who can
equip it (sorry ofr my english)

Sadly it does not.

Devs have already said that this is currently not possible. We have already proposed it.


0:55 killdozer?

Never forget the sense of the Mkb in SG or the outdated A13 in Tunisia or the Jumbo in Normandy.

And camo… oh boy the camo. SS Camo in Moscow never gets old.

really? read again, that’s what I mean.
And what to take from it? they should treat weapons and vehicles to their own category and year of service when putting that BR on them

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HE not dealing any damage IF hitting certain surfaces and obstacles had been a bug for so long, that many of us started believing it was a feature,

me included … glad someone had the brain capacity to finally speak about this.